Apex Insight has estimated the global parcels market was almost US$350bn in 2017, up from just over US$310bn in 2016.
In a statement issued
on Friday (12 Janary), Apex Insight that its Global Parcel Delivery
Market Insight 2018 report indicated that Asia Pacific is the largest
regional parcels market by value, accounting for around 40% of the
global market. North America and Europe together represent a little over
50% of the market.
As you would expect, Apex Insight said that “China is the key growth
market, representing almost 60% of the Asia-Pacific regional total by
value. Chinese volumes reached 31.2bn in 2016, over 50% up on 2015”.
(The volumes are still on the rise. Reports published in China’s media
last week said that the State Post Bureau has calculated that the total
volume for 2017 was around 40bn.)
According to Apex Insight: “The US is still the largest country market
in value terms, although China has surpassed it in volume. In Europe,
Germany remains the largest market with the UK having been the
fastest-growing of the main countries .”