Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Clarification regarding full and final settlement of bills/claims pertaining to LTC special cash package scheme

Clarification regarding full and final settlement of bills/claims pertaining to LTC special cash package scheme

Functioning of Training Institutions of Central / State Governments – Revised Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) – DOPT ORDER No.19011/1/2020-TFA – Dated 25.03.2021
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Training Division)
Old JNU Campus, New Delhi
Dated the 25th March, 2021
Sub : Functioning of Training Institutions of Central / State Governments – Revised Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) – reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Ministry of Home Affairs’ Order No.40-3/ 2020-DM-I(A) dated 27th January, 2021 vide which guidelines for containment of Covid-19 in the country were issued.
3. The Revised SOP (Annexure) supersedes this Department’s OM of even no. dated 3rd July, 2020 and shall be in force until further orders.
Encl: As above.
(D. Ramesh Babu)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Sub: Functioning of Training Institutions of Central / State Governments – Revised Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) – reg.
Ref: Guidelines for Surveillance, Containment and Caution as annexed to Ministry of Home Affairs’ Order dated 27.01.2021 and DoPT guidelines of even no. dated 3rd July, 2020.
DoP&T vide its guidelines dated 3rd July, 2020 had permitted functioning of Central and State Training Institutions. As all activities have now been allowed by MHA in terms of its guidelines dated 27th January, 2021, the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) dated 3rd July, 2020 has been reviewed and a Revised SOP has now been formulated. The Central and State Training Institutes shall maintain abundant caution and follow strictly the Revised SOP outlined below to avoid spread of Covid-19 during conducting classroom based training classes for trainee officers.
I. General Guidelines
- While conducting the classroom based training programmes, the Training Institutes shall take all necessary measures to observe Covid-19 compliant behavior and ensure wearing of face masks, hand hygiene and social distancing, as prescribed by Central and State / District Health authorities from time to time.
- All Class rooms, Staff Rooms, offices, hostels, Corridors, Lobbies, Common areas and washrooms etc. should be thoroughly cleaned / sanitized regularly as per procedure prescribed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
- With a view to ensure safety, on best effort basis, the Training Institutes should ensure that the Arogya Setu app is downloaded and installed by all trainees/ other staff and faculty having compatible phones.
- Training Institutes should notify Nodal Officers for COVID related administrative responsibilities and also constitute Committees with clear demarcation of roles especially for COVID related matters.
- All the trainees and personnel of the Training Institutes should be encouraged to proactively disclose their health status to the Institute medical authorities.
- All the required facilities for isolating / quarantining of symptomatic patients and for treating of staff/ faculty/ trainees with flu like symptoms may be ensured, in consultation with Health Departments.
- Entry of staff, employees, visitors, etc. in the Institute premises should be regulated by way of screening as per the prescribed protocols.
- Hand sanitizers should be made available at all entry / exit points, outside classrooms, buildings, cafeteria, washrooms and other prominent in the Institute
- Adequate care should be taken when people belonging to categories that may have a higher health risk participate in the training courses. Such people may include pregnant women; lactating mothers; people with prior medical conditions such as severe asthma or chronic lung disease; high BP; chronic kidney disease; serious heart condition; and any other medical condition that has a potential high risk in the COVID environment in the opinion of a medical expert; and any other category / symptom as notified from time to time.
II. Arrival of trainee officers in Training Institutes
- The Training Institutes should verify the health status of trainee officers on Arogya SetuApp upon their arrival in the Institute.
- On arrival in the Training Institute, the Institute will ensure compliance with the quarantine requirement as per the concerned State Government guidelines.
- Basic screening of trainees should be done on their arrival at the designated locations and only then be allowed to proceed to their allotted rooms in secured and sanitized hostels.
