National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110001
Federation of National Postal Organisations
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi – 110001
JCA/2009 Dated 20th November 2009
Honourable Minister of Communications & IT
Government of India
New Delhi
'Efficiency In Postal Mail Service’ - Few Absolute Facts.
Objective of this Memorandum
This is NOT a memorandum demanding ANY FINANCIAL ADVANTAGE for the employees of the Postal Department. We – the two recognized Federations of Postal Employees of the Department - have got a responsibility to share views on IMPROVEMENT OF POSTAL SERVICES extended to the members of public with MORE EFFICIENCY. Hence, THIS MEMORANDUM, about 'efficiency in postal service' revealing a few absolute facts.
Efficiency Factor
Mails emanate from individual senders and are deliverable to individual addressees and Bulk mails emanate from Institutions and deliverable to individuals/Business Organisations. HOW FAST THIS WORK IS DONE IS THE 'DECIDING FACTOR' OF THE EFFICIENCY OF THE POSTAL SERVICES. When 'speed' i.e. 'Time taken' from the time of posting to the time of delivery of a letter - is the 'deciding factor', naturally 'time' plays an absolute role in the efficiency. No human effort or any amount of money can produce extra time for anybody. Individual or institution either Postal or Private Courier - have got only 24 hours a day, not a minute more or less. Hence, the efficiency depends upon how an individual or institution utilize the 'time' to his/its advantage. In respect of Postal Department, for the purpose of delivery of mail, the efficiency
Depends upon how, the time, available from the time of posting of a letter to the time of delivery, is utilized without any wastage. Only such a fast service could SATISFY THE INDIAN PUBLIC, who have moved from Postal Services, to Private Couriers. The question now is how to bring back the mails that were 'taken away' by our competitors - Private Couriers. This can be done only by improving our efficiency of
Processing / transporting/ effecting delivery than our competitors. The quantum of ‘Revenue Loss' caused to the Department due to such a shift of customers to our competitors can be wiped out only by bringing them back and not through any other gimmicks. Gimmicks may result in more expenditure and not revenue.
What is to be done?
We must, first, find out what is the disease? Only correct diagnosis will result in successful treatment.
All kinds of letters are posted in various Street Letter Boxes and Post Offices. Mostly members of public and institutions post their letters only in the late evening. This is because they attend to the mails received in the forenoon, process them, make the reply ready and then post them in the evening. Hence, we cannot ask the people to post their letters in the forenoon itself. Therefore, the processing work after clearance , defacing , transportation to a central point (RMS) , detailed processing at this point -- is carried out , connected to trains/flights to reach various destinations for effecting forenoon delivery next day or afternoon depending upon the distance and transportation time factor. The local mails are then processed in the central point (RMS) for effecting delivery next day morning. IF AT ANY PARTICULAR POINT, DURING THIS INTERVAL, THERE IS INEFFICIENCY IN THE PROCESSING, THE DELAY IN DELIVERY OCCURS.
How the 'inefficiency' can crop up?
Naturally not utilizing the available TIME for efficient processing and transportation - aiming at early delivery - will result in 'inefficiency'.
The above 'mail processing' work consists of two types -
1. Administrative
2. Technical
The administrative part consists of executive actions in arranging for the transport by public carriers and if not available by private agencies, or human labour, the provision of equipment such as accommodation, provision of personnel etc.
The technical part consists in taking care of the mail from the time the public place their mail in the custody of the Post Office till the time the Post Office delivers it to the addressee. (Operative arrangements).
Now, it seems the private couriers are able to very efficiently carry out both the above items of work, resulting in 'more efficient delivery'.
Why we are not able to achieve the maximum efficiency?
We feel that the 'Administration' is absolutely ignoring the 'technical part' of the processing and to some extent even administrative part. How?
As already explained 'efficient time-utilization' is the factor which would result in our CORE COMPETENCE OF EFFICIENT DELIVERY. This factor is absolutely neglected.
Mails use the same transport as persons. Hence, mail should travel as persons do. Different passengers with different individual destinations are found in the same plane, train, ship or bus. The same applies to mails and it is the most important controlling factor in deciding on processing mails and transportation towards various destinations. It means, if a man could reach a destination - within a timeframe –
, it must be absolutely possible for a 'mail' also to reach that destination within that timeframe and that is what is called CORE EFFICIENCY. All other acts are compromises, which may not satisfy our members of public.
