President’s address to the
Nation on the eve of the Republic Day
Information Bureau
of India
25-January-2014 19:21 IST
President’s address to the
Nation on the eve of the Republic Day
The President, Shri
Pranab Mukherjee, addressed the Nation on the eve of the 65th Republic Day.
Following is the text of the President’s address on the occasion:
“My Fellow
On the eve of 65th
Republic Day, I extend warm greetings to all of you in India and abroad. I
convey my special greetings to members of our Armed Forces, Paramilitary
Forces and Internal Security Forces.
The Republic Day commands
the respect of every Indian. On this day, sixty four years ago, in a
remarkable display of idealism and courage, we the people of India gave to
ourselves a sovereign democratic republic to secure all its citizens justice,
liberty and equality. We undertook to promote among all citizens fraternity,
the dignity of the individual and the unity of the nation. These ideals
became the lodestar of the modern Indian State. Democracy became our most
precious guide towards peace and regeneration from the swamp of poverty
created by centuries of colonial rule. From within the spacious provisions of
our Constitution, India has grown into a beautiful, vibrant, and sometimes
noisy democracy. For us, the democracy is not a gift, but the fundamental
right of every citizen; for those in power democracy is a sacred trust. Those
who violate this trust commit sacrilege against the nation.
Some cynics may scoff at
our commitment to democracy but our democracy has never been betrayed by the
people; its fault-lines, where they exist, are the handiwork of those who
have made power a gateway to greed. We do feel angry, and rightly so, when we
see democratic institutions being weakened by complacency and incompetence.
If we hear sometimes an anthem of despair from the street, it is because
people feel that a sacred trust is being violated.
Fellow Citizens,
Corruption is a cancer
that erodes democracy, and weakens the foundations of our state. If Indians
are enraged, it is because they are witnessing corruption and waste of
national resources. If governments do not remove these flaws, voters will
remove governments.
Equally dangerous is the
rise of hypocrisy in public life. Elections do not give any person the
licence to flirt with illusions. Those who seek the trust of voters must
promise only what is possible. Government is not a charity shop. Populist
anarchy cannot be a substitute for governance. False promises lead to
disillusionment, which gives birth to rage, and that rage has one legitimate
target: those in power.
This rage will abate only
when governments deliver what they were elected to deliver: social and
economic progress, not at a snail's pace, but with the speed of a racehorse.
The aspirational young Indian will not forgive a betrayal of her future.
Those in office must eliminate the trust deficit between them and the people.
Those in politics should understand that every election comes with a warning
sign: perform, or perish.
I am not a cynic because
I know that democracy has this marvellous ability to self-correct. It is the
physician that heals itself, and 2014 must become a year of healing after the
fractured and contentious politics of the last few years.
My Fellow Citizens,
The last decade witnessed
the emergence of India as one of the fastest growing economies in the world.
The slowdown of our economy in the last two years can be some cause for
concern but none for despair. The green shoots of revival are already
visible. The agricultural growth in the first half of this year has touched
3.6 per cent and rural economy is buoyant.
2014 is a precipice
moment in our history. We must re-discover that sense of national purpose and
patriotism, which lifts the nation above and across the abyss; and back on to
the road of prosperity. Give the young jobs and they will raise the villages
and cities to 21st century standards. Give them a chance and you will marvel
at the India they can create.
This chance will not come
if India does not get a stable government. This year, we will witness the
16th General Election to our Lok Sabha. A fractured government, hostage to whimsical
opportunists, is always an unhappy eventuality. In 2014, it could be
catastrophic. Each one of us is a voter; each one of us has a deep
responsibility; we cannot let India down. It is time for introspection and
India is not just a
geography: it is also a history of ideas, philosophy, intellect, industrial
genius, craft, innovation, and experience. The promise of India has sometimes
been mislaid by misfortune; at other times by our own complacence and
weakness. Destiny has given us another opportunity to recover what we have
lost; we will have no one to blame but ourselves if we falter.
Fellow Citizens,
A democratic nation is
always involved in argument with itself. This is welcome, for we solve
problems through discussion and consent, not force. But healthy differences
of opinion must not lead to an unhealthy strife within our polity. Passions
are rising over whether we should have smaller states to extend equitable
development to all parts of a state. A debate is legitimate but it should
conform to democratic norms. The politics of divide and rule has extracted a
heavy price on our subcontinent. If we do not work together, nothing ever
will work.
India must find its own
solutions to its problems. We must be open to all knowledge; to do otherwise
would be to condemn our nation to the misery of a stagnant mire. But we
should not indulge in the easy option of mindless imitation, for that can
lead us to a garden of weeds. India has the intellectual prowess, the human
resource and financial capital to shape a glorious future. We possess a
dynamic civil society with an innovative mindset. Our people, whether in
villages or cities, share a vibrant, unique consciousness and culture. Our
finest assets are human.
Fellow Citizens,
Education has been an
inseparable part of the Indian experience. I am not talking only of the
ancient institutions of excellence like Takshashila or Nalanda, but of an age
as recent as the 17th and 18th centuries. Today, our higher educational
infrastructure consists of over 650 universities and 33,000 colleges. The
quality of education has to be the focus of our attention now. We can be
world leaders in education, if only we discover the will and leadership to
take us to that pinnacle. Education is no longer just the privilege of the
elite, but a universal right. It is the seed of a nation’s destiny. We must
usher in an education revolution that becomes a launching pad for the
national resurgence.
I am being neither
immodest, nor beating a false drum, when I claim that India can become an
example to the world. Because, the human mind flourishes best when it is, as
the great sage Rabindranath Tagore said, free from fear; when it has the
liberty to roam into spheres unknown; in search of wisdom; and when the
people have the fundamental right to propose as well as oppose.
My Fellow Citizens,
There will be a new
government before I speak to you again on the eve of our Independence Day.
Who wins the coming election is less important than the fact that whosoever
wins must have an undiluted commitment to stability, honesty, and the
development of India. Our problems will not disappear overnight. We live in a
turbulent part of the world where factors of instability have grown in the
recent past. Communal forces and terrorists will still seek to destabilize
the harmony of our people and the integrity of our state but they will never
win. Our security and armed forces, backed by the steel of popular support,
have proved that they can crush an enemy within; with as much felicity as
they guard our frontiers. Mavericks who question the integrity of our armed
services are irresponsible and should find no place in public life.
India's true strength
lies in her Republic; in the courage of her commitment, the sagacity of her
Constitution, and the patriotism of her people. 1950 saw the birth of our
Republic. I am sure that 2014 will be the year of resurgence.
Monday, January 27, 2014
President’s address to the Nation on the eve of the Republic Day
10:41 AM