- Training programmes should be so staggered so that all trainees have sufficient space in the hostel and there is no overcrowding in the hostel or at common facilities.
- Special emphasis should be placed on frequent sanitization of common facilities/ rooms/ washrooms/ sports area/ restaurants etc.
- Movement of trainees within the campus should generally be restricted . Avoidable get togethers / group activities should be discouraged.
- Minimal number of trainees should be accommodated in the dormitories.
- Separate hostel room should be allotted to each trainee as far as possible. In no case, more than 2 trainees be accommodated in a single hostel room.
- In case, any trainee develops flu like symptoms or is tested positive for COVID 19, he / she should be immediately shifted to a separate quarantine facility / designated hospital in terms of the protocols issued by the local health authorities.
III. Classroom Sessions
- The trainees should attend the classrooms while maintaining social distancing, using face masks and observing safety measures as prescribed.
- Sufficient flow of fresh air / ventilation should be ensured in the lecture halls/ classrooms. Air Conditioners should be sanitized / cleaned as per prescribed guidelines.
- Time gaps may be provided between the training sessions so as to avoid continuous sittings in the same room.
- Reading materials and case studies etc. should be made available in advance to the trainees so as to shorten the classroom session time, wherever possible.
- Tea/ coffee and water etc. should be served in disposable cups/ glasses, as far as possible.
- Basic screening including temperature scan may be carried out on daily basis for all the officer Trainees attending classes. Trainees found to have temperature above the normal range (that could be because of any kind of flu) may self-isolate themselves till such time COVID 19 infection is ruled out.
- The trainees kept under quarantine should attend classes virtually from their room.
IV. Physical activities and Outdoors
- All the indoor facilities like gym, yoga, swimming pool etc. should be operated as per the directions of the Central / State Government.
- Social / cultural events or gathering or functions may be avoided as far as possible during the training period.
- Outstation visits may be undertaken only after assessing the COVID 19 situation at the place of travel / halts during journeys and travel related restrictions
V. Mess and Dining:
- Meal timings may be staggered appropriately with adequate intervals. A suitable time table may be disseminated to all concerned with a view to minimize the time spent in the mess/ dining hall with other trainee officers.
- Mess supervisors should ensure that all trainees and mess staff wash hands properly before entry into mess/ kitchen. Touch-free hand sanitizers may be installed outside the mess/ dining halls.
- Sufficient distance should be observed by all while inside the mess/ dining hall. Seating should be so organized that the trainees do not face each other while having their meals.
- Sharing of utensils-dishes, cups, soaps, towels etc. should be banned.
VI. General
- The officer trainees may be allowed to go out of the campus or stay outside the campus only with the prior approval of the Course Director or any other officer authorized by the Director of the Institute.
- Entry of visitors in the Hostel premises should not normally be permitted, except with the prior approval of authority specified by the Director of the Institute.
- Efforts may be made to make available all the essential items such as stationery, snacks, toiletries, eatables, tea/ coffee etc. within the campus.
- Immunity boosting products as recommended by the Medical Authorities and M/ o AYUSH should be encouraged for use.
- While using lifts, the relevant etiquettes for social distancing should be strictly followed.
In case a trainee tests positive, sanitization of the area/ Institution may be done as per protocols of Central and State / District Health authorities. - As far as possible the staff deputed for hostels / cafeteria / gym / training classes / administration should be provided accommodation to stay within the campus. Entry of outside staff should be restricted in areas · where trainee officers are accommodated / trained.
- The trainees should be encouraged to take up self-cleaning of their rooms / use washing machines / use Laundromats so as to avoid contacts with others.
- Decision on physical activities inside the campus may be taken by the Institution depending upon availability of sufficient space, based on the relevant guidelines issued by the concerned State Government / UT Administration.

