Monday, July 31, 2023
RTP order-In terms of the extent guidelines of the RTP and the powers conferred under Rule 19 of CSS Rules, 2009 to DOPT,

Retirement Notification: Shri Sujit Kumar Chaudhary (IPoS:1991) CPMG, Bihar Circle, Department of posts, from Government service w.e.f.31.07.2023(A/N)

Assigning additional charge in Higher Administrative Grade - Directorate order dtd 31.07.2023

Saturday, July 29, 2023
Friday, July 28, 2023
Department of Pension and Pensioners Welfare vide O.M. No. 5.7/05/2021- P&PW(B) dated 03.03.2023

Thursday, July 27, 2023
Notification-Retire from Governrnent service w.e.f . the afternoon of 31 .07.MS Alka Jha Member(PANNING &HRD)

Notification-Retire from Governrnent service w.e.f . the afternoon of 31 .07.2023'Shri-Mej Gen Damodar Vasanth Mahesh VSM Member (Banking &DBT)

First ever Aadhaar Centre in Indian Army through Army Postal Service - An initiative of Department of Posts
Shri Alok Sharma, Director General Postal Services & Lt Gen Rajinder Dewan, Quartermaster General jointly inaugurated first Permanent Aadhaar Enrolment Centre (PAEC) for Army at 1 Central Base Post Office (CBPO), New Delhi on July 25, 2023. Maj Gen M K Khan, Addl DG APS, was also present.
The PAEC will facilitate Aadhaar related services (enrolment and updation) for
tri-services personnel (Defence & civil) and their dependents through their
Field Post Offices (FPO) in 48 identified locations in the country. All Command
HQs, Corps HQs and selected FPOs are identified for establishment of PAEC
Department of Posts (DoP) and UIDAI, have supported immensely for establishment
of these PAEC in terms of training, equipment’s and tech support. These 48 PAEC
will be functional in both Field and Peace locations.
Director General Postal Services & QMG conveyed their best wishes to Army
Postal Service Corps for this new service. They also expressed that expansion
of this service through more FPOs in near future will facilitate troops to get
user friendly government service in their vicinity.
QMG, Addl DG APS, Officers & Other Ranks of APS have conveyed their sincere
gratitude to DoP for this initiative to introduce Aadhaar service in Army
through FPOs.

Alert!!! Fake and spurious messages / emails / SMS in the name of India Post
India Post over the recent days has been observing various URLs/Websites getting circulated in social media such as WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram and through emails / SMS containing tiny URLs/ Short URLs, claiming to be providing Government Subsidies through certain surveys, quizzes.
We wish to inform that India Post is not involved in any such activities like announcing Subsidies, Bonuses or Prizes based on Surveys, etc. Public receiving such notifications/messages /emails are requested not to believe or respond to such fake and spurious messages or share any personal details
Be Cautious !!! Be Safe !!!

Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Last Date for Pay Fixation Option on Promotion is 3rd September 2023
The message titled “Extension of Time-limit for exercise of Option for fixation of pay on Promotion” informs recipients that the Government of India’s Ministry of Finance, Department of Expenditure has extended the time limit for exercising or re-exercising the option for pay fixation upon promotion. This extension is for a period of three (3) months from the date of issue of the OM dated 04/07/2023, until 03/09/2023.
Extension of Time-limit for Pay Fixation Option on Promotion
Message Title: Extension of Time-limit for exercise of Option for fixation of pay on Promotion.
As per GoI, MoF, DoE OM No. 4-21/2017-IC/E.III.A dated 04/07/2023* read with in conjunction to MoF/DoE, New Delhi OM No.4-21/2017IC/E-IIIA dated 15/04/2021*, the time limit for exercise/re-exercise of Option on promotion has been further extended, by a period of three (3) months from the date of issue of MoF, DoE, New Delhi OM dated 04/07/2023 i.e. upto 03/09/2023.
Accordingly, Officers who have been promoted or granted financial upgradation on or after 01.01.2016 and desire to exercise/re-exercise option for pay fixation from DNI may opt within three months from the date of issue of MoD, New Delhi OM dated 04/07/2023 i.e. by 3rd Sept 2023. Officers to publish Part II Orders and forward it through HRMS 2.0 along with option Form which can be downloaded from the website
The Last date of exercising option shall be 3rd Sept 2023.
**Further, the ‘Option Calculator’ provided by office of the PCDA(O), Pune may please be referred to, for further necessary guidance while exercising your Option.
Disclaimer : The result generated by the Option Calculator developed by PCDA(O), Pune is for reference only. Any decisions made by the user concerned based on the results given by the above calculator or the outcomes thereof shall be the responsibility of the User Officer only and PCDA (O), Pune or any employee serving under him shall not be made liable for the same.
Note: The provisions of re-exercising Option under the said OM is only for fixation of pay on promotion from the DNI in the lower grade and should not to be construed for switching over of pay to the revised pay structure in 7th CPC.

