Wednesday, September 8, 2021

World Postal News

POSTAL NEWS No 69-2021 Formulated by UNI Apro Post and Logistics Sector 1. Omnic outdoor parcel lockers selected by Magyar Posta. September 03, 2021. 2. Deutsche Post DHL Group ascends into Europe's leading blue-chip index, STOXX Europe 50. September 02, 2021. 3. Consumers drive growth in UK subscription box market as popularity soars. September 02, 2021. 4. Conversion rate interim dividend PostNL. August 30, 2021. 5. Members’ overwhelming support for EBA10 (Enterprise Bargaining Agreement). August 30, 2021. 1.Omnic outdoor parcel lockers selected by Magyar Posta September 03, 2021 Russian automation specialist Omnic and Hungarian IT provider IMG Solution have won a tender for the installation of outdoor parcel lockers on behalf of Magyar Postr Posta (Hungary Post).


The partnership have developed a new model for the Magyar Posta project. It contains IP54 protection for every module, which according to Omnic is the world’s first. UNI Apro Post & Logistics 2 The first parcel locker stations will be installed by the end of this year at locations around the country. Arthur Grigoriants, digital transformation officer at Omnic, said, “Omnic has been operating on the parcel locker market since 2012 and we launched projects for the top logistics companies and governmental posts, so we know that our clients expect the highest level of standards and quality. We are pleased to be a part of the project and we are ready to meet the ambitious task and develop the first parcel locker with IP54 protection in the world. We have invested a lot in the R&D part of this project to meet this goal.” Omnic has completed 70 deployments with more than 10,500 parcel locker modules for its clients across the world. Source : 2.Deutsche Post DHL Group ascends into Europe's leading blue-chip index, STOXX Europe 50 September 02, 2021 The shares of Deutsche Post AG will be listed in the European blue-chip index STOXX Europe 50 with effect from 20 September 2021. • Deutsche Post DHL Group first logistics company to be listed in STOXX Europe 50 • Market capitalization as decisive listing criterion increased by EUR 24 billion in 2021 • CEO Frank Appel: "The inclusion of Deutsche Post AG in the STOXX Europe 50 is a remarkable recognition of the outstanding performance of our Group based on the dedicated work of 570,000 employees worldwide." Bonn - Deutsche Post DHL Group was informed yesterday evening by Qontigo, financial market services provider and subsidiary of Deutsche Börse AG, that the shares of Deutsche Post AG will be listed in the European blue-chip index STOXX Europe 50 with effect from 20 September 2021. Thus, Deutsche Post DHL Group is currently the only logistics service provider in Europe's leading mixed-currency index. "The logistics industry has made a valuable contribution to society during pandemic times. In recent months, we have successfully managed to cope with increased shipment volumes in e-commerce, supplied the world with vaccines and helped the global economy to recover by powering global trade. UNI Apro Post & Logistics 3 The inclusion of Deutsche Post DHL Group [Deutsche Post AG] in the STOXX Europe 50 8 years ago, the share price has risen to EUR 59.58 (closing price as at August 31, 2021). Accordingly, market capitalization has almost tripled since the IPO to around EUR 74 billion.

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2.Deutsche Post DHL Group ascends into Europe's leading blue-chip index, STOXX Europe 50 September 02, 2021 The shares of Deutsche Post AG will be listed in the European blue-chip index STOXX Europe 50 with effect from 20 September 2021. • Deutsche Post DHL Group first logistics company to be listed in STOXX Europe 50 • Market capitalization as decisive listing criterion increased by EUR 24 billion in 2021 • CEO Frank Appel: "The inclusion of Deutsche Post AG in the STOXX Europe 50 is a remarkable recognition of the outstanding performance of our Group based on the dedicated work of 570,000 employees worldwide." Bonn - Deutsche Post DHL Group was informed yesterday evening by Qontigo, financial market services provider and subsidiary of Deutsche Börse AG, that the shares of Deutsche Post AG will be listed in the European blue-chip index STOXX Europe 50 with effect from 20 September 2021. Thus, Deutsche Post DHL Group is currently the only logistics service provider in Europe's leading mixed-currency index. "The logistics industry has made a valuable contribution to society during pandemic times. In recent months, we have successfully managed to cope with increased shipment volumes in e-commerce, supplied the world with vaccines and helped the global economy to recover power global trade.

