Thursday, July 30, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
As the hon’ble Members are aware, the Department of Posts is the largest postal network in the world which provides postal facilities within the reach of every citizen in the country at affordable prices. These include delivery of letters, e-mail, small savings, money remittances, provisions of life insurance and other core functions. Second to the Railways, the Postal Department is one of the biggest Department in the world having huge infrastructure. It is quite natural that in a competitive world to withstand in a competitive environment something afresh must be done. By anticipating new developments in the sector, the Government is well aware that the Postal Department cannot be exclusively used by the commercial department.
Through the non-Plan expenditure, every year, more than Rs.1000 crores is being compensated by the Government of India. We wanted to switch over the business to some other areas; so that revenue can be accrued for this Department. We will operate the savings account. Out of which, some percentage can be given as commission. We are not going to privatize the Postal Department. How the loss incurred by the Department can be managed is the point. 9684 post offices have already been computerized till March 2009. We launched Project AERO. Last year, we modernized 500 post offices across the country. This year, we have earmarked another 500 offices. We are going to start 3000 post offices across the country. Only 5 per cent of the vacancies can be filled up according to the Department of Personnel and Training. Without prior approval, I do hope that the exemption will be obtained from the Ministry of Finance. We will ensure that the 5 per cent that has been earmarked on compassionate ground will be strictly followed, modified Assured Career Progression (ACP) scheme, as recommended by the Sixth Pay Commission, is also under implementation.
One man committee recommended some incentives for the reasons working in the extra departmental post offices. I hope, the Finance Ministry will clear this proposal. Because of the financial crunch we are not able to open post offices wherever the people need them. In the Eleventh Five Year Plan, 3000 post offices will be, definitely, opened. These matters of rate of interest and commission are governed by the Ministry of Finance. We launched the 'Project Arrow'; we computerized the ten thousand post offices. I come to the Department of I.T. The National E-governance Programme has been announced by the Prime Minister. One lakh Common Service Centres are going to be opened. We want that within a couple of years, up to the taluka level, the paperless Government must be ensured. The needs of the people will be put in the common Service Centres. It will be connected with the block level, the State level and the district level.
National E-governance Programme is not exclusively implemented by the Central Government. We are depending upon the State Governments. The semi-conductor policy, has been announced by the department of Information Technology. The Government wants to have its own electronic hardware manufacturing hubs. We have announced the Special Economic Zones. This Government cleared 8-10 projects worth more than Rs. 75,000 crores. These projects are going to be implemented very soon. The Annual Report has been put on the website. It is true that the allocation for Plan schemes under this domain in unchanged. The reason behind this is that we have other Plan schemes for manpower development. We are going to align with the State Governments on how manpower development programmes can be implemented at the State level. The students are not able to update their skills, they are not able to get jobs

Lates News
"In rural areas, we wanted to sell gold coins as banking outlests. We are in talks with ICICI Bank if they want to avail our infrastructure for the expansion of their busines," IT & Communication Minister A. Raja said in the Rajya Sabha on 27.7.09 while replying to questions regarding the working of his ministry. For the loss-making rural post offices, this would generate revenue. He said the department of posts can also start savings bank accounts on behalf of SBI.
However, he made it clear that this would not mean privatisation of the services.
"We are not going to privatise the postal services. We want to see how the infrastructure of the postal department in every nook and corner of the country can be put to maximum value," he said.
The minister said desptite the Rs.1,000-crore annual loss, the expansion plan of the postal department is on target.
During the 11th Fiv e Year Plan, 3,000 Post Offices would be constructed.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
GDS Pay Commission
After approval from Ministry of Finance the deptt is busy in preparation of notes with its enclosers which will be placed before Minister for onward transmission to cabinate for approval. Deptt is positive mood in this matter and this process may be completed within 2 or 3 days and orders are being issued in August 2009.
ADR Plan
Govt has not released a single post of Multiskilled Group 'C' cadre of Peon, Mail Peon Packer etc in ADR Plan 2006/07 & 2007/08. The postal deptt has failed to convince the govt the necessity of these post. The union has left no choice except to launch agitation against this antistaff attitude of the Govt & deptt. CHQ has written a letter which is published here.
T N Rahate
Present FNPO G.S N.U.P.E P-IV CHQ Delhi

