No. AB 14017/16/2002-Estt.(RR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
New Delhi, the 13.03.2002
Office Memorandum
Subject: Posting of physically handicapped candidates.
Reference this Department's O.M. No. AB -14017/41/41/90-Estt (RR) dated 10.5.1990 (copy enclosed) on the above subject.
2. It is clarified that the guideline contained in para 2 of this.
Department's a.tv1. dated 10.5.1990 that requests from physically
handicapped employees for transfer to or near their native places may
also be given preference, covers physically handicapped employees in
Groups A, B, C and D.
3.Suitable instructions may also be issued to all subordinate offices
Hindi version will follow.
(Alok Saxena)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of India
No. 28034/2/97-Estt. (A) - Posting of husband and wife at the same station - Dated 12.06.1997
No. AB 14017/41/90- Estt. (RR) - Posting of Government employees who have mentally retarded children - Dated 15.02.1991
No. 28034/7/86-Estt. (A) - Posting of husband and wife at the same station - Dated 03.04.1986