Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Information on Service Associations and Departmental Councils: DoP&T seeks Updated Information from all Ministries/ Departments of Government of India vide order dated 11.03.2025

F No. 2/1/2023-JCA
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, PG & Pensions –
Department of Personnel & Training
Establishment JCA Section

2nd Floor, ‘B’ Wing,
Lok Nayak Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated : 11-03-2025

Office Memorandum

Subject : Information on Service Associations and Departmental Councils — reg.

The undersigned is directed to say that service associations are recognised by Ministries/Departments under the Central Civil Services (Recognition of Service Associations) Rules, 1993. Further, under the Joint Consultative Machinery (JCM), a Departmental Council, consisting of representatives from both the official and staff side, is established within various ministries/departments to facilitate dialogue and collaboration on issues related to service conditions, welfare and other matters.

2. In this regard, it is requested to furnish the list of present Service Associations recognized under the Central Civil Services (Recognition of Service Associations) Rules, 1993 by respective Ministry/ Department, to DoPT as per format given below:

Sl No.

Name and address of Recognised Association

Name & contact number of General Secretary

Period of validity

ii. Whether there is departmental council under Joint Consultative Mechanism (JCM) in the Ministry/Department. If Yes, last date of the meeting of Departmental Council.

3. The requisite information may be provided by 17th of March, 2025, at the latest. The information may also be sent by email at[at]

(Parveen Jargar)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India
Tele: 011- 2469 4078

Joint Secretary in charge of JCM in all Ministries/ Departments of Government of India.