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Enhancement of Child Adoption Leave from 135 days to 180 days and extension of the facility of Paternity Leave to adoptive fathers.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
THE DIRECTORATE ORDERS NUMBER 37-15/2008-SPB I dated 17.7.2009
Order are issued by the Directorate for Filling up vacancies of Pertaining to ADR VACANCIES OF 2005-06 & 2006-07.
Total Vacancies in All Cadres 5190 for operative group “C” Cadres:
2005-06 2006-07
Postal Assistant,Postal/CO/PLI,Group C 1416 1459
Sorting Assistant, RMS, Group C 186 149
Postman Group C 894 712
Junior Accountant 95 37
Junior Engineers 9 9
Junior Engineers Electrical 0 1
FNPO Particular me NUPE P-IV Gr’D’ fult sorry and sapraise to now at Department as not cleared any vacancies for Gr’D’ cadres of mail peon, peker Class-IV etc. this cadre is under heady pressure of work.
His Government and Department of post will not get any action to vacancies for ADR 2005/06 & 2006/07 and 2007/08 N.U.P.E P-IV will launch mention vacancies Agitation & indefinite Hunger Fast to achieve Demand.
Shri. T.N Rahate
President FNPO G.S NUPE P-IV

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Imported Decision In Between Shri T.N RAHATE President FNPO G.S NUPE P-IV And Shri D.Theagarajan Secretary General FNPO reached to Delhi and Best to Clear Cabinet Approval G.D.S Commission order and there for increase to may be paid July/Aug’2009, and areas are expected to be paid to September 2009, so also S.G meeting ACP order and result expected July End 2009.

Friday, July 17, 2009
Air Travel on official account – both domestic and international
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Expenditure)
Subject: - Air Travel on official account – both domestic and international
In partial modiciation of this Ministry’s OM No. F. No. 7(2)/E. Co.ord/2005 dated 23rd November, 2005 nd in supersession of this Ministry’s OM No. 19024/1/E.IV/2005 dated 24/3/2006, it has been decided that in all cases of air travel, both domestic and international where the Government of India bears the cost of air passage, the officials concerned may travel only by Air India.
2. For travel to stations not connected by Air India, the officials may travel by Air India to the hub/point closes to their eventual destination, beyond which they may utilize the services of another airline which should also preferably be an alliance partner of Air India.
3. In all cases of deviation from these orders because of operational or other reasons or on account of non-availability, individual cases may be referred to the Ministry of Civil Aviation for relaxation.
4. All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India are requested to strictly adhere to these instructions.
5. These orders will also apply to officials in autonomous bodies funded by Government of India.
Sd/- (V.P. Sehgal)
Deputy Secretary to the Govt. of India

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

2) GDS Pay Revision: Minister of finance not yet cleared the file but I personally discussed the issue with Shri Alok Saxena, Director Expenditure and Secretary Expenditure and came to know that within a short period finance approval will come.
3) Casual Labour Revised fixation: File is pending with D.O.P.T for some clarification and early result is expected.
Tour program of President FNPO & General Secretary NUPE – P – IV CHQ
On 6th July2009, I visited most of the important offices in West Bengal Circle and met with concerned SSPOS and discussed on urgent staff problems.
On 7th July I visited DAP Calcutta and discussed with FNPO Leaders and members on important issues and also solved internal dispute of old and new members relations amicably with the help pf Shri H.L. Ramteke General Secretary and myself as President, FNPO. We also met DAP Calcutta and discussed staff problems.
I met CPM G Calcutta and discussed on important issues including payment of wages of 17th & 18th Feb 2009 due to strike call of NFPE Union.
On 8th July I visited NUPE P - IV Branch of Calcutta North division and discussed with members and also addressed their working committee meeting.
I addressed Calcutta Circle conference of NUR – III as President FNPO.
On 10th July I visited Nagpur in Maharashtra Circle and met PMG Nagpur; discussed staff problems and pending issues, then I visited residence of Hon Shri Ghatole Babaji, our one of the founder leader of National Union and discussed with him the present situation of our Federation, staff matters etc and sought his valuable guidance. I personally asked for his blessings on being first time elected as President FNPO and for all of us also.
Till 13th July I will be in Mumbai and will leave onwards to Andhra Circle to attend circle conference of NUR IV being held at Vijayawada from 15th to 17th July, 2009.
I will return to Mumbai on 18th and will proceed to Pune to attend NUP E-P-III conference of Pune. All concerned may note it.
T.N. Rahate
President, FNPO& G/S NUPE – P – IV CHQ

