Our Federation decided to
participate in the 2nd September strike called by National trade
Union centers against the anti labour policy of the Central Government. We have
taken this decision last minute based on the feedback and advice received from
the various levels. In the recent verification process, the sister
federations and their affiliated unions caused damage to our membership by
using all sorts of unfair means. They may say there is no rules and regulations
in war (Verification of Membership) . We to agree that this war but even in a
war there are codes of conduct to be observed by the both sides. But in this
verification process both federations and their affiliated unions targeted only
our unions. Unfortunately the Department also supported both federations and
their affiliated unions by issuing favorable orders in favor of them in the
verification process. This has very much affected the morale of the rank and
file of our union. The behavior and conduct shown by the rank and file of
the sister federations towards our rank file spoiled the normalcy. Despite the
unsavory incidents it is time for strike to protest against the wrong policy of
the Government. Because our non participation should not be construed that we
are supporting the anti-labour policy of the Government. We do not want to skip
by branding that this a political strike, of course it is a labour oriented strike.
We have therefore decided to participate strike on 2nd September.
Without cooperation and support of the rank file we are unable to organize the
strike on 2nd September 2015 successfully. Therefore our Federation
request all our unions Circle secretaries organize strike in your circle, start
programs to make the strike thundering success.
With regards,
D. Theagarajan
D. Theagarajan