Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Request to issue suitable instructions to the Chief Post Master General Maharashtra circle to settle the genuine issues of NUPM &MTS UnionSG FNPO Letter to Member (P)-



 T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi -110001. Phone-011-23321378                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mob: 9448061962/9481422464




Ref:No.1//FNPO/M.H.PIV/2020                                                                 Dated.30/09/2020


Shri, Dr. Santosh Kumar Kamila,

The Member (P)

Postal Services Board,


New Delhi- 110001.


Respected Sir

Sub: Request to issue suitable instructions to the Chief Post Master

General Maharashtra circle to settle the genuine issues of

NUPM &MTS Union. 


A Notice of agitation and Strike issued by my affiliated union (NUPM&MTS) addressed to the Chief PMG, Maharashtra Circle dated 28.09.2020, completely picturizing the issues of Postman & MTS employees is enclosed for the intervention of the DOP and for proper redressal.


The issues mentioned in the notice have already discussed by the circle union with various officers of the Circle administration many times.  But so far, no action is caused by circle administration to find the solutions to settle 8 (eight) points demands as on date despite several letters to the circle office by my circle secretary. It is learnt some of the officers exert more pressure on postmen to procure more business without taking into consideration of pandemic situation prevails in the state.  Considering all these facts NUPM&MTS Union of Maharashtra circle decided to go on agitation from 08/10/2020 if issues are not   solved by Circle administration. In the absence of tangible and fruitful action by the administration union proposed to go to go on indefinite strike from 14/10/2020.  

Hence it is requested your office may kindly issue suitable instructions to the CPMG Maharashtra circle to settle issues mentioned in the notice by the Circle Union at the earliest to avoid agitation in the Maharashtra circle from 08/10/2020.


A line in reply on the subject is highly solicited.

Thanking you,

  Yours sincerely


Secretary General