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
5% Dearness Allowance is expected for Central Govt. Employees w.e.f. 1st July 2009
Month | Year | Base Year(2001=100) | Total | Average | App.DA | DA |
May | 2008 | 139 | 1613 | -- | -- | -- |
June | 2008 | 140 | 1623 | 135.25 | 16.84 | 16 |
July | 2008 | 143 | 1634 | -- | -- | -- |
August | 2008 | 143 | 1634 | -- | -- | -- |
Sept | 2008 | 146 | 1659 | -- | -- | -- |
Oct | 2008 | 148 | 1673 | -- | -- | -- |
Nov | 2008 | 148 | 1687 | -- | -- | -- |
Dec | 2008 | 147 | 1700 | 141.67 | 2238 | 22 |
Jan | 2009 | 148 | 1714 | -- | -- | -- |
Feb | 2009 | 149 | 1728 | -- | -- | -- |
Mar | 2009 | 148 | 1739 | -- | -- | -- |
Apr | 2009 | 150 | 1751 | -- | -- | -- |
May | 2009 | 151 | 1763 | -- | -- | -- |
June | 2009 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 27 |

5% Dearness Allowance is expected for Central Govt. Employees w.e.f. 1st July 2009
With this expected rise, the total Dearness Allowance will be 27% w.e.f. 01.07.2009. It may be mentioned that the rise in Dearness Allowance effects Transport Allowance also as per the Sixth Pay Commission for the Central Govt. Employees.
Calculation is based on All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Worker based on [Base Year 2001 = 100]

5% Dearness Allowance is expected for Central Govt. Employees w.e.f. 1st July 2009
Central Govt. employees and pensioners may expect a hefty rise of 5% in D.A. with effect from today, the 1st July 2009. According to the statistics of Labour Bureau, Govt. of India, All India Consumer Price Index No. has climbed up to 151 points in May 2009 in comparison to 147 in December 2008. [See the chart below.]
With this expected rise, the total Dearness Allowance will be 27% w.e.f. 01.07.2009. It may be mentioned that the rise in Dearness Allowance effects Transport Allowance also as per the Sixth Pay Commission for the Central Govt. Employees.
Calculation is based on All India Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial Worker based on [Base Year 2001 = 100]
Month | Year | Base Year(2001=100) | Total | Average | App.DA | DA |
May | 2008 | 139 | 1613 | -- | -- | -- |
June | 2008 | 140 | 1623 | 135.25 | 16.84 | 16 |
July | 2008 | 143 | 1634 | -- | -- | -- |
August | 2008 | 143 | 1634 | -- | -- | -- |
Sept | 2008 | 146 | 1659 | -- | -- | -- |
Oct | 2008 | 148 | 1673 | -- | -- | -- |
Nov | 2008 | 148 | 1687 | -- | -- | -- |
Dec | 2008 | 147 | 1700 | 141.67 | 2238 | 22 |
Jan | 2009 | 148 | 1714 | -- | -- | -- |
Feb | 2009 | 149 | 1728 | -- | -- | -- |
Mar | 2009 | 148 | 1739 | -- | -- | -- |
Apr | 2009 | 150 | 1751 | -- | -- | -- |
May | 2009 | 151 | 1763 | -- | -- | -- |
June | 2009 | -- | -- | -- | -- | 27 |

Payment of Dearness Relief to re-employed pensioners and employed family pensioners
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions
(Department of Pension & Pensioners' Welfare)
3rd Floor, Lok Nayak Bhavan
Khan Market,New Delhi,
dated: 9th July, 2009
Sub: Payment of Dearness Relief to re-employed pensioners and employed family pensioners.
The undersigned is directed to say that the grant of DR to re-employed pensioners and employed family pensionersis presently regulated in accordance with the instructions contained in this Department's OM No.45/73/97 P&PW(G) dated 2.7.1999. Consequent upon the revision in ignorable amount of pension from Rs.1500/- to Rs.4000/- in terms of DOPT OM no. 3/13/2008-Esst,(PAY-I) dated 11.11.2008, the amount of Rs.1500/- appeared in OM dated 2.7.1999 is revised as Rs.4000/-. The other conditions for grant of DR to re-employed pensioners and employed family pensioners remain the same: :
2. In so far as persons serving in the Indian Audit Accounts Department are concerned, these orders are being issued after consultation with the CAG of India.
3. This issues with the concurrence of Misnistry of Finance, Department of Expenditure vide their UO No. 132/EV/2009-Esst.(Pay II) dated 21.4.2009 and DOP&T vide their UO No.3/16/2009-Esst.(Pay II) dated 23.6.2009.