Promotion and posting of Higher Administrative Grade (HAG) officers of Indian Postal Service, Group ‘A’ to the Higher Administrative Grade+ (HAG+) [Member, Postal Services Board/Addl. Director General (Coordination)] in the Service-regarding.

Deployment of RICT devices and roll out of DARPAN app in Branch Post Offices under IT 2.0 - reg.

Deputation of Employees of Department of Posts to IPPB - Directorate Order dtd 18/07/2023

Monday, July 24, 2023
Deputation of Employees of Department of Posts to IPPB - Directorate Order dtd 18/07/2023

Instructions for the purchase of Laptops/Notebooks and similar devices for eligible officers - Revised Guidelines from DoE


Sunday, July 23, 2023
Delay in interest posting in the passbooks, non dispatch of ATM card to the Branch Post Offices and double credit in RD/TD deposits in BOs due to network failure - Directorate instructions dtd 14/07/2023

Saturday, July 22, 2023
Post Office Savings Schemes and Interest rates from 01.03.2003 to 30.09.2023 Download PDF
1- Savings Bank Account: @4% from 01-12-2011 (Before it @3.5%) (Yearly Compounded)
Minimum Deposit: Rs500 (Subsequent deposits not less than Rs10, Minimum withdrawals: Rs 50 but after withdrawal, the balance should not be less than Rs 500, Maximum Balance: No Limit)
2- Recurring Deposit (RD): Maturity after 5 Years (Quarterly Compounded)
Minimum Deposit per Month: Rs 100/Maximum Deposit: No Limit/The deposit should be in multiple of Rs10/The Account may be extended for further 5 years with or without depositing the monthly installments at the same rate of interest applicable on the date of its opening
Pre-Matured withdrawal after 1 year @50% of deposited amount.
Premature closure of account after 36 months after the date of its closing Savings Bank interest rates.
Penalty for late payment @Re1 for Rs 100 installment per month.
Rebate for lump sum advance deposit of RD for Rs100 PM for 6 months at a time will be be Rs10 and for 12 months at a time will be Rs40.
Maturity amount for Rs100 per month
01.03.2003: @ 7.50% : Rs.7288.97
01.12.2011: @ 8.00% : Rs.7386.18
01.04.2012: @ 8.40% : Rs.7465.07
01.04.2013: @ 8.30% : Rs.7445.26
01.04.2014: @ 8.40% : Rs.7465.07
01.04.2015: @ 8.40 % : Rs7465.07
01.04.2016: @ 7.40% : Rs.7269.71
01.07.2016: @ 7.40 % : Rs7269.71
01.10.2016: @ 7.30% : Rs.7250.51
01.04.2017: @ 7.20% : Rs.7231.38
01.07.2017: @ 7.10% : Rs.7212.30
01.01.2018: @ 6.90% : Rs.7174.32
01-10-2018: @ 7.3% : Rs 7250.51
01-01-2019: @ 7.3% : Rs 7250.51
01-07-2019: @ 7.2% : Rs 7231.38
01.04.2020: @ 5.8% : Rs 6969.67
01.01.2023: @ 5.8% : Rs 6969.67
01.04.2023: @6.2% : Rs 7043.27
01.07.2023: @ 6.5%: Rs 7099.08
3- Time Deposit (TD): (Quarterly Compounded.): Interest Payable Yearly
