Shri Oman chandi opposition leader of Kerala assembly met with Chair person Shrimati Sonia Gandhi ji and Shri Pranab Mukherjee on 27trh Aug ’09 and scheduled and discussed urgency and delay In implementation of GDS committee report both leaders have promised that they will Look into matter and assured that very shortly cabinet approval will be given for implementation of GDS pay committee report. I have to point out that some officers in postal department are giving track for GDS problem as it is learnt that department of has sent draft note department of Personal and training also secretly expenditure department of Shri Oman chandi with Shrimati Soniya Gandhi ji and Shri Pranab Mukherjee this draft note now returned to deptt of Post .
The attitude of these officers of postal department is totally against GDS staff for the reason that one of the union leader of GPS union not behaved properly with them, Which is not correct We therefore must defeat the game of these officers and should stood like a rock in support of agitation programme decided by FNPO and NFPE jointly.
The attitude of these officers of postal department is totally against GDS staff for the reason that one of the union leader of GPS union not behaved properly with them, Which is not correct We therefore must defeat the game of these officers and should stood like a rock in support of agitation programme decided by FNPO and NFPE jointly.
Shri T.N Rahate
President FNPO
President FNPO