Monday, July 14, 2014

Revised rates of honorarium to IO/PO are not put into implementation in DOP

As per the recommendations of the Expert Committee, DoPT vide its OM No. 142/15/2010-AVD-I dated 31st July 2012 revised the rates of honorarium and other allowances payable to IO both serving and retired officers and PO (serving). 

"The honorarium is normally regulated under the financial powers delegated to the Ministries/Departments and taking into account the quantum of work involved in individual disciplinary cases". 

While deciding the representation of one of the IO (Retired) in connection with inordinate delay in sanctioning honorarium it was intimated by Directorate that Nodal Ministries ibid letter was sent to all concerned for information and necessary action vide memo No. C-32016/12/2011 dated 8.1.2013. It is further mentioned that neither it has the approval of the Finance Wing nor can it be implemented without revising the powers of the Heads of the Circle and Secretary (Posts). The aforesaid letter was circulated to all concerned for enabling them to submit proposal for revision of the financial powers of the Heads of Circle for grant of honorarium to IO and PO vide para 2 of the annexure-I enclosed with the letter. 

In view Directorate's above reply, it is clear that revised rates of honorarium to IO/PO for conducting of departmental enquiries are not put into implementation.