Minimum Deposit: Rs 1000 and in multiple of Rs 100/ Maximum Deposit: No Limit
Maturity after 1 Year TD/2 Years TD/3 Years TD/5 Years TD
If the TD account is closed before 1 year from its opening, then the savings bank account interest will be palatable for the period for which account is retained
Annual interest payable for investment of Rs 1000 in this account
01.03.2003: @6.25/6.50/7.25/7.50% : Rs63.98/Rs66.60/Rs74.50/Rs77.14
01.12.2011: @7.70/7.80/8.00/8.30% : Rs79.25/Rs80.31/Rs82.43/Rs85.62
01.04.2012: @8.20/8.30/8.40/8.50% : Rs84.56/Rs85.62/Rs86.68/Rs87.75
01.04.2013: @8.20/8.30/8.40/8.50% : Rs84.56/Rs85.62/Rs86.68/Rs87.75
01.04.2014: @8.40/8.40/8.40/8.50% : Rs86.68/Rs86.68/Rs86.68/Rs87.75
01.04.2015: @8.40/8.40/8.40/8.50% : Rs86.68/Rs86.68/Rs86.68/Rs87.75
01.04.2016: @7.10/7.20/7.40/7.90% : Rs72.91/Rs73.97/Rs76.08/Rs81.87
01.07.2016: @7.10/7.20/7.40/7.90% : Rs72.91/Rs73.97/Rs76.08/Rs81.87
01.10.2016: @7.00/7.10/7.30/7.80% : Rs71.86/Rs72.91/Rs75.02/Rs80.31
01.04.2017: @6.90/7.00/7.20/7.70% : Rs70.81/Rs71.86/Rs73.97/Rs79.25
01.07.2017: @6.80/6.90/7.10/7.60% : Rs69.75/Rs70.81/Rs72.91/Rs78.19
01.01.2018: @6.60/6.70/6.90/7.40% : Rs67.65/Rs68.70/Rs70.81/Rs76.08
01-10-2018: @6.90/7.00/7.20/7.80% : Rs70.81/Rs71.86/Rs73.97/Rs80.31
01.01.2019: @7.00/7.00/7.00/7.80% : Rs71.86/Rs71.86/Rs71.86/Rs80.31
01.07.2019: @6.9/6.9/6.9/7.7% : Rs70.81/Rs70.81/Rs70.81/Rs79.25
01.04.2020: @5.5/5.5/5.5/6.7% : Rs56.14/Rs56.14/Rs56.14/Rs68.70
01.10.2022: @5.5/5.7/5.8/6.7% : Rs56.14/Rs58.23/Rs59.27/Rs68.70
01.01.2023: @6.6/6.8/6.9/7.0% : Rs67.65/Rs69.75/Rs70.81/Rs71.86
01.04.2023: @6.8/6.9/7.0/7.5% : Rs69.75/Rs70.81/Rs71.86/Rs77.14
01.07.2023: @6.9/7.0/7.0/7.5% : 70.81/71.86/71.86/77.14
4-Monthly Income Scheme (MIS) : Maturity after 5 years (Before 01-12-2011: Maturity after 6 years): Interest Payable monthly)
Minimum Deposit: Rs 1000 and further Deposit in multiple of Rs 1000/ Maximum Deposit: Rs 9.0 Lakh for Single Account and Rs 15.0 Lakh for Joint Account
If the account is closed prematurely after 1 year but before 3 years from the date of its opening, an amount @2% of deposited amount will be deducted.
If you close the account after 3 years but before 5 years from the date of its opening, an amount @1% of deposited amount will be deducted.
Monthly interest payable for investment of Rs1000 and in multiple of Rs1000 in this account
01.03.2003: @8.00%: 6yrs : Rs6.67
01.12.2011: @8.20% : 5yrs : Rs6.83
01.04.2012: @8.50% : 5yrs : Rs7.08
01.04.2013: @8.40% : 5yrs : Rs7.00
01.04.2014: @8.40% : 5yrs : Rs7.00
01.04.2015: @8.40% : 5yrs : Rs7.00
01.04.2016: @7.80% : 5yrs : Rs6.50
01.07.2016: @7.80% : 5yrs : Rs6.50
01.10.2016: @7.70% : 5yrs : Rs6.42
01.04.2017: @7.60% : 5yrs: Rs6.33
01.07.2017: @7.50% : 5yrs: Rs6.25
