T-24, Atul Grove Road, new Delhi-110001, Phone: 011-23321378
No: FNPO/Strike/NUGDS/2018 Dated: 17th May 2018
All General Secretaries/FNPO office bearers
All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries of FNPO affiliated unions.
Dear Colleagues,
you are well aware that the NUGDS, AIGDSU and NFPE GDS unions had
served strike notice on 3.5.2018 for indefinite strike from 22.5.2018
for implementation of Kamalesh Chandra Committee positive
recommendations which is delayed indefinitely and 3 Lakh GDS employees
are frustrated.
available General Secretaries of FNPO and NFPE met and formed PJCA on
16.5.2018. The Federal Secretariat of NFPE was also in session on the
same day. It was unanimously decided to support the strike of GDS
PJCA consisting of NFPE and FNPO served a letter on 17.5.2018 to the
Secretary in unequivocally terms that the Postal JCA supports the strike
of GDS employees in total solidarity and it will decide future
programme shortly if the demand is not settled and it is made clear that
the Department is only responsible for the paralisation of postal
services at this crucial juncture.
The FNPO therefore appeals to the cadre
1. All the affiliated unions should extend full support in solidarity and organize for the total strike of GDS employees.
2. According
to the local situations they may form local JCA and cooperate to the
strike according to the situation and see that the strike is total.
3. During the period of strike massive demonstrations should be held at all work places
4. They should protest wearing black badges against the callous attitude of the Department and Government.
All should
understand that due to the technical compulsions the Postal JCA didn’t
join the strike from the said date. The Postal JCA is watching the
situation and take appropriate action in due course and will maintain
broader unity for fulfillment of the charter of demands served on
17.5.2018 including the GDS demands (appended). Make preparations for
the future direct action.
The agitation
should send a message to the Department that the powder is dry and it
will culminate to an indefinite strike shortly.
With fraternal Greetings……
Secretary General, FNPO