Preliminary Action taken Reports on recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee (110th report on Pensioners Grievances) have been submitted to Rajya Sabha Secretariat.
DoP&PW says recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee for grant of additional pension to the pensioners at the age of 65 and above was referred to the Ministry of Finance and enhancement of FMA is under consideration at DoP&PW. 110th report on Pensioners Grievances-Impact of Pension Adalats and Centralized Pensioners Grievance Redress and Monitoring System (CPENGRAMS) was submitted to Rajya Sabha on 10th December 2021. Replying to the RTI questions about the action taken on the committee’s recommendations answers for the following two recommendations were given by DoP&PW.
Reply given for the question for grant of additional pension to the pensioners at the age of 65, 70 and 75 as recommended by the committee.
In so far as this CPIO is concerned, it is informed that the recommendations of the Parliamentary Standing Committee for grant of additional pension to the pensioners at the age of 65 and above was referred to the Ministry of Finance on 21.03.2022. However, it is also informed that the recommendations made in the Report of DRPSC are under consideration of Department of Pension & Pensioner’s Welfare. The preliminary Action taken Reports on these recommendations have been submitted to Rajya Sabha Secretariat which are yet to be accepted.
Reply given for the question for increasing monthly Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA) from to Rs.3000 from Rs.1000 as recommended by the committee.
The recommendation made by Departmental Related Parliamentary Standing Committee in its Report regarding enhancement of FMA is under consideration in this Department and cannot be disclosed under Section 8(1)(i) of RTI Act, 2005.