01.01.2018: @7.30% : 5yrs: Rs6.08
01-10-2018: @7.70% : 5yrs: Rs6.42
01 01.2019: @7.70% : 5yrs: Rs6.42
01.07.2019: @7.6% : 5yrs: Rs6.33
01.04.2020: @6.6% : 5yrs: Rs5.50
01.10.2022: @6.7% : 5yrs: Rs5.58
01.01.2023: @7.1% : 5yrs: Rs5.92
01.04.2023: @7.4% : 5yrs: Rs6.17
5- SCSS'2004 : Senior Citizen Savings Schemes : Maturity after 5 years which can be extended for further 3 years. (Interest payable quarterly)
If you close the account pre-maturely after 1 year, then 1.5% will be deducted from your deposited amount.
If you close the account prematurely after 2 years, then 1.0% will be deducted from your deposited amount.
Minimum Deposit: Rs1000 and subsequent deposit in multiple of Rs1000/Maximum Deposit: Rs30 Lakh)
Quarterly interest payable for investment of Rs 1 Lakh in this account
02.08.2004: @9.00% : Rs2250
01.12.2011: @9.00% : Rs2250
01.04.2012: @9.30% : Rs2325
01.04.2013: @9.20% : Rs2300
01.04.2014: @9.20%: Rs2300
01.04.2015: @9.20%: Rs2300
01.04.2016: @8.60%: Rs2150
01.07.2016: @8.60%: Rs2150
01.10.2016: @8.50%: Rs2125
01.04.2017: @8.40%: Rs2100
01.07.2017: @8.30%: Rs2075
01.01.2018: @8.30%: Rs2075
01-10-2018: @8.70%: Rs2175
01.01.2019: @8.70%: Rs2175
01.07.2019: @8.60%: Rs2150
01.04.2020: @7.40%: Rs1850
01.10.2022: @7.60%: Rs1900
01.01.2023: @8.00%: Rs2000
01.04.2023: @8.2%: Rs2050
6- PPF-15 Years (Public Provident Fund-15 yrs)
(Annually compounded)
(Minimum deposit per financial year: Rs500 and further deposit in multiple of Rs 50/ Maximum deposit per year: Rs 1.5 Lakh)
Maturity amount payable after 15 Years for deposits of Rs1000 PM
01.03.2003: @8.00%: Rs339944.57
01.12.2011: @8.60%: Rs357354.52
01.04.2012: @8.80%: Rs363374.72
01.04.2013: @8.70%: Rs360350.77
01.04.2014: @8.70%: Rs360350.77
01.04.2015: @8.70%: Rs360350.77
01.04.2016: @8.10%: Rs342779.76
01.07.2016: @8.10%: Rs342779.76
01.10.2016: @8.00%: Rs339944.57
01.04.2017: @7.90%: Rs337135.07
01.07.2017: @7.80%: Rs334351.61
01.01.2018: @7.60%: Rs328860.69
01-10-2018: @8.00%: Rs339944.57
01.01.2019: @8.00%: Rs339944.57
01.07.2019: @7.9%: Rs337135.07
01.04.2020: @7.1%: Rs315568.06
01.01.2023: @7.1%: Rs315568.06
7- NSC (VIIIth Issue) (National Savings Certificate) : Maturity now after 5 Years from 01.12.2011 and 6 Years before 01-12-2011
(Yearly compounded from 01.04.2016 and Six monthly compounded Before 01-04-2016)
(Minimum deposit: Rs1000 and subsequent deposit in multiple of Rs100/Maximum deposit: No Limit)
(Maturity amount payable for investment of Rs 1000 in this scheme)
01.03.2003: @8.00%: Rs.1601.03: 6yrs
01.12.2011: @8.40%: Rs.1508.96: 5yrs
01.04.2012: @8.60%: Rs.1523.50: 5yrs
01.04.2013: @8.50%: Rs.1516.21: 5yrs
01.04.2014: @8.50%: Rs.1516.21: 5yrs
01.04.2015: @8.50%: Rs.1516.21: 5yrs
01.04.2016: @8.10%: Rs.1476.14: 5yrs
