Tuesday, May 31, 2022



Pay your PLI / RPLI premium through your IPPB Account PLI / RPLI premium payment now available through IPPB CUSTOMER Mobile app, IPPB COUNTERS, micro ATM & Standing Instructions
I. IPPB counters – Customers can visit the Post Office IPPB counter to deposit PLI/RPLI premium from their IPPB Account.
II. IPPB mobile App – Customers can deposit their PLI/RPLI premium through the IPPB mobile app, from their IPPB Account.
III. IPPB Micro ATMs – In addition to other IPPB services, Postman will now be able to facilitate customers to deposit their PLI/RPLI premium using Micro ATM devices, from their IPPB Account.
IV. Standing Instructions through IPPB accounts – Customer can register for Standing Instruction either by visiting IPPB counters or using IPPB Mobile App. Every month, PLI-RPLI premium will be debited automatically from their IPPB account.

F.No. 108/1/ 2014- 15/ CCSCSB
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
(Welfare Division)
Room No. 361, 3rd Floor
Lok Nayak Bhawan
New Delhi 26.5.2022
Subject: – Sports facilities of Central Civil Services Cultural & Sports Board available for Central Government employees and their families
The Central Civil Services Cultural and Sports Board (CCSCSB) maintain Lawn Tennis Courts at Vinay Marg Sports Complex, Bharti Nagar, R.K. Puram, Pandara Road and Brassey Avenue. The Board also imparts coaching in the field of Cricket, Football and Lawn Tennis.
2. In the Board meeting held on 26.4.2022, it has been decided to revise the rates of availing playing facilities of CCSCSB as under:
Discipline |
Category |
Existing fee in Rs. Per month |
Revised fee in Rs. Per month |
Lawn Tennis Coaching fees |
Dependents of Central Government employees |
750 |
1000 |
Dependents of PSUs/Autonomous bodies/NGOs and |
1000 |
1500 |
Private (corporates / companies) |
1300 |
Cricket& Football Coaching fees |
Dependents of Central Government employees |
500 |
700 |
Dependents of PSUs/Autonomous bodies/NGOs and Private (corporates / companies |
1000 |
1200 |
Lawn Tennis Membership fees |
Central Government employees |
200 |
500 |
Private persons |
800 |
1500 |
3. The above revised rates are applicable w.e.f. 1.6.2022.
The fee should be deposited in Board’s account as per details.
Account Holder Name – Secretary CCSCSB, Bank – Canara Bank
Account No. 90432010052140,
Branch – Khan Market,
IFSC Code – CNRB 0019043.
Note; – Kindly mention “name and game” in Remarks column while making the payment.
OR Code and UPI i.e . 9717990948@upi linked with earlier banking details of CCSCSB STANDS DEACTIVATED. All concerned are requested to make payment in favour of CCSCSB on the above mentioned banking details only.
(Kulbhushan Malhotra)
Secretary (CCSCS

Friday, May 27, 2022
Aarohan 4.0: Two days meet of senior functionaries of Postal Department and India Post payments Bank (IPPB) begins today

Aarohan 4.0: Two days meet of senior
functionaries of Postal Department and India Post payments Bank (IPPB)
begins today
Postal Department discuss ways to deepen Financial Inclusion drive and to provide banking solutions to every citizen of India
Two days meet of senior functionaries of Postal Department and India Post payments Bank (IPPB), AAROHAN 4.0 started today in Shimla. The agenda of the meeting is to discuss and deliberate ways to further deepen Financial Inclusion drive in the country and to provide banking solutions to every citizen of India. Postal Department along with IPPB is working on the vision of Prime Minister’ Digital India initiative to promote the digital payments and bring digital banking services to every nook and corner of the country in a customer friendly manner. IPPB leverages upon the world's largest postal network of Department of Posts to offer inter operable banking services at door step benefiting senior citizens, farmers, migrant labourers and women amongst others. The meeting was inaugurated by Shri. Alok Sharma, Director General Postal Services in presence of Shri J Venkatramu, MD & CEO of IPPB, Chief PMG of 23 Postal Circles and other senior functionaries of the Department and IPPB. Discussions were held today to further strengthen the synergy between the post office and IPPB operations.
About India Post Payments Bank India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) has been established under the Department of Posts, Ministry of Communication with 100% equity owned by Government of India. IPPB was launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi on September 1, 2018. The bank has been set up with the vision to build the most accessible, affordable and trusted bank for the common man in India. The fundamental mandate of IPPB is to remove barriers for the unbanked and under-banked and reach the last mile leveraging a network comprising 160,000 post offices (145,000 in rural areas) and 400,000 postal employees. IPPB’s reach and its operating model is built on the key pillars of India Stack - enabling Paperless, Cashless and Presence-less banking in a simple and secure manner at the customers' doorstep, through a CBS-integrated smartphone and biometric device. Leveraging frugal innovation and with a high focus on ease of banking for the masses, IPPB delivers simple and affordable banking solutions through intuitive interfaces available in 13 languages. IPPB is committed to provide a fillip to a less cash economy and contribute to the vision of Digital India. India will prosper when every citizen will have equal opportunity to become financially secure and empowered. Our motto stands true - Every customer is important; every transaction is significant, and every deposit is valuable.
For further information on IPPB, visit www.ippbonline.com
(Release ID: 1828591) Visitor Counter : 759

