No: T-16017/3/2020-iGOT
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
D/ o Personnel & Training
(Training Division)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
D/ o Personnel & Training
(Training Division)
Old JNU Campus, New Delhi
Dated: 10th April, 2020
Dated: 10th April, 2020
Subject: iGOT (Integrated Govt. Online Training) courses on DIKSHA platform on COVID-19 pandemic.In continuation of DoPT’s OM. of even number dated 07.04.2020 on the above subject, the following updated information is sent herewith:
(i) Course Guide – Annexure-I.
(ii) Elementary User Guide for Desktop/Laptop – Annexure-II.
(iii) Elementary User Guide for Mobile – Annexure-III.
It is requested that wide publicity be made and more and more members of the organisations concerned be encouraged to onboard the iGOT platform and undergo online training so that the pandemic may be handled efficiently.
(Manoj Gupta )
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
All Ministries/Departments Of the Govt. of IndiaUnder Secretary to the Govt. of India
Chief Secretaries of all State Govts./Union Territories