Saturday, August 31, 2019
Change in powers of various authorities to sanction deceased claim cases and their time line in respect of post Office Savings Schemes, including Certificates, where no nomination is registered and there is no legal evidence available/produced
Amendments to Rule 60(4)(8) and Rule 165(4)(ii) of POSB(CBS) Manual,
Rule 87(4) (i) POSB Manual Volume I and Rule 50(4)(ii) of POSB Manual
volume I_regarding change in powers of various authorities to sanction
deceased claim cases and their time line in respect of post Office
Savings Schemes, including Certificates, where no nomination is
registered and there is no legal evidence available/produced

7:33 PM

7:26 PM

7:19 PM

Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion/NFSG i.r.o. officials who benefited under MACP Scheme: Clarification by DoPT and seeks data in this regard
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhawan
Khan Market, New Delhi-110003
Dated: 27th August, 2019
Subject: Seeking data regarding fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion/ grant of NFSG in respect of officials who are already granted the benefit under MACP Scheme -regarding
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department's OM No. 12/2/2015- CS.II(B) dated 16.11.2015 and OM No. 12/3/2016-CS.ll(B) dated 19.07.2016 wherein the SSAs of SL-2003(Extended) and SSAs of SL-2004-2009 were granted NFSG and promoted subsequently to the grade of Assistant Section Officer on ad-hoc basis. It has come to notice that a large number of Ministries I Departments have fixed the pay of the SSAs belonging to CSCS in the following manner:-
Pay fixation on NFSG
Pay fixation on next promotion as ASO
SSAs without the benefit of MACP (with Grade Pay of Rs. 2400/-)
One increment @ 3% was granted and pay fixation in GP of Rs.4200/-
One increment @3% was granted and pay fixation in GP of Rs. 4600/-
SSAs with the benefit of MACP (with Grade Pay of Rs.2800/-)
One increment @ 3% was granted and pay fixation in GP of Rs. 4200/-
No increment was granted. Only, the difference in GP(i.e. 4600-4200=40 0) was allowed.
2. The matter has been examined in consultation with Establishment Division, DoP&T in the light of the OM No. 35034/3/2008-Estt (D) dated 04.07. 2017 modifying the para 4 of Annexure-I of the OM dated 19.05.2009, which is as under:-
"Benefit of pay fixation available at the time of regular promotion shall also be allowed at the time of financial upgradation under the Scheme. Therefore, the pay shall be raised by 3% of the total pay in the pay band and the grade pay drawn before such upgradation. There shall, however, be no further fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion / grant of Non Functional Scale. ii it is in the same grade pay as granted under MACPS. However, at the time of actual promotion / grant of Non Functional Scale if it happens to be in a post carrying higher grade pay than what is available under MACPS, no pay fixation would be available and only difference of grade pay would be made available. At the time of such regular promotion / grant of Non-Functional Scale to the higher grade pay than what has been given under MACPS, the employee shall have the option to draw the difference of Grade Pays from the date of such regular promotion /grant of Non-Functional Scale or the date of accrual of next increment in the pay allowed under MACP"
As every financial upgradation including Non-Functional upgradation (NFS/NFSG) is treated as an offset against financial upgradation under MACP and also keeping in view the fact that the spirit of the para 4 of MACP was to disallow the double benefit of pay fixation, is stated that practice followed by Ministry/Department for pay fixal'1on as shown in the table against sl. no. (b) in para 1 above is erroneous. Therefore, the pay should be fixed in the following manner:-
Pay fixation on NFSG
Pay fixation on next on next as ASO
SSAs without the benefit of MACP i.e.with Grade pay of Rs. 2400/-
One increment @ 3% is to be granted and pay should be fixed in the GP of Rs. 4200/-
One increment @ 3% is to be granted and pay should be fixed in GP of Rs. 4600/-
SSAs with the benefit of MACP i.e. with Grade pay of Rs. 2800/-
No increment should be granted. Only the difference in GP (i.e. 4200-2800=1400), should be allowed.
One increment @ 3% is to be granted and pay should be fixed in GP of Rs. 4600/-
4. In view of above, all the cadre units of CSCS are requested to take necessary action as advised in the para 3 above. Simultaneously, they are also requested to send the information as per the format given in the Annexure-I to this OM for further examination of the issue of recovery of pay for taking a view at this end. The information may be sent latest by 09.09.2019 positively. In case of no information, 'Nil' report is required to be sent by the stipulated date.
(Vasanthi V Babu)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
9:03 PM

Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Grants-in-aid for the year 2019-2020 to the Central Government Employees Residents Welfare Association - Submission of Accounts for the year 2018-2019
Grants-in-aid for the year 2019-2020 to the Central Government Employees Residents Welfare Association - Submission of Accounts for the year 2018-2019
No. 7/02/2019- Welfare
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
The Secretaries of the,
Central Government Employees,
Residents Welfare Associations (recognised by DoPT)
Central Government Employees,
Residents Welfare Associations (recognised by DoPT)
Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi,
Dated: 27th August, 2019
Dated: 27th August, 2019
Subject: Grants-in-aid for the year 2019-2020 to the Central Government Employees Residents Welfare Associations- Submission of Accounts for the year 2018-2019 - regarding.
The Department of Personnel & Training has been sanctioning Grants-in-aid to the eligible recognized Residents Welfare Associations formed by the Central Government employees in residential colonies to enable them to meet a part of their expenditure on t.he welfare activities, programmes during the financial year. The recognized Central Government employees
Residents Welfare Associations eligible to receive grants-in-aid may send a request to this effect to this Department in the prescribed Performa. (copy enclosed)
The recognized Central Government Employees Residents Welfare Associations are requested to send their request keeping in view the following guidelines:-
3. CGERWAs are requested to send their request complete in all respect, in the prescribed proformae, to DoPT by 15.10.2019 for further necessary action in the matter.
Note: Incomplete Accounts for the year 2018-19, for receiving the grants-in-aid for the year 2019-20, will not be entertained by this Department.
The Department of Personnel & Training has been sanctioning Grants-in-aid to the eligible recognized Residents Welfare Associations formed by the Central Government employees in residential colonies to enable them to meet a part of their expenditure on t.he welfare activities, programmes during the financial year. The recognized Central Government employees
Residents Welfare Associations eligible to receive grants-in-aid may send a request to this effect to this Department in the prescribed Performa. (copy enclosed)
The recognized Central Government Employees Residents Welfare Associations are requested to send their request keeping in view the following guidelines:-
a. Central Government employees and employees of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, Supreme Court, High Court, UPSC, Statutory and Autonomous hodies and Delhi Administration shall qualify for regular membership of an Association in respect of the grants-in-aid from the Department of Personnel & Training subject to fulfillment of conditions as laid in para (b) to (h) of clause II (2) of the O.M. No. 5/8/2013 - Welfare dated 3rd June, 2014.2. It may be noted that even if the Association is not keen to obtain further grants-in-aid from the Government, it shall have to render full and satisfactory accounts of the grants taken in the past. In case any Association fails to get grants-in-aid for any reason for two consecutive years, such Association will stand derecognized.
b. Grants-in-aid admissible will be subject to an upper ceiling of Rs.10,000/- during a financial year.
c. Consolidated accounts for the previous financial year may be provided in Annexure 'A' signed by the President, Secretary, Treasurer and Internal Auditor.
d. A complete list of the members showing their names, residential address, official designation and address as on 31.03.2019 may be submitted as in Annexure 'B'.
e. All the vouchers relating to each head of expenditure as appearing in Annexure' A' should be maintained by the Association, so as to verify the expenditure as and when needed.
f. The Stock Register maintained by the Association as audited and certified by the Internal Auditor after physical verification should be maintained by the Association. The Department of Personnel & Training may verify the Stock Register as and when required. Similarly, the inventory of articles should also be maintained.
g. A copy of the minutes of the General Body meeting wherein the accounts of the Association and other activities thereof fol' the previous year have been approved may be submitted (Annexure 'K').
h. Utilization Certificate in respect of the grants in-aid provided by this Depmtment and information regarding assets acquired wholly or substantially funded from the grant may also be furnished as per proforma in Annexure 'F' and 'G' respectively. The Association who have not received grants-in-aid for the year 2017-18 and 2018-19 may submit Utilization Certificate for the previous year. However, the newly formed Associations need to submit Utilization Certificate indicating 'Nil' along with the Accounts for the year 2018-19.
i. A report on the activities of the Association with reference to the Annual Action Plan as provided in Clause 7 of the Rules and Regulations framed under the Model Constitution may also be provided (Annexure' J').
j. A certificate regarding expenditure on Swachh Bharat Mission may also be provided (Annexure 'L')
3. CGERWAs are requested to send their request complete in all respect, in the prescribed proformae, to DoPT by 15.10.2019 for further necessary action in the matter.
Note: Incomplete Accounts for the year 2018-19, for receiving the grants-in-aid for the year 2019-20, will not be entertained by this Department.
8:20 PM

Supplementary lnspection Questions for FRMU checks in Circleoffices/ Regional offices and Divisional offices
11:15 AM

Monday, August 26, 2019
No.36035/2/2017 -Estt.(Res)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: August 23, 2019
Subject: Exemption from payment of examination fee and application fee in respect of Persons with Benchmark Disabilities. -reg.
The undersigned is
directed to say that in a w.P. (Civil) No. 521/2008 with Civil Appeal No.
5389/2016, the Hon'ble Supreme Court, vide Judgment, dated 30.06.2016, inter
alia, declared the Office Memorandum No. 36035/3/2004 - Estt.(Res) dated
29.12.2005, as illegal and in consistence with the Persons with Disability
(Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995.
This OM, among other, contained a provision for exemption from payment of
application fee and examination fee in respect of Persons with Disabilities.
Thereafter, with the enactment
notification titled 'THE RIGHTS OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES RULES, 2017', this
Department has issued an Office Memorandum No. 36035/2/2017-Estt. (Res), dated
15.01.2018, regarding reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disabilities, in
the posts and services of the Central Government. The said Office Memorandum
dated 15.01.2018, however, does not contain any provision for exemption from
payment of examination and application fee in respect of Persons with Benchmark
The issue has been deliberated
upon at length in the Department and it has, now, been decided that the Persons
with Benchmark Disabilities shall continue to be exempted from payment of
application fee and examination fee, prescribed in respect of competitive
examinations held by the Staff Selection Commission, the Union Public Service
Commission, etc. for recruitment to various posts. This exemption shall be
available only to such persons who would otherwise be eligible for appointment
to the post on the basis of standards of medical fitness prescribed for that
post (including any concession specifically extended to the Persons with
Benchmark Disabilities) and who enclose with the application form, necessary
certificate from a competent authority in support of their claim of disability.
(Debabrata Das)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Ph. 23093307To,
9:48 PM

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