Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Grant of Honorarium to Inquiry Officers (IO)/Presenting Officers (PO) - Consolidated instructions regarding

Rate of honorarium to IOs/POs for departmental inquiries are : 

IOs (Serving) - Min. Rs 5000 & Max Rs. 10,000.

POs (Serving) - Min Rs. 5000 & Max - Rs. 10,000. 
These rates are applicable with effective from 31/07/2012 and applicable to the inquiries in progress also. The payment is subject to terms and conditions laid down.
The number of disciplinary cases is to be restricted to 10 in a year and not more than 2 at a time.

To see DOPT order issued vide Memo No. 142/15/2010-AVD-I dated 31st July, 2012 CLICK HERE.

The honorarium payable to IO/Presenting Officer for conducting inquiry in departmental proceedings would be outside the purview of the general delegation under FR 46 B, which limits the maximum amount payable as honorarium to an individual in a financial year to Rs. 5,000/- 

To see DOPT order issued vide Memo No. 142/15/2010-AVD-I dated 23rd June, 2014 CLICK HERE.