Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public
Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel
and Training
IR Division
North Block, New
Dated: 14.5.2013
Subject: Publishing of
Compendium of Best Practices on RTI
The Department of
Personnel and Training, Govt. of India proposes to publish a compendium of
best practices on RTI being adopted by Public Authorities all over the
country. Write ups are invited from the Indian Citizens about the best
practices on RTI being adopted by Public Authorities all over the country.
The best 20 write-ups would be selected for inclusion in the compendium. The
individuals whose write ups are selected for inclusion In the compendium
would be rewarded with a lumpsum amount of Rs. 25000 each.
2. The format for the
write-Ups would be as follows:
1) Name of the Public
Authority, whose practice is being considered in the write up.
2) Need felt/problem
faced by the Public Authority leading to adoption of such practice.
3) Details of the said
practice, including its scope, financial implications, and deployment of
resources such as manpower, infrastructure, etc.
4) Lessons learnt by the
Public Authority during implementation of the said practice.
5) Positive outcome of
such practice in the implementation of the RTI Act.
6) Scope of its
replication in other Public Authorities.
3. The write-ups should
be of about 5000 words, neatly typed in 1.5 linespace and 14 size font. All
documents in support of the best practice should be attached separately. The
complete name and address including telephone and email id of the individual
submitting the write-up should be mentioned. Handwritten write-ups would not
be considered. Two copies of the write-ups should be submitted to the Deputy
Secretary(IR), Department of Personnel and Training, North Block, New
Delhi-110001 by 28th June, 2013 through post.
4. The individuals whose
write ups would be selected could be asked by the department to resubmit the
same after making desired changes, if any.
(Sarita Nair)
Under Secretary to the
Govt of India
Source: www.persmin.nic.in
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Government of India
Ministry of Defence
Department of
Ex-Servicemen Welfare
New Delhi, the 10th May,
The Chief of Army
The Chief of Naval
The Chief of Air Staff
Subject : Travelling
Allowances for Medical Treatment.
With reference to Govt.
of India, Ministry of Defence letter No.24(8)/03/US(WE)/D(Res) Dated 19th
December, 2003, I am directed to convey the sanction of the President to
amend and include following sub-paragraphs 2 under Heading "Travelling
Allowance" as under :-
12. The following
procedure will govern the movement of patient to referred clinics :-
(a) Admissibility
(i) No Change.
(ii) No Change
(iii) Air Travel :
Reimbursement for air travel in emergency cases will be considered on merits
of individual case by the Ministry in consultation with MoD (Finance)
provided the Medical Officer of Polyclinic or the Specialist at Service
Hospital certifies in writing that the air travel was absolutely essential
and that travel by other means i.e., by rail or road etc., would have
definitely endangered the life of the patient or involved the risk of serious
aggravation of the condition of the patient.
(iv) Kidney Donor :
Reimbursement of traveling allowance to the kidney Donor in Connection
with the journeys undertaken for donation of kidney is admissible at the
following rates:
(aa) If the donor is a
non-ECHS beneficiary :- Will be admissible at the rates applicable to the
recipient ECHS beneficiary.
(ab) If the Donor is
another ECHS beneficiary :- Will be admissible at the rate applicable to the
(b) Ambulance Charges :
Ambulance services authorised in Polyclinics/Military hospitals may be
utilized for patients when being referred to Service /Empanelled Hospitals in
the same city. However, if Ambulance is not provided and Medical Authority
(Medical Officer of Polyclinic or the Specialist at Service Hospital)
certifies in writing that conveyance of the patient by any other mode would
definitely endanger the life of the patient or involve the risk of serious
aggravation of his/her condition, expenditure incurred on engagement of
ambulance used to convey the patient will be reimbursed provided that the
journey is undertaken within the same city.
2. This issues with the
concurrence of Ministry of Defence (Finance) vide their U.0.No.1224/13.Fin..
Pen dated 9th May, 2013.
Yours faithfully
(H.K. Mallick)
Under Secretary to the
Govt. of India
Source: www.desw.gov.in
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Utilisation of mileage points / other incentives earned by
CPSE employees on tickets purchased for official travel
Utilisation of mileage
points / other incentives earned by CPSE employees on tickets purchased for
official travel
F. No
Government of India
Ministry of Heavy
Industries & Public Enterprises
Department of Public
Public Enterprises
Block No. 14, CGO
Lodhi Road New
Dated: 20th February,
Subject : Utilisation of
mileage points / other incentives earned by CPSE employees on tickets
purchased for official travel.