Limited Deportmentr:l Competitive Exominotion (LDCE) for promotion to the codre of lnspector Posts (56.55%) for lhe voconcy yeor 2019, 2020 & 2021 , scheduled to be held cn 25th & 26ih June, 2Q22-revised voconcy position reg.

Promotion and posting in the Grade of Deputy Manager, Mail Motor Service (Gazetted), General Central Service, Group ‘B’, Department of Posts

Declaration of results in respect of Competitive Examination for appointment to the cadre of MTS from eligible GDS for the vacancy year 2021 (01-01-2021 to 31-12-2021) examination held on 26-12-2021

Conduct of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE) for promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts (66.66%) Departmental quota for the vacancy year 2019, 2020 & 2021, scheduled to be held on 25th & 26th June, 2022-revised vacancy position

Minutes of the 32nd SCOVA meeting held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) on 12.04.2022, at Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi
No. 42/05/2022-P&PW(D)
à¤ारत सरकार/Government of India
Ministry of Personnel , Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan,
Khan Market, New Delhi- 110003
Date:- 20th May 2022
All the Pensioners’ Associations included in the SCOVA
Vide Resolution dated 25.01.2021
Sub:- Minutes of the 32nd SCOVA meeting held under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) on 12.04.2022, at Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi-reg
Please find enclosed herewith the minutes of the 32″d Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held under the chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) on I 2.04.2022 at Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi .
Encl : As above
(Charanjit Taneja)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Minutes of the 32nd Meeting of Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) held on 12.04.2022 under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble MOS(PP) at Sardar Patel Bhawan, New Delhi.
Welcoming Hon’ble MoS (PP), Secretary (P&PW), representatives of Pensioners Associations and the officers from various Ministries/Departments participating in the meeting, Joint Secretary (Pension) briefly stated the objectives of SCOVA meetings. He mentioned that SCOVA is a useful platform to provide feedback on implementation of policies/programs of DoPPW, to discuss & examine policy initiatives and to mobilize voluntary efforts to supplement the Govt action. Moreover, it provides the representative associations an opportunity for raising the issues concerning pensioners’ welfare directly before the concerned Ministries/Departments.
2. Addressing the participants, Secretary (P&PW) highlighted the recent reforms and initiatives undertaken by the Department for welfare of pensioners. He mentioned about the notification of revised and updated Central Civil Service (Pension) Rules, 2021 on 20.12.2021, by amalgamating several orders/clarifications issued during last 50 years. He also referred to several initiatives of the Department in regard to submission of life certificate by pensioners, e.g. Video based life certification, Doorstep DLC service through Postman/Gramin Dak Sevak of IPPB and Face Authentication Technique through Android phone, launched on 29.11.2021. He further mentioned about his recent interactive meetings with Pensioners’ Associations, Pension Disbursing Banks and the nodal officers of Ministries/Departments and stated that such meetings would be held at regular intervals.
3. Thereafter, discussions were held on the agenda items for the meeting. Director (PP) mentioned that an Action Taken Report on the decisions taken on the unresolved agenda items of 31st meeting of SCOVA had been sent to the Pensioners’ Associations by e-mail. It was observed that most of the items of 31st meeting of SCOVA had been resolved. The Departments concerned were requested to take a final decision, at the earliest, on the following agenda items of 31st meeting of SCOVA, which are remained unresolved:
i. Extension of benefit of Composite Hospitals to CAPF personnel
(Action: Ministry of Home Affairs/ Ministry of Health & Family Welfare)
ii. Booking of Holiday Homes for Central Government Pensioners-enhancement of time limit from 30 days to 60 days.
(Action: Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs/Directorate of Estates)
iii. Formal approval to Chandigarh Administration for allotment of plot to CGHS, Chandigarh.
(Action: Ministry of Health & Family Welfare /Ministry of Home Affairs)4. Thereafter, the agenda items for 32nd meeting were discussed. The gist of the discussion held and decisions taken on these items are as under:
(32.1) Shortage of Doctors, Specialists and Para-Medical Staff in CGHS posts due to increase in number of patients consequent on merger of Postal Dispensaries and need for creation / sanction of new posts to maintain patient and Doctor/ Para- medical staff ratio
(32.2) Periodical Health check-up of pensioners
(32.3) Issues relating to CGHS Wellness Centre Jammu, J&K
