Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Federal Working Committee met at Chennai on 8-8-2011

The Federal Working Committee met at Chennai on 8-8-2011 in connection with KR's hundredth birthday celebration.

Sri T.N. Rahate, the President FNPO presided the meeting. The Federal Working Committee passed the following resolutions after debate.

1. FWC decided to celebrate centenary birth anniversary of KR by every circle in a grand manner.

2. On his centenary birth anniversary statue of KR will be erected at the ensuing Federal Congress.

3. The venue of the next Federal congress will be Chennai.

4. FWC discussed all the strike settlements and passed the following resolutions :

i) FWC requests the Secretary, Dept. of Posts to write .D.O. letter to all Heads of Circles not to close any post office in the wake of strike agreement.

ii) FWC conveys its bitterness for not incorporating the assurances of the Secretary Dept. of Posts in the strike agreement (Charter of Demand No. 1)

iii) FWC insists the Secretary, Dept. of Posts to have meeting with Administration union and Civil Wing union in the presence of the Secretary-Generals on Charter of Demands No. 7 and No. 15.

iv) FWC demands the Secretary, Dept. of Posts that in the name of MNOP, the RMS establishments should not be disturbed under any circumstances.

5. FWC discussed the issue relating to the New Pension rules and resolved

i) To hold a rally on 24-8-2011 to protest against the bill.

ii) To submit Memorandum to Prime Minister through the State Governors.

iii) To join one day strike called by Central Government Employees organizations to lodge our strong protest on the Bill.

Click here to download the model copy of the letter addressed to Governor and Prime Minister