This efficiency can be achieved ONLY if 'time factor' in between the time of posting to the time of delivery is utilized VERY EFFICIENTLY. AT NO POINT OF TIME, MAIL SHOULD BE KEPT IDLE WAITING FOR PROCESSING.
Since 'mails' are posted by members of the public only in the evening, naturally they are available for processing late in the evening and night. Time for processing is required depending upon the volume available - which may be till midnight or throughout night. Unless, processing is done during this period, it may not be possible to connect to late night trains/flights and early morning flights for connecting delivery in the forenoon next day.
Before 1980s, even the remote corner of the Nation was getting the earliest delivery through efficient postal system. What happened after that?
1. in 1980s, the core-principle of 'utilising the time available from the time of posting to the time of delivery' was made a casuality by an Administrative Order for abolition of 'sorting work' in the running trains. Before that, both sorting work and transportation of mails happened simultaneously - utilizing the same hours - resulting in absolute efficiency in delivery of mails. After abolition of sorting work in running trains, the Department needed 'time' separately for sorting and transportation. Thus, these orders resulted in 'inefficiency'. ONLY AFTER THIS, THE PRIVATE COURIERS ENTERED THE SCENE OF ACCEPTING AND DELIVERING MAILS IN INDIA. It means the inefficiency of an Administrative Order of the Department of Posts, paved way for private couriers.
2. In 1990s further deterioration started. The 'central processing units' (RMS) were till then functioning in the 'junctions' resulting in fast moving of mails through efficient transportations readily available in those rail/bus junctions. But, again Administrative Orders were issued for establishing 'District Sorting Pattern' and establishing 'Mail Offices' in District Head Quarters, instead of processing at the 'junction' points. These orders resulted in further delay to mails. So, more volume of mails found its way to Private Couriers.
Further, Automatic Mail Processing Machines were brought in. The reason for induction of such machines, as told by the administration, was 'efficient service to the members of public'. But, unfortunately, just for the purpose of feeding the machines , mails were accumulated at AMPC , culling machineable mails took further time and then processed through machines leisurely and then connected to transportations available very late. Thus, in the name of efficiency, inefficiency percolated further into the system. Private-courier- business started growing indicating 'these inefficiencies of the Department'.
Most importantly and alarmingly again one-more-order 'ignoring' the efficiency of utilizing the 'time' available at the origin points is under issue.
THIS IS HERE, WE REQUEST THE INTERVENTION OF HONOURABLE MINISTER OF COMMUNICATIONS, TO PREVENT DEVELOPING FURTHER INEFFICIENCY in processing mails. If these orders are issued, the last nail will be laid to the mail delivery efficiency. The department will be losing the entire revenue of 'mail business' to the private couriers.
Since 'mails' are posted by members of the public only in the evening, naturally they are available for processing late in the evening and night. Time for processing is required depending upon the volume available - which may be till midnight or throughout night. Unless, processing is done during this period, it may not be possible to connect to late night trains/flights and early morning flights for connecting delivery in the forenoon next day.
This 'operational reality' requires CENTRAL POINTS of processing. Since 'postings' by members of public are made in the late evening, processing cannot be done in Post Offices, which are functioning from the morning till only up to 05-00 p.m. Therefore, the CENTRAL POINTS of processing (RMS) which are at the rail-heads or air-heads,(functioning late in the evening and night) are absolutely needed to EFFICIENTLY UTILISE THE 'TIME FACTOR' available to achieve the EFFICIENCY OF FAST DELIVERY to mails.
Unfortunately, this core efficiency factor has been IGNORED by the present Postal Administration, by proposing to abolish all CENTRAL PROCESSING POINTS (RMS), which would definitely cause MORE DELAYS IN DELIVERY OF MAILS. In fact the Department of Posts had already merged more than 90 RMS Mail Offices with less than 10,000 mail volume per day as agreed to by the Staff Side on pressure by the Administration to close down more offices. Now, in the name of Second Phase of Mail Consolidation etc all Central Processing Points [RMS] are being merged or abolished. More Transit Sections are being abolished. Sub Record Offices are being targeted also. RMS Divisions are being merged causing weakness in supervision. The decisions of Postal Administration will definitely help only PRIVATE COURIERS in garnering our mail business utilizing the further weaknesses caused by our new measurers. It is beyond our comprehension as to why the 'Postal Administration' is so interested in helping private couriers instead of improving our efficiency?
