Cancer Treatment under CGHS/CS(MA) Rules, 1944 – 27 hospitals
recognized by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Cancer Treatment under CGHS/CS(MA) Rules, 1944 – 27 hospitals
recognized by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
G.I., Health Ministry, O.M.No. 1-1/13/Hospital
Cell/R&H/CGHS (Pt.l)/CGHS (P), dated 23.2.2015
Subject:- Cancer Treatment under CGHS/CS(MA) Rules, 1944
With reference to the above mentioned subject the undersigned is
directed to draw attention to the Office Memorandum of even number dated 2nd
September, 2008 and to state that in view of empanelment of several Cancer
hospitals under CGHS the matter was re-examined, and it has now been decided
to modify the Office Memorandum as follows:
7th Central Pay Commission may withdraw Pay Band and Grade Pay System
The delegates of All India Audit
& Accounts Association has met the 7th Central Pay Commission on
27-3-2015 to tender its Oral evidence. The Pay Commission stated its
intention to do away with pay band/grade pay system. The outcome of the
meeting has been uploaded in its official blog of All India Audit &
Accounts Association. The same is reproduced and given below for your
![]() |
Aadhaar based Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan) – CPAO Orders
NEW DELHI – 110006
CPAO/Tech/Jeevan Pramaan/2014-15/218-259
Office Memorandum
Subject: Aadhaar based Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan).
The Hon’ble Prime Minister has
launched “Jeevan Aadhaar’ Aadhaar based biometric verification system for
pensioner). To make its implementation successful Department of Finance
Services has constituted a sub-group comprising of Bank’s Association (IBA),
State Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, Bank of Baroda and Canara Bank.
Accordingly, RBI,IBA and Department of Financial Service have issued
necessary guidelines/instructions to all banks for their convenience. To
implement jeevan pramaan it is necessary on the part of banks to seed the
Aadhaar number with Pension Payment Order and bank account number. To
complete this task, all banks have to take special drive to collect the
Aadhaar number of pensioners and make it a part of their master data.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
1)Cancer Treatment under CGHS/CS(MA) Rules, 1944 – 27 hospitals recognized by the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare 2)7th Central Pay Commission may withdraw Pay Band and Grade Pay System 3)Aadhaar based Digital Life Certificate (Jeevan Pramaan) – CPAO Orders
8:43 PM

Recruitment Rules for the posts of (i) Manager and (ii) Senior Manager (iii) Senior Manager (NFSG) in Mail Motor Service, D/o Posts
8:29 PM

Monday, March 30, 2015
Transfer and Placement Commitee in the Department of Posts for recommending transfer /posting of teh officers/officials of Department-reg.
8:18 PM

What central government employees can expect from the 7th Pay Commission
8:01 PM

Dear colleagues,
Our Federation receiving calls from Circle/ Divisional/Branch secretaries on submission of Membership forms on 30th April 2015. In this connection we want give following information to you.
There are 2 issues before us.
1)Inclusion of New Members to our union in the month of April every year.
2)Verification of Membership 2015.
Both are different issues.
1 is regular process to include new Member or other union member (only) to our union every year.
2 isVerification of membership every 5 year for which we have to obtain signatures from all Members irrespective of old & new.
For no 1 you can use old forms.
For no 2 new form will be issued by the Dte in the month of April 2015
1:22 PM

What central government employees can expect from the 7th Pay Commission
odd, but the highest paid Indian bureaucrat till 1959 was the railway
board chairman and not the cabinet secretary. The top rail bureaucrat,
who was earlier called chief commissioner of railways, drew a basic
salary of Rs 3,250 per month, a smart 8.3% more than that of the
cabinet secretary, the senior-most bureaucrat in India. But as the
fortunes of Indian Railways dwindled over the years — its market share
in freight movement has shrunk from 90% in 1950 to 30% now — the clout
of the rail bosses and their corresponding rank and pay have also
Today, the railway board chairman and eight other top rail babus receive a salary equivalent to a government of India secretary, a scale which as many as 230 Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and 40 Indian Police Service (IPS) officers also draw. For good measure, the cabinet secretary now not only draws a higher salary than the railway board chairman, his superior rank comes with betterperks including a bungalow at Prithviraj Road located in the heart of Lutyens' Delhi.
