34th Divl conference of Tamluk sub DN nupe3 MTS gr and gds was held
on3rd Nov at Bajkul Midnapur. Sri Paresh Jana founder member of Fnpo
inaugurated the conf..Sri B.M.Ghosh former vp Fnpo details stated Fnpo
history. Sri Sisir Adhikari former Central Minister and present veteran
MP as a chief Guest stated his bad experience in the parliament
committee meeting in cw cg employeesand Central Govt office.He also
stated that he would help the Postal staff for benefits specially GDS.
Sri Dipak Mukherjee former chq president told attack of Central Govt to
postal and harrasment of staff. Sri PGDuttabanik circle Sec pensioer
association reported only Fnpo tried their best to protect postal. He
also criitisim the present Cgovt. Smt Soma Ghosh Cs mts GR c briefly
stated the work position of staff.She also stated discussions with the
admin recent meetings. Near about 460 members attended.the conference.