The inclusion of Deutsche Post DHL Group [Deutsche Post AG] in the STOXX Europe 50 is a remarkable recognition of the outstanding performance of our Group based on the dedicated work of 570,000 employees worldwide," said CEO Frank Appel. The STOXX Europe 50 consists of the fifty most valuable listed companies in Europe. The index was established in 1998 and is regarded as an important indicator of the performance of the European stock market. The STOXX Europe 50 is one of the world's leading underlyings for exchange-traded funds (ETFs), futures, options and structured products. The composition of the members is reviewed annually. The basis for the inclusion is the market capitalization of the free float based on the closing prices at the end of August. After shares of Deutsche Post AG traded at an issue price of EUR 21.00 at the time of its IPO around 21 years ago and succeeded in moving up to the EURO STOXX 50 8 years ago, the share price has risen to EUR 59.58 (closing price as at August 31, 2021). Accordingly, market capitalization has almost tripled since the IPO to around EUR 74 billion.

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3.Consumers drive growth in UK subscription box market as popularity soars September 02, 2021 Consumers in London, West Midlands and Northern Ireland are most likely to be signed up to subscription services, according to Royal Mail’s new UK Subscription Box Market report. Almost half (45%) of Londoners are signed up to at least one subscription box, followed by 37% and 36% of shoppers in the West Midlands and Northern Ireland, respectively. However, when it comes to the highest average number of subscription boxes per person, subscription box shoppers in the North East take top place at 5.2. Londoners come a close. second signing up for 5 subscription boxes per person on average, followed by consumers in the East Midlands at 4.6. The UK subscription box market is set to be worth £1.8 billion by 2025, according to Royal Mail’s UK Subscription Box Market report. Retaining customers for the future The popularity of subscription boxes remains strong with high levels of loyalty. Fewer than a quarter (24%) of subscription box shoppers said they intended to cancel their subscriptions any time soon. Retailers are also looking to make subscription boxes more popular by introducing more flexibility. For example, subscription retailers are increasingly looking to offer subscription box holidays for when the recipient either doesn’t need any more of that item or if they are going to be away. Embracing sustainability for the future As UK shoppers continue to embrace subscription-based models for goods and services, subscription box businesses are increasingly focusing on environmental, social and governance (ESG) requirements and keeping emissions low. With the UK's largest "Feet on the Street" network of over 85,000 postmen and women, Royal Mail already has the lowest reported CO2e emissions per parcel amongst major UK delivery companies. Bloom & Wild, for example, strongly embraces sustainability practices. Some of its initiatives include its 100% recyclable letterbox packaging, offsetting all of its carbon emissions and a strong focus on minimising waste by using sophisticated forecasting algorithms and eco sales for loyal customers. Henry Mower, Director of Fulfilment & Delivery at Bloom & Wild says: “It’s really important to our customers and our team that we minimise our impact. We’re committed to our existing sustainability initiatives and are always looking at new ways to help us do that.” UNI Apro Post & Logistics 5 Nick Landon, Chief Commercial Officer at Royal Mail, said: “Subscription boxes soared during the pandemic, amid the more general acceleration in online retail growth. Subscription services minimised the need to go to shops when consumers felt less comfortable doing so, a trend that is expected to continue post_COVID-19 as shoppers opt for convenience.”


 4.Conversion rate interim dividend PostNL August 30, 2021 The Hague, 30 August 2021 - PostNL announces conversion rate interim dividend. On 9 August 2021, PostNL announced to pay an interim dividend over 2021 of €0.10 per ordinary share in cash or shares at the option of the shareholders. Shareholders who elected dividend in shares will receive one PostNL ordinary share for every 44.6940 dividend rights. This represents a value of €0.10 per dividend right. The conversion rate has been determined based on the volume-weighted average price of €4.4694 of all traded PostNL ordinary shares at Euronext Amsterdam on 25, 26 and 27 August 2021. Shareholders representing more than 40% of the outstanding share capital have elected dividend to be paid in shares, resulting in the issuance of approximately 4,804,000 new ordinary shares. The shares to be issued as stock dividend are paid out of additional paid-in capital as part of the distributable reserves, free of withholding tax in the Netherlands. The dividend will be payable as of 31 August 2021.