Meanwhile, the Indian Revenue Service (IRS), a 5,541 officers-strong cadre responsible for collecting direct taxes in India, now claims that IRS should get better pay and perks than IAS. The entry-level salary for all Group A Central services is the same now, but thanks to two more increments and faster promotions, IAS maintains an edge over others. The basis for this claim? "Today, IRS — not IAS — is the revenue collector for the government. So, it's logical that the edge given to IAS should be given to us," says Jayant Misra, Income-Tax commissioner and general secretary of IRS Association. In a 58-page-long memorandum to the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC), which is now examining a pay like for Central government employees, the IRS Association argued that the primary reason for higher pay to the Indian Civil Service (ICS) of the British era and its successor service, IAS, was that they were revenue collectors. But now, the dynamics have changed, they claim.
Today, the railway board chairman and eight other top rail babus receive a salary equivalent to a government of India secretary, a scale which as many as 230 Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and 40 Indian Police Service (IPS) officers also draw. For good measure, the cabinet secretary now not only draws a higher salary than the railway board chairman, his superior rank comes with betterperks including a bungalow at Prithviraj Road located in the heart of Lutyens' Delhi.
Meanwhile, the Indian Revenue Service (IRS), a 5,541 officers-strong cadre responsible for collecting direct taxes in India, now claims that IRS should get better pay and perks than IAS. The entry-level salary for all Group A Central services is the same now, but thanks to two more increments and faster promotions, IAS maintains an edge over others. The basis for this claim? "Today, IRS — not IAS — is the revenue collector for the government. So, it's logical that the edge given to IAS should be given to us," says Jayant Misra, Income-Tax commissioner and general secretary of IRS Association. In a 58-page-long memorandum to the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC), which is now examining a pay like for Central government employees, the IRS Association argued that the primary reason for higher pay to the Indian Civil Service (ICS) of the British era and its successor service, IAS, was that they were revenue collectors. But now, the dynamics have changed, they claim.
has argued that the net direct tax collection has grown 9.35 times
between 2000-01 and 2013-14, an impressive piece of statistics in the
backdrop of only 5.4 times expansion of GDP during the corresponding
period. Also, the cost of revenue collection in India is one of the
lowest in the world, which according to IRS officers is yet another
reason for demanding a good deal from the CPC. For every Rs 100 they
collect, the tax department spends merely 57 paisa. In percentage
terms, the cost of revenue collection in India is 0.57% as against
1.58% in Japan, 1.35% in France, 1.17% in Canada and 1.05% in
Welcome to the behind-the-scenes manoeuvring before the Big Sarkari Pay Hike. With a new pay scale for 36 lakh Central government employees, and also pensioners, likely to come into effect from January 1, 2016, the officers and non-gazetted staff of various services have been lobbying hard to get a good deal from the 7th CPC. Unlike in the private sector, the pay hike in government is a once-in-10-years-affair, making every CPC, right from the first that submitted its report in 1947,a hugely powerful agency. No doubt, government employees have to undergo an annual appraisal process called Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR), but that exercise is important only for promotion, and not for any pay hike. Government employees do get a regular hike in dearness allowance, a measure meant for offsetting inflationary pressure on their earnings, but at the end of the day it is the CPC that fixes the bureaucrats' pay for 10 long years.
That's precisely why officers and staff of every service can't afford to ignore the CPC. Constituted in February 2014 under the chairmanship of retired Supreme Court judge Ashok Kumar Mathur, the 7th CPC has an economist and two bureaucrats as its members. Most of the employees' associations have already had at least one round of talks with the Commission. And some are waiting for Round II.