Guidelines regarding administration of COVID vaccine to the CGHS beneficiaries OM dated 26.03.2021
Misc-12/CGHS/Gr. Cell/2021/DIR/CGHS
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 26 March 2021
Sub: Guidelines regarding administration of COVID vaccine to the CGHS beneficiaries-
The Department has been receiving various representations and grievances regarding administration of COVID vaccine to the CGHS beneficiaries. The matter has been examined and it has now been decided that:
1. As per the Government of India policy, the vaccination against COVID illness is being provided free of cost to the beneficiaries at the designated government facilities. The beneficiaries are required to pay Rs. 250/- per dose in the private hospitals only. As per the policy no reimbursement has been provisioned if a beneficiary decides to get vaccinated at private empanelled hospitals, therefore the referral for .the same by the. CGHS Wellness Centers to the private hospitals is not required.
2. The planning and operational aspects for COVID-19 vaccination are in the domain of the State Governments. The District Health authorities of the State Governments are making arrangements for listing of the health facilities. for providing training, logistics, vaccinators and the vaccine to the identified facilities where COVID-19 vaccination centers are being planned and started. The CGHS does not have any role in this. A request has been made to all States to consider utilising CGHS Wellness Centres as CVC (Covid Vaccination Centre), if feasible.
3. All the beneficiaries are required to register themselves on the CoWin app and to indicate the name of the CVC where they would like to avail the vaccination and also the convenience of time at which to avail the same.
Here’s a step-by-step guide for registration and booking a vaccination appointment on CoWin:
- People can register and book an appointment for vaccination either directly through the CoWin portal or through the Arogya Setu app which js integrated with CoWin portal.
- On CoWin portal, enter your mobile number and click on the OTP (One Time Password). Enter the OTP received on your mobile and click on the verify button.
- If registering through Aarogya Setu app, go to the CoWin tab, tap on the Vaccination tab and the click on Proceed.
- A registration page will appear where you will need to fill in the beneficiary’s details, such as name, year of birth and gender. You will also need to enter the photo id type.
- If the registration is meant for a senior citizen, click on Register. If it’s for a person with co- morbidities, click on YES where the form asks, “Do you have any co-morbidities (pre- existing medical conditions)”. The beneficiaries in this category need to carry a medical certificate when they go for their vaccine appointment.
- Once registered, a confirmation message will be sent to your registered mobile number.
- After registration, the system will show the “Account Details”. On this page, you can add three more beneficiaries by clicking on Add More button.
- One person can add up to four people linked with one mobile number.
- You can schedule an appointment by clicking on a calendar icon, below a column named Action.
- You will then be taken to “Book Appointment for Vaccination” page where you will need to fill in the beneficiaries’ address details – State/UT, District, Block and Pincode. Click on the Search button once done.
- A list of vaccination centres will appear based on the search criteria.
- Upon choosing a centre, the available slots (date and capacity) will be displayed.
- After selection the dates, click on “Book”.
- A confirmation page with “Appointment Successful” message will be displayed.
- If you want to reschedule, you can again log in with your mobile number, enter OTP and make the changes by clicking on the edit icon below the ‘Action’ column against registered individuals. In case you have to move to another city, you can make changes to find the nearest vaccination centre as well.4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(Dr Sanjay Jain)
Director CGHS