5.Members’ overwhelming support for EBA10 (Enterprise Bargaining Agreement) August 30, 2021 A coordinated CEPU/CWU campaign which has played out over the past 12 months in the public eye, in our Parliamentary chambers and, ultimately, at the bargaining table, has delivered an EBA10 that locks in all your existing conditions, continues to maximise full-time jobs, prevents members impacted by letter decline from being sacked, delivers pay equality to posties and increases wages at a rate exceeding current averages and Australian wage growth forecasts for the next three years. Importantly, it seals the fate of the ADM – giving members real control of the modelling of their workplaces to restore the levels of service the public deserve and protect the quality of our members’ jobs. It’s no wonder that members right across the country have endorsed the Agreement so strongly – delivering the highest ever level of return in an Australia Post EBA ballot. It demonstrates just how important security and certainty is to CEPU/CWU members as we navigate through one of the worst health and economic disasters our country has ever faced. The ballot was counted today, resulting in the following state-by-state breakdown: • New South Wales 98% YES • Australian Capital Territory 97% YES • South Australia 95% YES • Northern Territory 99% YES • Queensland 93% YES • Western Australia 94% YES • Tasmania 57% YES • Victoria 78% YES • NATIONAL YES VOTE: 90% UNI Apro Post & Logistics 7 Not only is the number of returned votes the highest ever seen in an Australia Post EBA ballot, the national “YES” vote percentage is also a new record. Members delivered this outcome Your Union wishes to thank all members, particularly our local AURs and activists, for their hard work in holding Australia Post accountable over the past year. All the lobbying of our politicians, your evidence, your photographs, your documented experiences of how the system was choking under the demand of processing and delivering mail under the ADM, from having to deal with irate customers in our post offices and call centres who were angry about how the ADM was disrupting their access to essential goods and their ability to keep their businesses open – each one of you have played a key role in defining this outcome. And to those of you who encouraged members in your workplace to vote, and to vote yes – so resoundingly. You achieved this win, and it should be celebrated. Australia Post will now lodge EBA10 with the Fair Work Commission (FWC) and your Union will be taking steps to ensure coverage. Once the Agreement is approved by the FWC it will come into effect and replace EBA9. Members will receive their first 3% wage rise in the first full pay period of September. Keeping our Union strong – to continue delivering the very best outcomes Continuing to deliver the very best outcomes for our members is only achievable if we keep our Union strong. If your colleagues are not yet members of the CEPU/CWU, ask them to join today. I also want to thank the many members in workplaces across the country who took advantage of the incentives offered during the EBA10 recruitment campaign – where over 300 new members joined the Union. This was so important in ensuring we were stronger when we got to the bargaining table. Each new member that joined during the period was assigned a number, with one from each participating Branch selected via a randomising system in our major prize draw. Those who invited new members to join were also entered in to their own draw with winners selected randomly through the same process – the greater the number of new members invited to join, the greater the chance of winning the random draw. We’re excited to announce the winners of the $500 gift card major prizes across Branches participating in the campaign were:-

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UNI Apro Post & Logistics 1 POSTAL NEWS No 70-2021 Formulated by UNI Apro Post and Logistics Sector

1. UPU adopts new Integrated Remuneration Plan and System for 2022-2025 cycle. September 03, 2021. 2. FedEx Express launches the FedEx International Connect Plus. September 02, 2021. 3. Contract Update: Union & Management “Locking Down” Ahead of September 20 Expiration. September 01, 2021. 4. Australia Post secures record revenue while continuing to deliver for the community. August 31, 2021. 5. NZ Post prepares for increase in online shopping, some delays expected. August 30, 2021. 1.UPU adopts new Integrated Remuneration Plan and System for 2022-2025 cycle September 03, 2021 At the 27th Universal Postal Congress held in Abidjan, an updated remuneration plan and a new remuneration system were adopted, marking an important step forward in the rationalization, modernization and integration of the UPU’s remuneration systems. The new Integrated Remuneration System (IRS) will be implemented throughout the 2022 to 2025 Abidjan work cycle. The Integrated Remuneration Plan (IRP), which was first devised at the beginning of the Istanbul work cycle provided the strategic direction and roadmap to deliver proposals for the IRS. The work prescribed in the updated IRP is to be conducted throughout 2022 to 2025 and should result in the submission of proposals to the 28th Congress in Dubai in 2025 for a fully Integrated Remuneration System applicable from 2026 to 2030. The new IRS builds upon the landmark decisions made by the Third Extraordinary Congress held in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2019, where the terminal dues remuneration for small packets were reviewed and self-declaration of those rates within certain limits and conditions was introduced. UNI Apro Post & Logistics 2 “The new IRS is a concrete step towards full integration of the current UPU remuneration systems, namely the terminal dues system, the inward land rates, ECOMPRO rates, and the remuneration system for EMS items, which all evolved independently from one another over time,” said Altamir Linhares, Coordinator of the Remuneration Governance, Development and Integration Programme at the UPU. “This situation resulted in lack of rate alignment across letter-post items, lightweight parcels, and EMS items. At the same time there was a need to modernize the UPU remuneration systems, in particular the rates and conditions applicable to items containing goods, to provide for more flexibility and to better respond to the important aspects of cost coverage and changing market needs,” Linhares added. The IRS for the Abidjan Cycle reflects a balance between market-based evidence and varying political economy interests, such as affordability and levels of economic and postal development. “One of the key benefits of the new system is an improved level of cost coverage for designated operators in the destination country through increased remuneration rates while focusing on making significant improvements in quality of service, as well as customer and operational visibility of postal items traveling through the global postal network,” Linhares explains. “It also recognizes the needs of the designated operators in developing countries with small mail volumes by extending protection mechanisms that ensure a continued access to affordable remuneration rates in the destination country.” The IRS provisions and rates will take effect on 1 January 2022. The UPU International Bureau will, in coordination with the restricted unions, organize and conduct workshops and training sessions for UPU members to fully understand and correctly apply the IRS, along with the usual calculation and publication of the relevant IRS rates every year.