The Ripple Effects
A cursory glance at the memorandum submitted by IPS Central Association on behalf of Indian Police Service (IPS) will throw light on the importance attached to a pay commission. The 137-page memorandum, a copy of which was reviewed by ET Magazine, is well designed and comparable to any standard report prepared by a global consultancy firm. PV Rama Sastry, an Inspector General of Police at National Investigation Agency (NIA) and secretary of IPS Central Association says the memorandum is the result of intense in-house research, factoring in the macro environment of growth, development, equity and justice vis-a-vis the role of a police officer. Though Sastry is the spokesperson of 4,720 IPS officers, the memorandum prepared by his team encompasses the role and needs of 30 lakh police personnel across India out of which 10 lakh come under the gamut of the pay commission. As the CPC recommendations are often accepted by the state governments as well, the remaining 20 lakh police personnel too may eventually benefit.
The IPS memorandum has quoted a number of reports to suggest that the tough life of a cop justifies the demand for a fatter hike. For example, it has quoted articles published in two journals — Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health and International Journal of Pharma and Bio-Sciences — to conclude that one of two cops in India suffers from sleep disturbances and anxiety whereas chances of cardiovascular problems increase by 38% after a person joins as a police officer. Among other demands (see What it Expects), IPS wants better life and health insurance cover, an overtime allowance and also a new perk called allowance for "un-social" hours (for duty between 8 pm and 6 am).
Welcome to the behind-the-scenes manoeuvring before the Big Sarkari Pay Hike. With a new pay scale for 36 lakh Central government employees, and also pensioners, likely to come into effect from January 1, 2016, the officers and non-gazetted staff of various services have been lobbying hard to get a good deal from the 7th CPC. Unlike in the private sector, the pay hike in government is a once-in-10-years-affair, making every CPC, right from the first that submitted its report in 1947,a hugely powerful agency. No doubt, government employees have to undergo an annual appraisal process called Annual Performance Appraisal Report (APAR), but that exercise is important only for promotion, and not for any pay hike. Government employees do get a regular hike in dearness allowance, a measure meant for offsetting inflationary pressure on their earnings, but at the end of the day it is the CPC that fixes the bureaucrats' pay for 10 long years.
That's precisely why officers and staff of every service can't afford to ignore the CPC. Constituted in February 2014 under the chairmanship of retired Supreme Court judge Ashok Kumar Mathur, the 7th CPC has an economist and two bureaucrats as its members. Most of the employees' associations have already had at least one round of talks with the Commission. And some are waiting for Round II.
The Ripple Effects
A cursory glance at the memorandum submitted by IPS Central Association on behalf of Indian Police Service (IPS) will throw light on the importance attached to a pay commission. The 137-page memorandum, a copy of which was reviewed by ET Magazine, is well designed and comparable to any standard report prepared by a global consultancy firm. PV Rama Sastry, an Inspector General of Police at National Investigation Agency (NIA) and secretary of IPS Central Association says the memorandum is the result of intense in-house research, factoring in the macro environment of growth, development, equity and justice vis-a-vis the role of a police officer. Though Sastry is the spokesperson of 4,720 IPS officers, the memorandum prepared by his team encompasses the role and needs of 30 lakh police personnel across India out of which 10 lakh come under the gamut of the pay commission. As the CPC recommendations are often accepted by the state governments as well, the remaining 20 lakh police personnel too may eventually benefit.
The IPS memorandum has quoted a number of reports to suggest that the tough life of a cop justifies the demand for a fatter hike. For example, it has quoted articles published in two journals — Global Journal of Medicine and Public Health and International Journal of Pharma and Bio-Sciences — to conclude that one of two cops in India suffers from sleep disturbances and anxiety whereas chances of cardiovascular problems increase by 38% after a person joins as a police officer. Among other demands (see What it Expects), IPS wants better life and health insurance cover, an overtime allowance and also a new perk called allowance for "un-social" hours (for duty between 8 pm and 6 am).