To focus attention on all such retrograde moves of the Postal Administration, the Postal Joint Council of Action comprising of all Unions of our two Federations has undertaken an all India Programme of Action and the Department of Posts had also been intimated of our Programmes. The Postal Joint Council of Action has also decided to go on strike from 15th December 2009 if the Department of Posts is not causing any reversal of these orders and moves that are aimed at the total destruction of RMS & MMS services and thereby destroying the efficiency of the whole Postal Department.
We request the Honorable Minister of Communications to kindly intervene and prevent all these retrograde steps under way and under contemplation of the Postal Administration in order to save the existing EFFICIENCY LEVEL of Mail Processing and Mail Conveyance at least before collapse. We would also request the Honourable Minister of Communications & IT to cause necessary orders for keeping all the retrograde measurers under abeyance and initiate meaningful discussions with our Federations and All India Unions to arrive at collective decisions on improving the mail processing and other activities without destroying the edifice itself.
Thanking you Sir,
Yours faithfully,
[D.Theagarajan] [K.Ragavendran]
Secretary General Secretary General
National Federation of Postal Employees
Federation of National Postal Organisations
----------------------------------------- Circle
JCA/2009 Dated 20th November 2009
Memorandum submitted by the Circle Unions of NFPE & FNPO to the Chief Postmaster General on 20-11-2009
Respected Sir/Madam,
During the recent months, RMS and MMS are target of attack by the administration, some by Circles and others under the directions of the Postal Board. The services are seriously affected besides creating staff problems.
The measures implemented/contemplated by Circles are enumerated below:
1. Abolition of sorting offices handling more than 10000 letters. The agreement with staff side has been dishonoured.
2. Abolishing night sets.
3. Closing of SRO's and merging them with Post Office.
4. Merger of sets of mail offices
5. Abolition of Transit sections; running within the Circle
6. Adverse effects in the name of Project Arrow
7. Merger of sets of CRC's
8. Merger of RMS Divisions in Cities
9. Unrealistic norms of CRC's/Speed Post
10. Abolition of RO's
11. Withdrawal of MMS and replaced by CMS
12. Outsourcing many activities
13. Delay to mails, including Speed Post mainly created by Freighter services and wrong mail arrangements, thereby gifting away of mails to courier services.
The staff apprehend the above schemes are aimed at "liquidation of RMS" and eventual merger with post offices. We are determined to prevent the above and save RMS, MMS and mails.
The specific cases relating to our Circle are enclosed for review and rectification in a time frame.
The Central JCA has decided to launch agitations including total strike for which Notice will be served after observing the response from the administration at Directorate and Circle level.
Three annexures are enclosed. One the attacks in our Circle and the others the copy of communication addressed to DG and Honorable Minister.
Yours sincerely,
Circle Secretary R III Circle Secretary R III
Circle Secretary R IV Circle Secretary R IV
National Federation of Postal Employees
1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi - 110001
Federation of National Postal Organisations
T-24, Atul Grove Road, New Delhi – 110001
JCA/2009 Dated 20th November 2009
Respected Sir/Madam,
The Postal & RMS Employees submit the following:
The Department of Posts has launched an attack on Railway Mail Service by introducing several measures affecting the staff and services:
Some of them are:
1. Abolishing of Night sets
2. Reducing the number of RMS offices
3. Merging CRC's
4. Merging Divisions and closing Record Offices
5. Abolition of RMS Sections within the Circles
6. Outsourcing of Postal mail conveyance by destroying MMS
There were no consultations with the unions. Unilateral decisions are taken.
Mails are delayed badly due to wrong policies and bad mail arrangements. Representations from unions to the Postal Board have not yielded results.
We therefore seek your intervention and good offices.
A copy of the communication addressed to the Secretary Department of Posts is enclosed.
We request you to be good enough to address to the Honorable Minister of Communications & IT enclosing a copy of our communication to the Honorable Minister of Communications & IT and the Minister of State for Communications & IT for their immediate intervention.
Yours sincerely,
Circle Secretary R III Circle Secretary R III
Circle Secretary R IV Circle Secretary R IV
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