Sunday, August 2, 2020

Former GS Postman Union R.Seethalakshmi breathes her last after struggling in hospital against cancer!

           It is with heavy heart we announce that smt R.Seethalakshmi ex-GS P4 has passed away today after her unsuccessful battle to cancer in Bengaluru. Her breast cancer somehow spread viciously in her body to snatch her away from the movement. She reportedly gone into coma stage and never recovered. She is declared as passed away around 7.30 P.M today (01.08.2020) despite the prayers by many comrades!

       R.Seethalakshmi was the first woman General Secretary to a NFPE affiliated all India union. She was elected in Cuttack All India Conference of P4 Union in the year 2003 and had shouldered many higher responsibilities in our movement. She was Deputy SG of NFPE; All India Chair Person of Confederation and Convener of NFPE Mahila Wings etc.

       It is very rare scene that a woman is managing the affairs of a Postman Union at CHQ level by remaining in foreign service. She stood firmly with GDS all these years both as a Circle Secretary and also as a General Secretary. She was a close disciple of late lamented leader shri Adi also. During her tenure as GS she was found extensively touring circles to keep the organization in front and militant. Till her last days she was active in social media platforms too using them in our class interests.
It is a heavy and irreparable loss to the movement. We have no words to express our sorrow for her passing away so quick after her superannuation. 
We on behalf of FNPO/NUPE P4 CHQ Convey our heartfelt condolences to her bereaved family members