Saturday, March 30, 2019
Two days strike from 8th to th January, 2019 call given by FNPO & NFPE ,AIPEU-GDS and NUGDS in support of 23 points charter of demands & Replies from the Department
10:17 PM

Reimbursement in respect of Newspapers purchased/supplied to officers at their residence-guidelines regarding.
10:13 PM

Reviewing of Department of Posts Postman and Mail Guard(Group 'C') Recruitment Rules,2019-reg
1:35 AM

Transfer and posting in the grade of Dy.Manager,Mail Motor Service(Gazetted),General Central Service,Group 'B',Department of Posts.
1:21 AM

Deputation of Shri Aakash Deep Chakravarti (IPoS-1994), PMG Hyderabad Region as Secretary, National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
1:18 AM

B-14/A, Chhatrapati Shivaji
Qutab Institutional Area,
Katwaria Sarai, New
Ph: 011-26517501, 26517503,
Fax: 011-26517507
Website :
Date: 25.03.2019
Subject: Amendment to the investment Guidelines
(Applicable to Scheme CG, Scheme SG, Corporate CG and NPS Lite schemes of NPS
and Atal Pension Yojana)
Reference is invited to the
Investment Guidelines for NPS Schemes (Scheme CG, Scheme SG, Corporate CG and
NPS Lite schemes of NPS and Atal Pension Yojana) dated 3rd June 2015 issued
vide circular no. PERDA/2015/16/PFM/7, the Change in Investment guidelines for
NPS schemes W.r.t. Investment in equity Mutual funds vide circular no.
PERDA/2018/56/PF/2 dated 20th August 2018 and Revised rating criteria for
investments under NPS Schemes vide circular No. PERDA/2018/02/PF/02 dated
08.05.2018. The changes hereunder shall apply only to Scheme CG, Scheme SG,
Corporate CG and NPS Lite schemes of NPS and Atal Pension Yojana.
2. In order to provide
flexibility to the Pension Funds to improve the scheme performance depending
upon the market conditions, it has been decided to increase the cap on
Government Securities & related investments and Short term debt instruments
& related investments by 5% each.
3. The asset class wise
revised caps on the various asset classes are as under:
on Investments for composite schemes
Government Securities & related
Debt Instruments & related investments
Equity ‘& related investments
Asset backed, trust structured etc.
Upto 5%
Short term debt instruments & related
4.The other terms and
conditions as mentioned in the circular PERDA/2015/16/PFM/7 dated 03.06.2015,
circular no. PERDA/2018/56/PF/2 dated 20th August 2018 and circular No.
PFRDA/2018/02/PF/02 dated 08.05.2018 shall remain the same.
5. This circular is issued in exercise of
powers of the Authority under sub-clause (b) of the sub-section (2) of section
14 of Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 2013 read with
regulation 14 and 43 of PFRDA (Pension Fund) Regulation, 2015.
6. This would be effective from 01.04.2019.
Venkateswarlu Peri
12:25 AM

Reviewing of Department of Posts Postman and Mail Guard (Group 'C')Recruitment Rules, 2019- reg.
12:10 AM

Friday, March 29, 2019
Team lead by Secretary General FNPO Shri T. N. Rahate met Member (P) on 28/03/2019.
Secretary General shriT N Rahate , President of FNPO Shri
N K Tyagi, , General Secretary
NUGDS P.U.Muralidhar Dy.G/S N.N. Mujawar
Meet to Respected Mr. P.K. Bisoi Member (P)
,DDG (P) ,smt Manjukumar,DDG
(SR & Lagal)Shri Sahindra dasora
Director SPN S N Das, and ADG GDS-PCC S.B.Vyavhare and explained the various problems
of the employees, mainly due to this.
1.Recruitment of postmen post though surplus candidate of GDS . Maharashtra circle
Reply - After examine the recruitment ruls-2012, will take decision.
2. Engnore TBOP/BCR on 1.1.2006 and re fixation on 1.9.2008 order issued on 4.11.2013 but not implemented in so many circle.
Reply - Ones again Circulate clarification with all examples and compliance report will call form all Circles.
3. Provide door to door time factor to postmen establishment norm's.(modified dil order dated 22.05.1979)
Reply - This issue is under process.
4. Considering of all reject Relaxation cases of deceased GDS staff. Case of maharashtra circle
Reply - Instructions will issued to Maharashtra circle and compliance report will call.
5. Discuss GDS issue..
A. Wages and allowance of GDS drawl of arrears from 1.1.2016
B. Grant Transfer to one post to any another GDS Post.
C. Leave encashment of 180 day's
D. Grant of educational allowance.
E. Bunching benefit to senior GDS.
F. Group insurance
G. Combine duty allowance to signal handed BPM.
H. Emergency leave sanctioning authority of bpm is change from divisional head to Sub divisional head.
6) some RMS issues. also Discuss
11:54 PM