Ministry of Petroleum
& Nature Gas vide 0.M. No. C-13014/23/2009-Vig dated 18th January, 2013
has made a reference to DPE regarding the advice of Central Vigilance
Commission to ensure the observance of instructions issued by the Department
of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance in its O.M. No 7(1)/E.Coord/2008 dated
1st October, 2008) on utilization of mileage points earned by CPSEs
2. After due
consideration, it has been decided that all mileage points earned by
employees of CPSEs on tickets purchased for official travel shall be utilized
by the concerned CPSEs for other official travel by their employees.
3. It is the
responsibility of the employees concerned to ensure that free mileage points
are used only for official travel and not for personal trips. Any other
incentives and similar packages such as free companion etc. should be
negotiated by CPSES so that benefits come to the CPSEs.
4. These orders will be
applicable in the case of mileage points earned after the date of issue of
this O.M.
5. All administrative
Ministries / Departments are requested to advise all CPSES under their
administrative control to comply with the above instructions strictly.
6. This has approval of
Minister (Hl & PE).
(V. K.Jindal)
Source : www.dpe.nic.in
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Defence Civilian Medical Aid Fund (DCMAF) - Circular has been
issued by the office of PCAFYS regarding a cut-up date, i.e., 31st May' 2013
has been fixed as last date of deposition to become member for getting
current benefits from this fund. We are placed the order as under for your
KOLKATA - 700001.
Dated : 08/05/2013
1. All C of A
2. All Group Officers of
Main Office
3. All Officer in
-Charge, all section in M.O. including Rly and Accounts Section, Old Record
4. Director RTC/ER), Salt
5. Secretary General
AIDAEA (HQrs) Kolkata
6. General Secretary,
Branch Association, AIDAEA, Kolkata
7. General Secretary,
Branch Association, AIDAA (CB), Pune
8. Secretary, DARC, MO,
9. Secretary, Welfare
Committee, MO, Kolkata.
Subject : Defence
Civilian Medical Aid Fund (DCMAF)
Ref : This Office letter
No.1064/AN-C/DARC-Welfare/Circular, dtd. 11.12.2012.
Kindly refer to this
office letter No. cited under reference wherein it was cordially requested to
familiarise the employees of your establishment with the current benefits of
the DCMAF scheme and to encourage them to enroll names as member of this Fund
to make the membership drive a grand success.
In this context, a cut-up
date, i.e., 31st May' 2013 has been fixed as last date of deposition to
become member for getting current benefits from this fund.
It is, therefore,
requested to kindly make a list of employees who are interested for becoming
the member of this fund and forward the same on or before the above mentioned
date. At the time of enlisting the membership it is ensured that the
subscription has been collected according to the rates of
subscription to which the employees is entitled. Necessary forms relating to
DCMAF can be downloaded 'caomod.nic.in/dcmaf/01_medicalaid.htm'.
An early action in this
respect is highly solicited.
Asstt. Controller of
Accounts (AN)
Source: www.pcafys.nic.in
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Department of Personnel and Training has issued a clarification
on Departmental Promotion Committee (for confirmation) used in
column 12 of the Schedule of the RRs as follows...
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel,
Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel
and Training
New Delhi, the 10th May,
Office Memorandum
Subject: Change of the
term DPC (for confirmation)-reg.
Attention is invited to
this Department instructions on consolidated guidelines on framing /amendment
of RRs vide OM dated 31.12.2010. The guidelines prescribe that when
Promotion, Direct Recruitment/re-employment of Armed Forces Personnel are
included as a method of recruitment in the RRs for the post, column 12 of the
Schedule shall include the DPC for considering Promotion and Confirmation as
2. This Department in
consultation with UPSC has re-examined the term “Departmental Promotion
Committee (for confirmation) used in column 12 of the Schedule of the RRs. It
has been decided that the same shall be substituted with the term
“Departmental Confirmation Committee” (for considering confirmation) in cases
where the method of recruitment includes direct
recruitment/absorption/re-employment of Armed Forces Personnel. However where
Promotion is prescribed as a method of recruitment, the composition of
Departmental Promotion Committee (for considering Promotion) shall be
included in column 12 of the Schedule of the RRs. Ministries/Departments may
take necessary action for incorporating the provisions in this regard in the
RRs for a post.
3. Hindi version will
(Mukta Goel)
Director (E-I)
Source: www.persmin.nic.in
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
7:59 PM