Allowance Rules – Amendment to rules contained in Chapter 16 of Indian
Railway Establishment Code Vol,II (Second Reprint Edition), 2005.
Government of India / Bharat Sarkar
Ministry of Railways / Rail Mantralaya
(Railway Board)
Delhi, dated 23.05.2013
General Managers,
Indian Railways etc.
per Standard Mailing List)
Travelling Allowance Rules – Amendment to rules contained in Chapter 16 of
Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol,II (Second Reprint Edition), 2005.
Board’s letter No. (i) F(E)1/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1.12,2008 and
F(E)1/2008/AL-7/3 dated 3.10.08,
E(P&A)II-2008/HRA-10 dated 12.9.2008
F(E)I/2008/AL-28/42 dated 19.8.2010
F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 dated 1.12.2008, 29,12.2010 & 8.3.2011,
F(E)I/2011/AL-28/26 dated 01.09.2011 & 14.02.2012
F(E)I/2008/AL-7/2 dated 18.09.08 and F(E)I/89/AL-23/8 dated 2.11.1989
exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to Article 309 of the
Constitution of India, the President is pleased to direct that Rules 1602,
1603, 1606, 1607, 1611, 1612, 1613, 1616, 1625, 1634, 1636, 1641, 1643, 1644,
1645 and Rule 1686 contained in Chapter 16 – Travelling Allowance Rules of
Indian Railway Establishment Code, Vol.II (Second Reprint Edition) 2005, may
be amended, as per Advance Correction Slip No. 60 enclosed as
Hindi version is enclosed.
Please acknowledge receipt.
(Estt.) II
Allowance Rules - Amendment to rules contained in Chapter 16 of Indian
Railway Establishment Code Vol.11 (Second Reprint Edition), 2005.
Chapter 16 - TravellIng Allowance Rules
Section No.1 - General
Substitute the following in lieu of
existing Rule 1602 (1):
1602 (1) - For the purpose of admissibility to Travelling Allowance,
entitlement of Railway servants will be based on the Grade Pay drawn for
those drawing Grade Pay upto Rs. 10,000 and pay drawn in Pay Band for those
in Pay Scale of HAG and above.
Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1.12.2008).
Rule 1603(1) stands
Substitute the following in lieu of existing Rule 1603(2):
1603 (2) - Non-Practicing Allowance will be reckoned as Basic Pay for
computing Composite Transfer Grant”.
Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 dated 1.12.2008).
Section IV - Conveyance Allowance
Substitute the existing table under Rule 1606(4) with the following:
1: The rates of fixed Conveyance Allowance shall automatically increase by
25% whenever Dearness Allowance payable on the revised pay structure goes up
by 50%.
Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)1/2008/AL-7/3 dt.3.10.08)
“NOTE 1” & “NOTE 2” below Rule 1606(4) may be read as “NOTE 2” &
“NOTE 3” respectively.
In clause (a) below Railway Ministry’s decision under Rule 1606, substitute
the figure "Rs.20/-” with the figure “Rs.60/-”.
Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-7/2 dt. 18.09.2008)
V - Mileage Allowance
Rule 1607 (5)
the following table in lieu of existing table under Rule-1607(5):
Substitute the rates of Mileage Allowance mentioned at (i) & (ii) below
the table under Rule 1607(5) with the following:
For journeys performed in own car / taxi : Rs.16 per Km
For journeys performed by auto-rickshaw: Rs. 8 per Km own scooter, etc.
In the first line of the Note-1 under Rule 1607 (5) substitute the words “pay
less than Rs.6500/-” with “Grade Pay less than Rs.4200/-.
In the last line of the Note-2 under Rule 1607 (5) substitute the figure “60
paise” with “Rs.1.20”.
The following note may be added as Note-4 below Rule 1607(5):
The rate for Mileage allowance for road journey by taxi/own car/auto
rickshaw/own scooter/tonga/cycle rickshaw/man-driven rickshaw/ bicycle/foot
shall automatically increase by 25% whenever Dearness allowance payable on
the revised pay structure goes up by 50%.”
Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1.12.2008 and
Section VI- Daily Allowance
Substitute the existing table in Rule 1611 wIth the following:
The rates of Daily Allowance shall automatically increase by 25% whenever
Dearness Allowance payable on the revised pay structure goes up by 50%.
Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1. 12.2008)
Rule 1612 & Note (1), (2) & (3) below Rule 1612 stand deleted.
Rule 1613 stands deleted.
Railway Board’s letter No. E(PM)II-2008/HRA-10 dated 12.9.2008 and
F(E)I/2008/AL-28/ 14 dated 1.12.2008)
Rule 1616 stands deleted.
Railway Board’s letter No. E(P&A)II-2008/HRA-10 dated 12.9.2008 and
F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1.12.2008)
No.VII - Travelling Allowance for Journeys on Tour
Rule 1625
the last line of the Note-2 under Rule 1625, substItute the word "pay”
with Grade Pay”.
Rule 1634
the following In lieu of existing Rule 1634.
The entitlement for journeys by Sea or
by River Steamer, on tour, is as follows:
entitlements for travel between the mainland and the A&N Group of Islands
and Lakshadweep Group of Islands by ships operated by the Shipping Corporation
of India Limited will be as follows:
Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1.12.2008)
Substitute the following In lieu of Sub-rule (7) of Rule 1636 as under
; Rule 1636 (7)
Railway officers in pay scale of Rs.
67000-79000 or above may travel at their discretion in Business or Club Class
by air within the country on tour. Officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10,000/-
may also travel by Business/Club Class wIth the approval of Competent
Other officers and non-officials, who are authorized to travel by air within
India at Government expense, shall be entitled to travel by Economy Class
only where two classes of accommodation i.e., Economy Class and Business or
Club class are available on the airlines.
Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/14 dated 1.12.2008)
Section VIII - Journey at or near Headquarters.
In Rule 1641 (1), substitute the words “drawing a pay of not less than
Rs.3200/- per month, under Railway Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 1986” with “
in Grade Pay Rs. 4600 (PB-2) & above and drawing pay not less than Rs.
18050 in the Pay Band (excluding Grade Pay) under Railway Services (Revised
Pay) Rules, 2008”.
Rule 1641 (2), substitute the words “Railway servants, gazetted or
non-gazetted, drawing a pay of less than Rs.3200/- per month shall not be
entitled to engage a taxi. They may be permitted to claim conveyance hire as
follows:-” with “Railway servants not entitled to engage a taxi in terms of
Rule 1641 (1) may be permitted to claim conveyance hire as follows:-”
Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/42 dated 19.08.2010)
Section IX - Transfer Travelling Allowance
1643 (A) (1)
Substitute the following in lieu of the existing Rule 1643 (A)(1).
by Air
Railway Officer holding a post in pay scale of Rs.67000-79000 and above may
travel by air, at his discretion, to join the new HQs., on transfer. Officers
in the grade pay of Rs 10,000/- may also be permitted to travel by air with
the approval of Competent
subject to exigency and where joining at transfer station has to be effected
with immediate effect. The air fare will, however, be admissible for self
only. No family member of any Railway servant is entitled to travel by air on
Railway Board’s letter No. F( E)I/2008/AL-28/15 dated 01.12.2008)
Substitute the following table in lieu of Rule 1643 (B) (2):
(B) (2):
Charges for transportation of personal effects between places connected by
rail on transfer/retirement:
If the transportation of personal effects is made by rail, the rates as under
will be admissible for transporting personal effects from place of residence
to the Railway Station at the Old headquarters and from Railway Station to
the place of residence, at the new headquarters;
rates for transporting the entitled weight by Steamer will be equal to the prevailing
rates prescribed by such transport in ships operated by Shipping Corporation
of India.
