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Ref: 03/FNPO/VERIFI/2021 09/04/2021
Shri Vineet Pandey,
D G Posts,
Department of Posts,
New Delhi- 110001.
Respected Sir,
Sub:-Verification of Membership for recognition of Service Associations
Under CCS (RSA) Rules -1993.
It is understood that the Department of Posts is going to conduct verification of membership for recognition of service associations shortly. In this regard my federation would like to place it on record the following for rational consideration.
1. The last membership verification was conducted in the year 2015 but results were declared in July 2019. In accordance with RSA rules ibid verification has to be conducted once in five years, hence my federation strongly urges that the date of declaration of results ie., July 2019 should be taken into account. Thus, it is clear that the actual due time for next membership verification should be in 2024, for Service associations.
2. With regard to verification of membership of GDS Associations, the Department is essentially required to take the stand that verification of membership of both GDS and Service associations should be uniformly conducted. If the GDS membership verification is taken up now it sends a wrong signal and it appears that we are intentionally alienating the GDS. Therefore, the federation urges that the verification of membership of both Service Associations and GDS should be taken up in 2024.
3. Further, my Federation already pointed out that, the DOP has not done justice while computing working strength of administrative union of AIPAOA(FNPO) properly while announcing the result of verification of membership during 2015.Because of this fault my affiliated union AIPAOA lost its recognition in a narrow margin. My federation addressed to DOPT informing the discrepancies in computing the data while arriving at the decision. Till date the discrepancies are un-settled. We thereforeurge the department to extend minimum trade union facilities to AIPAOA (FNPO) upto the next verification i.e., 2024.
The Federation hopes that the DOP will positively consider the aforesaid suggestions which will act as level play and ends in rendering Justice to all.
Your early feedback requested.
Thank You,
Yours Sincerely
[B. Shivakumar]
Secretary General [FNPO]
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