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UNI Apro Post & Logistics 3 2.FedEx Express launches the FedEx International Connect Plus September 02, 2021

FedEx Express has announced the launch of FedEx International Connect Plus (FICP), a new FedEx Express International, day-definite, e-commerce shipping service that aims to combines speed with price, in the Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa (AMEA) region. The launch of FICP is considered to enhance FedEx e-commerce capabilities as businesses are increasingly looking for more diversified, cost-effective solutions to meet consumers’ ever-changing needs. According to Deloitte, consumers prioritise an end-to-end shopping experience. Shipping costs and delivery options are stated to be two of the most significant drivers of cart abandonment – about 40% of consumers will not complete checkout if the delivery costs are too high. Another 10% will abandon their cart if a package cannot be delivered on time or flexible delivery options are not available, cited FedEx. With FICP, e-tailers across ten markets including Australia, Hong Kong, India, Japan, mainland China, Malaysia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand can provide their customers with an international shipping solution with competitive prices, while ensuring shipments will be delivered within 1 to 5 business days within AMEA, according to FedEx. This service is said to be supported with capabilities including tracking, sending out notifications to receivers and flexibility to change delivery options via FedEx Delivery Manager, which aims to gives e-tailers’ customers more visibility, control, and convenience over their online orders. Benefits of FICP for e-tailers and their customers include: • Value – The FICP aims to enable businesses to enjoy greater savings at day-definite transits. • Flexibility and control – Besides home delivery, the FICP service enables e-tailers to give their end-customers the flexibility to pick up their package from hundreds of available pick-up locations nearby, and the option to change delivery date and location. • Integration – Both online and offline shipping automation solutions are available. • Track & trace – FedEx’s parcel tracking capabilities is said to give e-tailers and customers visibility throughout the entire delivery journey.

UNI Apro Post & Logistics 4 “Building a robust e-commerce ecosystem is a top priority for us at FedEx. With FICP, we have an ideal solution for businesses to meet heightened expectations of consumers for reliable, and economical delivery services,” said Kawal Preet, president of the Asia Pacific, Middle East, and Africa (AMEA) region at FedEx Express. “By providing businesses with a broader range of shipping solutions, we help them accelerate their cross_border e-commerce offerings and connect to more online shoppers across the Intra-AMEA markets.”

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3.Contract Update: Union & Management “Locking Down” Ahead of September 20 Expiration September 01, 2021

Beginning September 7, the National Negotiations Committee (NNC) will lock down with postal management for a week of intense contract negotiations as the September 20 expiration of the current collective bargaining agreement approaches. Both the APWU officers and postal management will be in the same hotel, meeting daily at main table negotiations, craft tables, and other subcommittees where they will hash out the various proposals. All meetings will be conducted respecting all COVID related safety protocols including mask-wearing and social distancing. The NNC has been meeting regularly with postal management, and has submitted over 90 proposals. These proposals include items to protect job security and work opportunities, work rules and working conditions, increase career opportunities and improve conditions of work. The APWU will submit additional proposals in the coming weeks including ones for “economic provisions” – wage increases, COLA, step increases, etc.