Railway Board’s letters No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 dated 29.12.2010)
If the transportation of personal effects is made by road, reimbursement of
actual expenditure by road limited to rates prescribed as in (I) above will
be admissible.
Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/201 1/AL-28/26 dated 14.02.2012)
The existing Note 1 & 2 below Rule 1643(B)(2) may be deleted and the
following may be added as Note - 1 and 2.
Note-1: The higher rates of road mileage
prescribed for ‘X’ and ‘Y’ class citIes would be admissible for transfers
within ‘X’ and ‘Y class cities; ‘X’ to‘Y’ class cities and vice-versa; and
from ‘X’/’Y’ class cities to ‘Z’ class cities and vice-versa. In all other
cases of transfers within ‘Z’ class cities, the rates prescribed for ‘Z’
class cities shall be admissible.
Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 dated 08.03.2011)
Note-2: The rates of transportation of
personal effects as mentioned above shall automatically increase by 25%
whenever Dearness Allowance payable on the revised pay structure goes up by
Add sub-rule B(3) below Rule 1643 (B) (2):
1643 (B) (3): The rates of transportation of personal effects by road between places connected by rail/not connected by rail would be the rates as prescribed in the table In Rule 1643 (B) (2).
Railway Board’s letters No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 dated 29.12.2010 & No.
F(E)I/2011/AL-28/26 dated 01.09.2011 & 14.02.2012)
The following may be added below existing Rule 1643(C):
of Conveyance on Transfer/settlement after retirement:
rates means, the rates notified by the concerned Directorate of Transport,
for taxi and auto rickshaw, at the starting point, subject to a maximum of
Rs.201- for taxi and Rs.10/- for auto rickshaw as prescribed/revised from
time to time.
Railway Board’s letter No.F(E)I/2011/AL-28/26 dated 01.09.2011)
Rule 1643 (D)(II) (a) Item No.(ii) of the table under Rule 1643 (D)
(II)(a) stands deleted.
Note. 1 below Rule 1643 (D)(II)(a) stands deleted.
Rule 1643 (D)(II)(b)
the last line of Rule 1643 (D) (II) (b) delete the words “irrespective of his
date of joining Railway service i.e. before, on or after 1.5.76”.
RuIe 1643 (D)(III)(vi) stands deleted.
Rule 1643 (D)(IV) Quantum of Advance.
Rule 1643 (D) IV (i) & (ii) with the following:
quantum of advance admissible on transfer to a serving Railway employee is
75% of the admissible amount of Composite Transfer Grant.”
Below Rule 1643 (D)(V) under Railway Ministry’s Decisions, the
following may be substituted in lieu of the existing decision.
Travelling Allowance in cases, where both husband and wife are in Government
service and are transferred within 60 days of his/her transfer from the same
place to the same place, shall not be admissible to the spouse transferred
later. In cases where the transfer takes place within six months, but after
60 days of the transfer of the spouse, fifty per cent of the Transfer Grant
on transfer shall be allowed to the spouse transferred later. No transfer
grant shall be admissible to the spouse transferred later, in case both the
transfers are ordered within 60 days. The existing provisions shall continue
to be applicable in case of transfer after a period of six months or more.
Other rules precluding Transfer Grant in case of transfer at own request or
transfer other than in public interest shall continue to apply unchanged in
theIr case.
Railway Board’s letter No. F(E)I/2008/AL-28/15 dated 01.12.2008)
Rule 1644(1) stands deleted.
Rule 1644(2) and Note below Rule 1644(2) stands deleted.
In Rule 1644 (3), substitute the words “Transfer Grant and Packing
Allowance” with “Composite Transfer Grant”.
Rule 1644(4) stands deleted.
Rule 1645 1(b) stands deleted.
The following may be substituted in lieu of Note (i) below Rule 1645-I-(c)
(i) A Railway servant who has been transferred within the same station or to
an outstation within 20 Kms. of the old headquarters, shall be granted
Composite Transfer Grant at the rate of one-third of one month’s basic pay,
provided there s a change of residence, as a result of transfer.