(32.4) -Non-acceptance of Nominations of pensioners for Life-Time Arrears by the Banks
(32.5) Holding of Pension Adalat meetings by Departments at national level
(32.6) – Payments of DA/DR arrears freezon for 18 months from 1.1.2020 to 30.06.2021
(32.7) – Enhancement of Additional Pension
(32.8) – Enhancement of Fixed Medical Allowance (FMA)
(32.9) – Difficulties in online submission of Accounts for grants.
(32.10) Enhancement of amount of Grants in aid to Pensioners’ Associations
(32.11) Providing a laptop to identified Pensioners Associations
2. In addition to the above agenda items, Central Government Pensioners’ Welfare Association (CGPWA), Jammu raised issues relating to functioning of CGHS Wellness Centre, Jammu i.e Delay in supply of life saving drugs, delay in payment of MRCs/Tracking system, delayed payments to empanelled hospitals and allotment of State land/construction of CGHS complex in Jammu.
3. In this connection, Hon’ble MOS(PP) asked DoP&PW to form a Fact-Finding Committee to assess first-hand information regarding hardships/difficulties faced by pensioners in obtaining CGHS facilities through CGHS Wellness Centres/CGHS empanelled private hospitals situated in Jammu region. Secretary (P&PW) informed MoS(PP) that a Committee to study the working of CGHS Wellness Centres/CGHS Empanelled Hospitals has already been constituted and it has conducted field visits at Dehradun, Chennai and Delhi. Hence, it was decided that the Committee would also conduct field visits at CGHS Wellness Centre and CGHS empanelled Hospitals at Jammu to assess hardships faced by CGHS beneficiaries especially pensioners. The Committee was also mandated to hold discussions with CGPWA Jammu and submit a detailed report in this regard and then take up the matter with Ministry of Health & Family Welfare accordingly.
4. In his concluding address, Hon’ble MoS(PP) and Chairman of SCOVA Dr. Jitendra Singh mentioned that several revolutionary changes were brought in since 2014 for bringing “Ease of Living” to the common man. He directed for setting up of a Single Window Portal for the benefit of pensioners and superannuated elder citizens. The Portal will enable the Department to have constant contact with pensioners and their associations across the country. The portal will regularly receive inputs, suggestions and grievances for prompt response. This Portal would be a single window digital mechanism for pensioners to raise their grievances and got the same resolved without approaching different authorities in person. He said that all Ministries responsible to process, sanction or disburse pension dues, would be interlinked to this system and
grievances would be forwarded after assessment to the concerned Ministry/Department for resolution. Pensioners as well as Nodal officer can view the status of the grievance online till disposal in the system. Hon’ble MoS (PP) said that we need to make good use of the knowledge, experience and efforts of the retired employees which can help in value addition to the Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare.
5. Hon’ble MoS (PP) mentioned that since the launch of Doorstep Service for submission of Digital Life Certificate (DLC) through Postman in November 2020, more than 3,08,625 Life Certificates through India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) have been done. The facility to submit life certificate online through Jeevan Pramaan Portal was launched by the Prime Minister in November, 2014 with the objective to provide a convenient and transparent facility to pensioners for submission of Life Certificate. He also added that Doorstep banking for collection of Life Certificates is in place in 100 cities by Public Sector Banks and the number of Life Certificates done through Banking Agents is 4253. Face Authentication Technique through Android phone for submission of life certificate digitally has been launched on 29.11.2021 and till date, more than 20,500 Life Certificates through face authentication have been done. Similarly, he informed that as on date total number of DLCs submitted by the Central Government Pensioners is around 1,07,75,980 /- since 2014. In 2021, total DLCs submitted till date are 19,80,977.
6. Hon’ble MoS (PP) mentioned that the ‘Bhavishya’ platform, an integrated online pension processing system is at present being successfully implemented in the main Secretariat of 96 Ministries/ Departments including 813 Attached Offices. As on date, more than 1,50,000 cases have been processed ie. PPOs issued which includes more than 80,000 e-PPOs. Hon’ble Minister also informed that Bhavishya 8.0 was released in August, 2020 with a new feature to PUSH the ePPO in Digilocker. ‘Bhavishya’ platform is the first application to use the PUSH Technology of Digilocker.
7. Hon’ble MoS (PP) emphasised the need for creating widespread awareness of the initiatives for the welfare of pensioners through official and social media channels.
8. The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair and all other participants.