Representatives from nine trade unions in Eastern Europe who will have to liberalise their postal markets by 1 January, 2013 gathered in Bucharest (2-3 February 2012) to discuss postal liberalization.
Eastern European Trade Unions strategize on postal liberalization
Representatives from nine trade unions in Eastern Europe who will have to liberalise their postal markets by 1 January, 2013 gathered in Bucharest (2-3 February 2012) to discuss postal liberalization.
Speakers from trade unions in Western and Northern Europe where postal liberalization has already happened, such as Sweden, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands, spoke about how liberalization affected postal workers' jobs and how unions can prepare their members for the upcoming changes and minimize the adverse effects.
Participants discussed adding social regulation to postal laws, organizing members in the new competitors and having strong collective agreements.
This seminar was part of the Trade Unions Preparing for Change project that was funded by the European Commission. Two more workshops will take place in Croatia and Belgium