Rule 1645 II (b)
may be substituted with the following in lieu of the existing rule:
If there is a change of residence as a result of transfer, full transfer
travelling allowance will be admissible if the distance between the two
stations exceeds 20 Kms.
Section XXI - Journeys on a course of training
The existing sub-rule (2) of Rule 1686 may be substituted by: “The apprentices (whether mechanical or other categories) who are in receipt of the concession of free boarding and lodging at their headquarters may be allowed Travelling Allowance applicable to the category to which they are apprentices provided they are required to undertake such journeys as a part of their training and no free boarding is arranged for them.”
Board’s letter No. F(E)I/89/AL-2818 dated 2.11.89)
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CPAO Orders 2013 :
Submission of life certificates with additional information in November every
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Central Pension Accounting Office
Trikoot-II, Bhikaji Cama Place
New Delhi
2nd Reminder
CPAO/Tech/Life Certificate/2013-14/61
Dt: 10/06/2013
Office Memorandum
Subject: Submission of life certificates with
additional information in November every year.
Attention is invited to Para 6 of the notification
No.CPAO/Tech/CFI/2012 of this office published in the leading newspaper on
21st October 2012 in which banks were instructed to update their master data
based on the life certificates submitted by the Pensioners / family
pensioners and forward the updated master data through the CPPC to CPAO. The
additional information submitted may also be scanned and send through CPPC to
These instructions were further retreated wide CPAO’s
office memorandum dated 23rd Oct 2012 and 14th Jan 2013. But till date no
hank has responded positively and not send the desired instruction in the
prescribed in Para 6 of the notification dated 21.10.2012.
It is therefore, once again instructed to send the
updated master data based on life certificates submitted by Pensioners/family
pensioners and scanned copies of additional information to NIC cell of CPAO
under intimation to Sr. AO. technical section at email address, so that the master data of CPAO can be updated.
(Dr.Dilip Kumar)
Controller of Accounts
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KVS Orders on Amendment in Admission Guidelines
Amendment in Admission Guidelines 2013-14-Part-C,
Procedure for Admissions, Para-9 (I), Method of admission in Class XI (KV
1. KV Students : Admissions in different streams viz.
Science, Commerce, Humanities of Class XI in KVs for KV students who have
passed Class X will be regulated as follows :
Existing and Amended points are...
a. The merit list will be drawn/prepared as per CGPA
obtained by applicant in CBSE/Class X result in every school
No change
b. The Seats will be allotted as per the rank in the
merit list prepared as at (a) above vis-a-vis number of vacancies available
in a particular stream in the Vidyalaya (Class Strength 40) and as per the
option of stream exercised by the student.
The Seats will be allotted as per the rank in the
merit list prepared as at (a) above vis-a-vis number of vacancies available
in a particular stream in the Vidyalaya and as per the option of stream
exercised by the student. However, the Class Strength will be fixed by the
Principal of the kendriya Vidyalaya concerned in following manner
The total No. of applications received from students
of the same KVs from neighbouring KVs which are upto Class X or not having
the desired stream. If any, plus no. of students failed and detained, etc. in
class XI (including all streams) would be divided by the number of sections
of class XI available in the KV (including Science, Commerce and Humanities streams)
and the quotient arrived at, will be the maximum strength of each section of
class XI of that KV of each stream.
For example, if 200 applications are received from
some KV and neighbouring KV which is upto Class X and 12 students failed
in class XI (Including all streams in the school) and 4 sections of class XI
(2 Science, 1 Commerce and 1 Humanities) are available, then 200 + 12 = 212 /
4 = 53 / 4 53 would be fixed as maximum strength of each section
of Class XI. However, the maximum strength to be fixed should not be less
than 40.