UNI Apro Post & Logistics

5 Throughout this process, the NNC is keeping the APWU National Executive Board and the Rank and File Bargaining Advisory Committee updated about the process and developments of negotiations. On August 24, the NNC hosted a second series of APWU Contract Town Hall events to update the members and answer questions. APWU Leadership will continue to keep the membership updated on the progress of negotiations. Source : 4.Australia Post secures record revenue while continuing to deliver for the community August 31, 2021 • Group revenue $8.27 billion up 10.3 per cent, driven by the continued eCommerce growth • Group profit before tax $100.7 million - up 87.7 per cent from $53.6 million • Invested $450 million including network upgrades and expansion and fleet • Successful Enterprise Agreement vote providing security for workforce for the next three years Australia Post today announced FY21 group revenue of $8.27 billion, a new record up 10.3 per cent, and a profit before tax of $100.7 million. Total revenue was boosted by the continued growth in eCommerce brought about by COVID-19, with strong parcel growth. Parcels & Services revenue grew 17.7 per cent to $6.48 billion, on the back of a 27.1 per cent increase in Australia Post branded parcels, and StarTrack volumes up 12.1 per cent. AP Global continued to grow our cross-border eCommerce business, with revenue up 90.6 per cent to $429 million, with its end-to-end logistics solutions for a portfolio of global eCommerce merchants delivering over 40 million parcels. UNI Apro Post & Logistics 6 Australia Post continues to grow profitably with a $47.1 million increase in profit before tax despite managing through disruptions to network operations, additional resources to support lockdowns, processing unprecedented parcel volumes and significantly reduced transport capacity. The overall result was however tempered by the continued decline in addressed letter volumes – down 11.6 per cent - leading to a fall in letters revenue of $202 million. The business remained vigilant in reducing costs where possible, with head office support costs down by $16.8 million (1.5 per cent) year on year. Australia Post Acting Group Chief Executive Office and Managing Director Rodney Boys said the result highlighted the crucial role Australia Post has played during a challenging time and was testament to the hard work of its people across the network. “This strong result rests with the hard work of our people, who have continued to deliver everyday through the challenges of a pandemic and numerous lockdowns,” Mr Boys said “It is fitting that we recognise our people through the positive vote for the new Enterprise Agreement which preserves existing terms and conditions while delivering a three per cent pay rise for each of the next three years, for over 31,000 people across the deliveries, Post Office Network, customer services and office teams. “The strength of eCommerce – up 31.8 per cent as Australians took to online shopping in record numbers – has supported the result, as did the temporary regulatory changes which allowed us to meet the significant parcel demand and ongoing mail delivery. “Our Post Office Network performed strongly, and despite challenging times, we kept 99 per cent of our post offices open, allowing people to access important services, including Bank@Post – where we also signed landmark extensions with CBA and NAB for a further ten years. “We have accelerated our investment program with $450 million invested last year in our delivery network, including in processing facilities, our last mile delivery fleet, electric vehicles and expanding our Parcel Lockers footprint, increasing delivery options for consumers and further significant projects to be completed in the year ahead.” Australia Post also returned dividends to the government of $46.2 million. Considerable uncertainty remains as to the impacts of the ongoing pandemic on the next financial year. The 2021 Annual Report will be tabled in Federal Parliament in October 2021.

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5.NZ Post prepares for increase in online shopping, some delays expected August 30, 2021 NZ Post is continuing to provide delivery services in Alert Level 4 in Auckland and Northland and Alert Level 3 in areas south of Auckland. “As those areas south of Auckland move into Alert Level 3 and more items are available to be bought online, NZ Post is expecting an increase in parcels to be delivered, and there are likely to be some delays across the country,” NZ Post Chief Customer Officer Bryan Dobson says. “We will be updating our website regularly and encourage customers to check there for updates on delivery times. “NZ Post is gearing up to meet the increase in parcels and to reduce the impact of any delays. We’ve re-designed our Auckland network since last Lockdown to ease potential areas of congestion, set up temporary processing sites and operating extended processing hours,” Bryan says. “We have brought on as many additional people as we can and our teams are working hard to deliver for Kiwis. “Our people have been working very hard throughout Level 4, continuing to provide an essential service to connect and support Kiwis during this Lockdown. We ask Kiwis to please be patient and understanding as we do our best to deliver your items to you as soon as possible during Level 3. “We are asking for kindness, compassion and patience. Your item will get to you, it may just take a few more days than it would at normal times. While you may be excited to receive your item from us, we ask everyone to please strictly respect the two-metre rule for our people, and to not approach couriers and posties as they deliver your items,” Bryan says. UNI Apro Post & Logistics 8 “To help manage the increased flow of parcels into our network we are also working with online retailers to manage the parcels we receive to deliver to New Zealanders. We will need to limit items accepted into our network in line with what we can reasonably deliver so we don't receive these parcels all at once. “This may mean some parcels are delayed before they reach the NZ Post network. This will help to avoid the surge of parcels we received last year when we moved into Level 3 after an extended period-of-time in Level 4. This created a large backlog of parcels that really hampered our network and caused additional delays.” The best place to find out about delays is on the NZ Post website, where customers can also find FAQs about how NZ Post is operating at the different alert levels.

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