Friday, July 19, 2013
1)RELHS Orders : Guidelines and ceiling limit for Liver Transplant Surgery in respect of beneficiaries of Railway Medical Attendance Rules / RELHS 2)Postal Orders : Deduction of TDS at the time payment of quarterly interest from SCSS accounts, withdrawal from NSS-87 accounts, Payment of Commission to Agents and issue of TDS Certificate in Form I6A 3)CGDA Orders : Promotion of Asstt. Accounts Officers to Accounts Officer’s grade 4)Regarding utilization of 28 Certified Trainers for conducting training programmes on Ethics and Values in Public Governance 5)Recruitment of Stenographers Grade ‘D’ in CSSS through Stenographers Grade ‘C’ & ‘D’ Examination - 2012 conducted by Staff Selection Commission (SSC) - nomination of qualified candidates-reg.
11:58 PM