Thus a combined merit list (including students from
neighbouring school which are upto class X or not having desired streams)
would be prepared. As per the option given by the students and maximum number
per section as fixed (above), admission would be granted in each section
(including detained students) eg: if 53 is the class strength fixed in a
particular stream, 3 students are detained in that stream 53 - 3 = 50
students would be admitted (including students from neighbouring schools
which are upto class X. If any)
c. Concessions wherever applicable shall be
incorporated while preparing the Merit List.
No Change
d. In case of two or more candidates obtaining equal
CGPA, the inter-se merit of such candidates may be determined as follows :
(i) Candidates obtaining higher grade points in Maths
will get precedence in admission.
(ii) If two or more candidates have got the same
grade points in Maths, then the candidates securing higher grades in Maths
and Science taken together will get precedence over the others.
(iii) In case of a tie between two or more candidates
obtaining same grade points in Maths and Science taken together, the student
older age as per the D.O.B will be given precedence over the other.
No Change
e. Principal may admit children to class XI
only up to the permitted class strength.
Principal may admit children to Class XI as per the
maximum strength fixed at the school level as at (b) as amended including
detained students.
f. A student who was earlier not found eligible
for admission to a particular stream may be allowed fresh admission to a
particular Stream in Class XI in the next academic session, if he/she
improves his/her performance within one year for the some Board.
No Change
g. If school is not able accommodate all the students
and students from neighbouring KVs which are only up to class 10th, the class
strength will be increased with the approval of the DC of the concerned
This issues with the approval of Commissioner, KVS.
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to Launch Ticket Booking through Non-Internet based Mobile Phones with Effect
from 1st July 2013
Press Information Bureau
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
17-June-2013 13:06 IST
Railways to Launch Ticket Booking through
Non-Internet based Mobile Phones with Effect from 1st July 2013
With an aim to further facilitate the passengers,
Indian Railways Catering & Tourism Corporation (IRCTC),a public Sector
Undertaking of the Ministry of Railways, will be launching a pilot project of
ticketing through non-internet based mobile phones with effect from 1st July
2013. This will enable people using non-internet based mobile phones to
easily access Railway ticketing services through SMS/IVRS/USSD. The scheme is
user-friendly, secure and also eco-friendly, as no print out is
Indian Railways has continuously endeavored to
improve the ease and access of ticketing. The e-ticketing initiative of
Indian Railways has been one of the most passenger-friendly initiatives of
Indian Railways. In order to further expand the reach of ticketing, the Minister
of Railways had made a Budget announcement regarding launch of ticketing
through mobile phones was announced in the Railway Budget. The objective was
to tap the potential of mobile phone market in India and thereby facilitate
the common man, by providing him any-where any-time and hassle free booking
The salient features of this new scheme to be
operationalised on1st July, 2013 are:
• There will be a dedicated number on which SMS can be
• No need of internet at any stage viz. booking, payment,
cancellation etc.
• One has to register the mobile number with IRCTC as
well as one’s bank. The Bank (one time password) for authorization of
• The passenger has to type the train number,
destination, journey date, class and passenger details like name, age and
gender on the SMS box.
• The sender will receive transaction ID and then make
payment through sending another SMS by typing PAY followed by the transaction
ID, MMID as received from the bank and password.
• On successful booking of ticket, message will be sent
to the user by IRCTC which will suffice as valid authority to travel along
with photo ID card in original.
• Cancellation of tickets can also be done through the
cancellation option available.
• The scheme will be on pilot basis and will not be
available during the 8 am - 12 pm for booking ARP/Tatkal/General
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Tuesday, June 18, 2013
1)Travelling Allowance Rules – Amendment to rules contained in Chapter 16 of Indian Railway Establishment Code Vol,II (Second Reprint Edition), 2005. 2)7th CPC News : Joint Meeting of AIRF, AIDEF and Confederation on 29.6.2013 3)CPAO Orders 2013 : Submission of life certificates with additional information in November every year 4)KVS Orders on Amendment in Admission Guidelines 2013-14 5)Railways to Launch Ticket Booking through Non-Internet based Mobile Phones with Effect from 1st July 2013
8:38 PM