Tuesday, March 30, 2021
Supplementary result of PM/MG (MTS / GDS to PM/MG) Examination for the vacancy year 2019 held on 29.09.2019 & DEST held on 08.03.2019 in M.P. Circle.

Refund of Postage for the International postal mail articles recalled by customer because of non-availability / suspension of services due to Covid-19 pandemic

Functioning of Departmental Councils and Office Councils – Guidelines of JCM Scheme – regarding.
Government of India Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions
Establishment (JCA Section)
North Block, New Delhi Dated 22nd February, 2021
Subject:- Functioning of Departmental Councils and Office Councils – Guidelines of JCM Scheme – regarding.
The undersigned is directed to say that instructions have been issued by this Department, from time to time, for making effective use of JCM Scheme by Ministries/Departments to discuss the demands of the employees. The Departmental Council set up under the JCM Scheme is the appropriate forum for redressal of the grievances of the employees. However, it has come to notice that the meeting of the Departmental Councils / Staff Councils in various Ministries/Departments, except a few, are not being held regularly.
- The Staff Side, National Council (JCM) has been raising this issue in the meetings of the National Council and Standing Committee of the National Council (JCM). As per the JCM Scheme “the meetings of the Departmental Council shall be held as often as necessary, and not less than once in four months”.
- However, it has been observed that in some of the Ministries/Departments, the meetings of the Departmental Councils/Office Councils have not been held for a long time and in many Ministries / Departments, Departmental Council/Office Council has not been formulated, for redressal of employees grievances.
- In view of the above, it is requested that
the Departmental Council Meetings may be held once in every four
months, as follows, as per the laid down guidelines of the JCM Scheme,
under intimation to this Department:
- Further, it is requested that the Departmental Council may be constituted, in those Ministries/Departments, where it has not been constituted, so far and the meetings of the Departmental Council may be held frequently, as indicated in para 3, above to resolve Staff Side grievances.
(S.T. Selvi Singh)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Misc-12/CGHS/Gr. Cell/2021/DIR/CGHS
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Directorate General of CGHS
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 26 March 2021
Sub: Guidelines regarding administration of COVID vaccine to the CGHS beneficiaries-
The Department has been receiving various representations and grievances regarding administration of COVID vaccine to the CGHS beneficiaries. The matter has been examined and it has now been decided that:
1. As per the Government of India policy, the vaccination against COVID illness is being provided free of cost to the beneficiaries at the designated government facilities. The beneficiaries are required to pay Rs. 250/- per dose in the private hospitals only. As per the policy no reimbursement has been provisioned if a beneficiary decides to get vaccinated at private empanelled hospitals, therefore the referral for .the same by the. CGHS Wellness Centers to the private hospitals is not required.
2. The planning and operational aspects for COVID-19 vaccination are in the domain of the State Governments. The District Health authorities of the State Governments are making arrangements for listing of the health facilities. for providing training, logistics, vaccinators and the vaccine to the identified facilities where COVID-19 vaccination centers are being planned and started. The CGHS does not have any role in this. A request has been made to all States to consider utilising CGHS Wellness Centres as CVC (Covid Vaccination Centre), if feasible.
3. All the beneficiaries are required to register themselves on the CoWin app and to indicate the name of the CVC where they would like to avail the vaccination and also the convenience of time at which to avail the same.
Here’s a step-by-step guide for registration and booking a vaccination appointment on CoWin:
· People can register and book an appointment for vaccination either directly through the CoWin portal or through the Arogya Setu app which js integrated with CoWin portal.
· On CoWin portal, enter your mobile number and click on the OTP (One Time Password). Enter the OTP received on your mobile and click on the verify button.
· If registering through Aarogya Setu app, go to the CoWin tab, tap on the Vaccination tab and the click on Proceed.
· A registration page will appear where you will need to fill in the beneficiary’s details, such as name, year of birth and gender. You will also need to enter the photo id type.
· If the registration is meant for a senior citizen, click on Register. If it’s for a person with co- morbidities, click on YES where the form asks, “Do you have any co-morbidities (pre- existing medical conditions)”. The beneficiaries in this category need to carry a medical certificate when they go for their vaccine appointment.
· Once registered, a confirmation message will be sent to your registered mobile number.
· After registration, the system will show the “Account Details”. On this page, you can add three more beneficiaries by clicking on Add More button.
· One person can add up to four people linked with one mobile number.
· You can schedule an appointment by clicking on a calendar icon, below a column named Action.
· You will then be taken to “Book Appointment for Vaccination” page where you will need to fill in the beneficiaries’ address details – State/UT, District, Block and Pincode. Click on the Search button once done.
· A list of vaccination centres will appear based on the search criteria.
· Upon choosing a centre, the available slots (date and capacity) will be displayed.
· After selection the dates, click on “Book”.
· A confirmation page with “Appointment Successful” message will be displayed.
· If you want to reschedule, you can again log in with your mobile number, enter OTP and make the changes by clicking on the edit icon below the ‘Action’ column against registered individuals. In case you have to move to another city, you can make changes to find the nearest vaccination centre as well.
4. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(Dr Sanjay Jain)
Director CGHS

Monday, March 29, 2021
Request to stop Aadhar and Bio-metric based work in Maharashtra Circle-reg SG FNPO letter

Many circles the maternity grant for the period from 2015 to 30.06.2018 remained unsettled-SG FNPO letter