Grant of one notional increment/pension benefits to retirees who retired on 30th June under CBIC -Ministry of Finance
By Speed Post
By Speed Post
F. No.A-26017/16/2019-Ad.IIA
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Revenue
Central Board of Indirect Taxes & Customs
North Block, New Delhi,
Dated the 18th March, 2018.
To,Dated the 18th March, 2018.
All Pr. Chief
Commissioners/Chief Commissioner of GST & Central Excise/Customs/Directors General under CBIC.
Subject:-Representation for grant of one notional increment/pension
benefits to retirees those who retired on 30th June as per Hon’ble
Madras High Court Order in WP No.15732 of 2017 in the case of Shri P.
Iyyamperumal vs UOI and the Order of Hon’ble Supreme Court in SLP
No.22283/2018 dated 23.07.2018 – regarding.
I am directed to say that the above
matter has been examined in the Board and after dismissal of SLP Dy.
No.22283/2018 dated 23.07.2018, the matter was referred to DoP&T for
their advice. DoP&T has advised to refer the matter to Department
of Legal Affairs (DoLA) to explore the possibilities of review of the
Hon’ble Supreme Court Order dated 23.07.2018 in the said SLP Dy.
No.22238/2018. Hence, the matter has not attained finality as yet.
2. It is, therefore, informed that the final decision taken in the
matter would be intimated in due course as and when the matter attains
Yours faithfully,
(Nagendra Kumar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Tele: 011-23095584.
Signed CopyUnder Secretary to the Government of India
Tele: 011-23095584.
11:49 PM

Revision of Pattern & syllabus for Limited Departmental competitive Examination for the post of Postmaster Grade - I.

11:48 PM

Revision of Pattern & Syllabus for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the post of
Revision of Pattern & Syllabus for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the post of Inspector Posts

11:28 PM

Persons with Benchmark Disabilities in posts/services under Central Government – FAQ
No.36035/02/2017-Estt (Res)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
North Block, New Delhi
dated the 25 March, 2019
dated the 25 March, 2019
Subject: Frequently Asked
Questions (FAQs) on reservation to Persons with Benchmark Disabilities
in posts/services under Central Government – reg.
This Department receives references from
various Ministries/Departments seeking clarification on instructions
with regard to reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities
issued vide OM of even number dated 15.1.2018; therefore, a set of
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) have been answered as under for their
Q.1 Whether the reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities are vacancy based or post based?
Answer: Reservation
for. Persons with Benchmark Disabilities is vacancy based as per Section
34 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
Q.2 What categories of specified
disabilities are covered for reservation and what is the percentage
allocation of reservation for each category of persons with benchmark
Answer: As provided in
Para .2 of the OM of even number dated 15.1.2018, categories of
specified disabilities covered under reservation in posts and services
of the Central Government vis-a-vis category wise percentage of
reservation is as under:
(a) | blindness and low vision; | 1% |
(b) | deaf and hard of hearing; | 1% |
(c) | locomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy; | 1% |
(d) | autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness; | 1% |
(e) | multiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness, |
Q.3 Whether the Persons with
Benchmark Disabilities can apply against the posts, which are not
identified suitable for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities?
Answer: Persons with Benchmark Disabilities can apply only against the posts identified suitable for the relevant category.
Q.4 Whether any priority has been given in selection to any category of
Answer: Priority has not been given in selection to any category of Persons with Benchmark disability.disability?
Q.5 Whether a Benchmark Disability candidate can compete for appointment against an unreserved vacancies?
Answer: Yes, Benchmark
Disability candidates can compete for appointment by direct recruitment
against an unreserved vacancy if selected without relaxed standards
along with other candidates for those posts/services which are
identified suitable for them.
Q.6 Whether the vacancies which
are to be earmarked reserved for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities is
to be computed on the total number of vacancies in the cadre strength in
identified categories of posts as well as unidentified categories of
Answer: Yes, vacancies
which are to be earmarked reserved for Persons with Benchmark
Disabilities is to be computed on the total number of vacancies in the
cadre strength in identified categories of posts as well as unidentified
categories of posts. However, recruitment of persons with benchmark
disabilities would only be against the category of posts identified
suitable for them.
Q.7 Whether a separate roster is
to be maintained for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities irrespective
of the post based roster applicable for SC/ST/OBC?
Answer: Yes, every
Central Government establishment shall maintain group-wise separate 100
point vacancy based reservation roster register in the prescribed format
for determining/effecting reservation for the Persons with Benchmark
Disabilities – one each for Group ‘A’ posts filled by direct
recruitment, Group ‘B’ posts filled by direct recruitment and Group ‘C’
posts filled by direct recruitment.
Q.8 What to do with vacancies
reserved for any particular category(s) of Persons with Benchmark
Disabilities cannot be filled due to non-availability of a suitable
candidate, or for any other sufficient reasons?
Answer: As per Section
34(2) of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, if in any
recruitment year any vacancy cannot be filled up due to non-availability
of a suitable person with benchmark disability or for any other
sufficient reasons, such vacancy shall be carried forward in the
succeeding recruitment year and if in the succeeding recruitment year
also suitable person with benchmark disability is not available, it may
first be filled by interchange among the five categories and only when
there is no person with disability available for the post in that year,
the employer shall fill up the vacancy by appointment of a person, other
than .a person
with disability.
with disability.
(G. Srinivasan)
Director (Res)
Tel. : 011-23093074
Signed CopyDirector (Res)
Tel. : 011-23093074
11:27 PM