01.07.2016: @8.10%: Rs.1476.14: 5yrs
01.10.2016: @8.00%: Rs.1469.33: 5yrs
01.04.2017: @7.90%: Rs.1462.54: 5yrs
01.07.2017: @7.80%: Rs.1455.77: 5yrs
01.01.2018: @7.60%: Rs.1442.32: 5yrs
01-10-2018: @8.00%: Rs 1469.33: 5yrs
01.01.2019: @8.00%: Rs 1469.33: 5 yrs
01.07.2019: @7.9%: Rs 1462.54: 5 yrs
01.04.2020: @6.8%: Rs 1389.49: 5 yrs
01.01.2023: @7.0%: Rs 1402.55: 5 yrs
01.04.2023: @7.7%: Rs1449.03: 5 yrs
8- NSC-10yrs (IXth Issue) (National Savings Certificate) : Maturity after 10yrs (Half Yearly Compounded) :
(Maturity amount for investment of Rs1000 in this scheme)
(The scheme Continued from 01.12.2011 to 19.12.2015)
01.12.2011: @8.70%: Rs.2343.41
01.04.2012: @8.90%: Rs.2388.74
01.04.2013: @8.80%: Rs.2365.97
01.04.2014: @8.80%: Rs.2365.97
01.04.2015: @8.80%: Rs.2365.97
9- KVP (Kisan Vikas Patra): (Double in specified period) (Yearly Compounded)
01.03.2003: @8.40%: 8yrs7months
01.12.2011: @8.70%: 8yrs4months
01.04.2016: @7.80%: 9yrs2months
01.07.2016: @7.80%: 9yrs2months
01.10.2016: @7.70%: 9yrs4months
01.04.2017: @7.60%: 9yrs5months
01.07.2017: @7.50%: 9yrs7 months
01.01.2018: @7.30%: 9yrs10 months
01-10-2018: @7.70%: 9 yrs 4 months
01.01.2019: @7.70%: 9yrs 4 months
01.07.2019: @7.6%: 9yrs 5 months
01.04.2020: @6.9%: 10yrs 4 months
01.10.2022: @7.0%: 10yrs 3months
01.01.2023: @7.2%: 10 yrs 0 month
01.04.2023: @7.5%: 9 yrs 7 months
10- Sukanya Samriddhi Account (SSA): (Deposit upto 15 years and maturity after 21 years) : Yearly Compounded
Minimum/Maximum deposits in a financial year: Rs250/Rs1.5 Lakhs.
Deposit amount should be in multiple of Rs50.
There is no limit on number of deposits in a month or financial year.
If you deposit more than Rs1.5 Lakhs in a financial year, the excess amount will not earn any interest and you may withdraw to this excess amount at any time
Premature closure on certain conditions
Maturity after 21 years for deposits of Rs1000 PM for 15 years only
01.04.2014: @9.10%: Rs628361.63
01.04.2015: @9.20%
01.04.2016: @8.60%
01.07.2016: @8.60%
01.10.2016: @8.50%
01.04.2017: @8.40%
01.07.2017: @8.30%
01.01.2018: @8.10%
01-10-2018: @8.50%
01.01.2019: @8.50%
01.07.2019: @8.40%
01.04.2020: @7.60%
01.01.2023: @7.60%
01.04.2023: @8.0%
11- Mahila Samman Savings Certificate-2023 for 2Years (MSSC)
Maturity Period: 2 Years
May be opened by a woman/girl for herself or by the guardian on behalf of minor girl.
Minimum deposit: Rs1000 or in multiple of Rs100.
Maximum deposit: 2 Lakh.
Withdrawal: 40% once only after 1 year.
Premature closure on death of account holder at the same rate of interest.
Premature closure after 6 months at 2% less interest ie @5.5% for any reason.
Interest Compounded Quarterly
Maturity amount for Rs1 lakh after 2 years.
01.04.2023: @7.5% : Rs116022.17