Railway officers too cite round-the-clock work demands as a reason for better salary. "A railway officer may be called to join duty any time during the night. The pressure always remains as it's a 24x7 work," says RR Prasad, an Indian Railway Personnel Service officer and secretary general of Federation of Railways Officers' Association. The Indian Railways is a gigantic organisation with over 13 lakh employees, 16,000 of whom are officers. Both the officers and staff associations have made their representations to the 7th CPC. The officers want non-gazetted staff to get their dues but they demand the proportion of the pay
of the lowest and the highestpaid employee should increase from current 1:12 to 1:18.
To be sure, a formula towards pay parity has been the hallmark of the last few pay commissions. A government entry-level peon now gets a monthly pay of Rs 14,000, if dearness allowance is factored in. Similarly, a mid-level government driver's monthly salary, including allowances, is Rs 30,000, at least two times that of his counterpart in a private sector company. And that's why the salary gap between the lowest and highest paid government servant has drastically decreased over the last three decades.
The pay commissions have also reduced the disparity among the officers of various services. Till the late 1980s, an IAS officer used to receive a salary that's 25% higher than that of a Group A service officer. Today, the pay for all officers, at least at the entry level, is same. But IAS and Indian Foreign Service (IFS) officers still maintain an edge over others as their empanelment process (a step to get higher posts) is much faster.
Balancing Act
An IPS officer can become a joint secretary to government of India only two years after an IAS of the same batch can reach that level. Similarly, there has been a nine-yearlong gap in joint secretary empanelment between IAS and IRS, something many services claim is a continuation of the British legacy. Today, IAS officers at the level of deputy secretary and director at the Centre constitute about only 13% of the total officers. But as the hierarchy goes up, the percentage of IAS vis-a-vis others also rises. For example, 75% joint secretaries to government of India belong to IAS and IFS, and the percentage of IAS and IFS goes further up to 95 in case of government of India secretaries.
"The edge that the IAS has must continue. Why will a person join the IAS after quitting a job in HSBC Bank if that edge is missing? IAS officers have work experiences at Tehsil, sub-divisions, district, state and Central government levels. We interact with the political executives at all levels. IAS should remain a premium service," says Sanjay R Bhoosreddy, a joint-secretary-ranked officer and secretary to IAS (Central) Association.
On its part, the Indian Economic Service (IES) which has a cadre strength of 511 officers, represented in 55 Central government departments, has demanded parity in pay, perks and promotions of all services, including IAS, so that the "officers deliver what they have been employed for rather than fret over their pay and promotion prospects".
The question is how far the 7th CPC will go in changing the pay and associated service conditions like empanelment and promotions. IAS officers have pulled out a 1991 Supreme Court judgement (Mohan Kumar Singhania and Others vs Union of India and Others) where it was said that other services should not approach the pay commissions and attempt to change the rules of career progressions and push for a case for parity with the premier service. But other services are continuing their demand for pay parity and also for the creation of more departments where the IAS can't dictate. At present, only three major ministries — railways, external affairs and post — are not headed by IAS but run by their own cadres. Now, IPS wants a new department of internal security headed by a cop and IRS wants a separate direct tax department headed by a taxman.
Will the 7th CPC venture into such nuances? Or will it, like the past few pay commissions have, adopt a simple formula of Multiplier 3 under which the basic salary is hiked by three times or more depending on the economic health of the nation. If that is the case, it won't be too hazardous to make a prediction: A secretary to government of India will get a basic monthly salary (excluding DA) of Rs 2.4 lakh (current basic salary multiplied by three) and the cabinet secretary Rs 2.7 lakh from January 1, 2016. And, yes, perks, DA and other allowances will be extra.
Source :
1:17 PM

Should you buy Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana?
By Prashant Mahesh
The launch of Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) by the government for the girl child has sparked considerable interest given its tax benefit and interest rate higher than Public Provident Fund. The SSY offers 75 basis points (bps) higher than the 10-year government bond as against 25 bps by the PPF. For 2014-15, the interest rate for PPF is 8.7% while the SSY offers 9.1%.
The launch of Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana (SSY) by the government for the girl child has sparked considerable interest given its tax benefit and interest rate higher than Public Provident Fund. The SSY offers 75 basis points (bps) higher than the 10-year government bond as against 25 bps by the PPF. For 2014-15, the interest rate for PPF is 8.7% while the SSY offers 9.1%.
