On 19-11-2019 in Royal Singhi Hotel from 1Pm to 3PM UNI APRO Post & Logistics committee meeting held under the Chairmanship of Bro Mistgi Masuda, President. Welcome address given by Bro Shyam Dhungel, Central Committee Member, NCSEU,Nepal. Solidarity greetings given by Bro Rajendra Acharya. Ms Cornelia Broos, Head of UNI Post & Logistics presented about next World conference at Dakar, Senegal in June 2020. She also told updates on collaboration with UNI, ILO and UPU. Sister Kanako Osaki, Director Coordinater entire meeting and presented activity report for the year 2018 and also action plan for 2019-2020. Many of the participants utilized questions and answers secission. From FNPO TN Rahate, SG, Sivaji Vasireddy, GS NAPE c and PU Muralidharan GS NUGDS are participated.