Amendment in NPS Fund Investment Guidelines - PFRDA Circular
B-14/A, Chhatrapati Shivaji Bhawan,
Qutab Institutional Area,
Katwaria Sarai, New Delhi-110016.
Ph: 011-26517501, 26517503, 26133730
Fax: 011-26517507
Website :
Date: 25.03.2019
Subject: Amendment to the investment Guidelines (Applicable to
Scheme CG, Scheme SG, Corporate CG and NPS Lite schemes of NPS and Atal
Pension Yojana)
Reference is invited to the Investment Guidelines for NPS Schemes
(Scheme CG, Scheme SG, Corporate CG and NPS Lite schemes of NPS and Atal
Pension Yojana) dated 3rd June 2015 issued vide circular no.
PERDA/2015/16/PFM/7, the Change in Investment guidelines
for NPS schemes W.r.t. Investment in equity Mutual funds vide circular
no. PERDA/2018/56/PF/2 dated 20th August 2018 and Revised rating
criteria for investments under NPS Schemes vide circular No.
PERDA/2018/02/PF/02 dated 08.05.2018. The changes hereunder
shall apply only to Scheme CG, Scheme SG, Corporate CG and NPS Lite
schemes of NPS and Atal Pension Yojana.
In order to provide flexibility to the Pension Funds to improve the
scheme performance depending upon the market conditions, it has been
decided to increase the cap on Government Securities & related
investments and Short term debt instruments & related
investments by 5% each.
The asset class wise revised caps on the various asset classes are as under:
Asset Class Caps on Investments for composite schemes
Government Securities & related investments
Upto 55%
Debt Instruments & related investments
Upto 45%
Equity ‘& related investments Upto 15%
Asset backed, trust structured etc. Upto 5%
Short term debt instruments & related investments
Upto 10%
4.The other terms and conditions as mentioned in the circular
PERDA/2015/16/PFM/7 dated 03.06.2015, circular no. PERDA/2018/56/PF/2
dated 20th August 2018 and circular No. PFRDA/2018/02/PF/02 dated
08.05.2018 shall remain the same.
This circular is issued in exercise of powers of the Authority
under sub-clause (b) of the sub-section (2) of section 14 of Pension
Fund Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 2013 read with regulation
14 and 43 of PFRDA (Pension Fund) Regulation, 2015.
This would be effective from 01.04.2019.
Venkateswarlu Peri
(Chief General Manager)
11:25 PM

FNPO delegation met Chairman Postal Services Board under the leadership T.N.Rahate, SG, FNPO
FNPO delegation consisting T.N.Rahate, SG, FNPO, N.K.Tyagi,
President, FNPO,
N.N.Mujawar, Dy G/S NUPE, CHQ, , met Secretary DOP,
Member (Technology), Additional
D.G., DDG(P), DDG (MM),
DDG(SR&Legal), Director(SPN), and ADG(GDS-PCC) the
on 27.3.2019 discussed on the following issues.
1. Recrutment of postmen posts though surplus candidates of
GDS,This issue will under active consideration within rules.
(Maharashtra circle)
2. As per new RR of Postman qualification required for GDS is 10+2
and Driving license hence we demanded 10th qualification for GDS who
appointed prior new RR and give some period for submit the driving
license , administration positively reacted to consider
our request in the light of natural justice. Order will issued very
3. Rotational Transfers : stop
the station tenure condition for Sorting Assistant cadre . In this
regard submitted a detailed letter and Director (SPN) agreed to consider
the same.
4. Supply of monthly pay slip to all employees. Temporary agreed.
5. We demanded for direct accounting of Mc-mish collections in CSI software to arrest the frauds – it will be solved soon.
6. We demanded increase to LGO exam chances form 8 to10. adminstration agreed orders are issued after change of syllabus.
7. Increase the amount of dress allowance ₹5000/- to ₹ 10000/-. Committee is formating for this issue,
11:23 PM

Proposal of Banking Financil services and insurance Council letter to all the Heads of the Circle .

11:11 PM

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