But, wealth planners
believe subscribers should put money in this product along with an
investment in equity products. This is because interest rates could fall in the future. Given that the investors are investing for a period of 10 years or more, a combination of equitymutual funds and SSY will generate better returns.
"Depending on their risk
profile, investors could use SSY along with a combination of equity
mutual funds/child funds to meet long-term asset allocation goals for their girl child," saysVishal Dhawan, chief financial planner at Plan Ahead Wealth Advisors.
Source:-The Economic Times
1:14 PM

Sunday, March 29, 2015
26th March , 2015
All Office Bearers of both the Federations.
All General Secretaries
Circle/Divisional and Branch Secretaries.
Dear Comrades,
As decided earlier PJCA meeting was held at NFPE office, 1st
Floor North Avenue Post Office Building New Delhi-110 001 on 24.03.2015. at 2
P.M The meeting was Presided over by Shri. D.Theagarajan, Chairman, PJCA and
Secretary General FNPO.
The meeting attended by both Secretary Generals
and General Secretaries of both the Federations.
Before commencement of meeting homage was paid
to Com. S.K. Vyas, a Veteran & legendry leader of Central Government
Employees & Pensioners Trade Union Movement by observing one minute
In the meeting Com. R.N. Parashar, Secretary
PJCA and Secretary General NFPE presented the position of action and
development on the 40 points Strike Charter of demands after PJCA meeting with
Secretary (P) on 05.02.2015.
All General Secretaries presented their views
and after a detailed discussion, the following decisions were taken:
Disagreement was recorded on items No. 1,2,11,12,13,14,15,16,21, 25,27, 30,
31,33,34, 35,36,37, and 40 of PJCA Strike Charter of demand as the progress is
not being noticed on all these items. Secretary (P) will be addressed to settle
these issues as per the assurance given in meeting on 05.02.2015.
Due to some unavoidable circumstances the date of Dharna in front of Dak
Bhawan, New Delhi by All India leaders of both Federations is rescheduled as 29th
April-2015 instead of 15th April.
Notice for Indefinite Strike to be organized from 06th May 2015 will
be served to the Secretary, Department of Posts, New Delhi on 06th
April-2015. All Circle /Divisional and Branch Secretaries will also submit
Strike Notice at all levels by organizing demonstrations in front of all
important offices.
Campaign programme by All India Leaders of both the Federations affiliated
unions has been finalized and it will be completed between 05th April to 15th
April, 2015 to mobilize entire rank and file. All concerned will fix the
dates in consultation with Circle leadership and conduct the programme to
mobilize maximum employees to participate in Parliament March to be
conducted on 28th April 2015 under banner of National Council
JCM and to make them ready for the Indefinite strike from 06th
May 2015 onwards . (Campaign programme is enclosed)
5. Next Meeting
of PJCA will be held on 29th April, 2015 on the day of Dharna by All
India leaders in front of Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
1, Meeting of
NFPE leaders with 7th Central Pay Commission was held on 25th
March, 2015 at Pay Commissions Office at Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhawan Qutub
Institutional Area, New Delhi. Secretary General NFPE and all General
Secretaries participated in the meeting and presented the issues very nicely
submitted in the memorandums. Chairman and members appeared courteous and
co-operative with positive attitude.
GDS issues were also discussed by Secretary General NFPE and Com. P. Panduranga
Rao General Secretary, GDS (NFPE) and Memorandum on GDS issue was also
presented again to Chairman 7th CPC by General Secretary GDS (NFPE) .
Chairman assured all possible help to this most exploited and deprived section
of Postal Workers within his capacity.
2. Meeting of
FNPO leaders was also held with 7th CPC on 26th March
2015 at CPC office at New Delhi. Secretary General & all General
Secretaries presented the issues effectively and Pay Commission was also of
positive views on most of the items. FNPO & NUGDS also discussed
GDS related issues to Pay Commission and submitted memorandum.
Secretary General,
Secretary General NFPE
4:22 PM

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