Historical Grand Success
Central Working Committee
During 27th to 29th October,
2015 in Salem in Tamilnadu Circle
On 27th and 29th the CWC of NUPE P-IV was held at
Salem, (Tamilnadu Circle) under the Presidentship of Shri Gulam Rabbani, President,
CHQ Office Bearers (12) and Circle Secretaries
(15) and other Senior Retired Persons and other important active members of the
Union (13) attended the CWC and took active part in deliberations.
Shri D. Theagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO was present as Chief
Guest. He briefed the CWC regarding 7th CPC, Bonus Act, Amendment in Labour
Constitution etc.
Shri R.N.
Gadgil (Guruji), Shri P.V. Subramaniam, Ex-G.S. and Ashok Kumar, Ex-C.S.
Bihar were also present and addressed the CWC meeting.
We are very much pleased to meet the Anna DMK
Party, MP, Salem, Shri Panner Selvam who has promised to raise the issue of
(i) Inclusion of GDS in 7th CPC and;
(ii) Recognition of GDS Union and other
important issues to be given in writing. The Hon’ble MP will take up the issues
in Parliament. Hon’ble MP assured that he will do his best. Let us hope for
Shri K. Gunasekar, AGS will retire from Postal
Services on 31-10-2015. He was honoured and
a Letter of Honour was given to him.