Wednesday, January 6, 2016

MACP On Promotional Hierarchy Case At Supreme Court Adjourned

The Case Is Adjourned. Next Date Of Hearing Yet To Come.MACP On Promotional Hierarchy Case status as on 04.01.2016
Hearing Of Slp(c) No. 21803/2014 (union Of India & Ors Vs. M.v. Mohanan Nair) Tagged With Case Numbers Slp(c) No. 22181/2014 , Slp(c) No. 23335/2014, Slp(c) No. 23333/2014, Slp(c) No. 18227/2015 Is Adjourned.
According to information received, as soon as the case come up for hearing, the bench was informed by the court master that services of certain respondents is not completed. And accordingly the bench ordered to re-list the case after completing the records. It may be happened due to some typographical error because the case in the same shape was allowed for hearing on 16/11/2015; at that time the case was postponed due to the reason that the counsel from Government side sought adjournment and to enable him to prepare the case the court allowed adjournment.