Monday, July 6, 2009
I myself a president FNPO and General Secretary NUPE P-IV address the Participants also Shri. Sanayal Ex Circle President P-III Shri S.Sarkar Secretary CCNPO, Shri Subrato Choudhry NUR-III CHQ President/DAP Ex General Secretary Shri Prodit Podar and Shri B.M Ghosh Chief Advisor CHQ and Shri Shekar Mukharjee Circle Secretary NUPE P-IV W.B and Asst Secretary General FNPO, Shri L.Majumdar President NUPE P-IV W.B Circle and CHQ Working President Preside Ober the Convention And Shri R. Biswas CHQ Organising secretary Shri Sunil Bose Ex Presedent CHQ and Shrimati Soma Ghosh anquered he Convention in Very nice and Remarkable way. I on my own behalf and on behalf of FNPO and P-IV CHQ Whole heartedly offer sincere thanks to all those who have taken pains to arrange this fourth conventionrticularly I offer my thanks to Shrimati Soma Ghosh Circle Origination Secretary W.B Circle and her team for the best way they arranged Convention. I pray almighty kali Mata for this better future and prosterity.
President FNPO
CHQ Delhi
Next Lady
Howrah Division

Shri T.N RAHATE President FNPO G.S NUPE P-IV, B.M Ghosh Chief Adviser CHQ and other ladders sitting unties in the Fourth LADIES Convention
Shrimati Soma ghosh Circle org.Secretary W.B Circle
Participated of Ladies Convention
Participated of Ladies Convention

Saturday, July 4, 2009
Shri. T.N.Rahate president FNPO & General Secretary NUPE P-IV, Shri D.Kishan Rao, G.S, NUPE, P-III, Shri.Abdul Siddique, G.S, R-IV, Shri.O.P.Khanna, GS (Admn) represented JCA and addressed the participants. Secretary General of both FNPO and NFPE could not participate in the demonstration due to preoccupation. At the end of the demnostration leaders of the JCA met Director (SR) and presented a memorandum containing a charter of demand addressed to the Secretary (Posts). Copies of the charter of demand were also handed over to Shri. A.Raja, Honourable minister of communication and IT, Shri.Sachin Pilot, Shri.Gurudas Kamath both Hon'ble Ministers of State for Communications and IT.
(General Secretary)

Friday, July 3, 2009
General Secretary on Tour from 30th June’2009 To 10th July'2009
01st July’09 had a detailed discussion with Secretary Expenditure [Finance] for the approval of GDS Committee Report. The aforesaid officer promised to give the same within next week.
01st , 02nd July'09 Visited the Post offices of Delhi whereby was in a manner to reach the problem of the employees of the said post offices and requested them to be a part of the agitation to be held on 3rd july at Dak bhawan Delhi and indefinite hunger strike.
Meet SSPO Shri. Aman Sharma, CPMG P.K.Gopinath, Delhi DPS [P] Shri Chauhan, Delhi PMG Shri Sharma and discussed major problems of Delhi circle viz Karol bagh, Krishna nagar, East and south division and also discussed the problems relating to harassment of the employees of Officers.
04th July,09 will visit New Delhi GPO and other offices.
04th to 8th July’09 in West Bengal Circle
05th July’09 attend the ladies Seminar.
06th, 7th, 8th July’09 will visit the post offices of kolkatta and will meet CPMG, PMG, DPS to discuss the problems of employees.
08th July’09 will attend the circle conference and open session [meeting] at NUR III W.B. Circle.
10th July ’09 will attend Regional CWC and DWC at Nagpur.
11th July 09 will be in Mumbai.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Indefinite Hunger Strike
Dear Collegue,
For the beneficial entitlement of our right it is here by proposed to go for on indefinite hunger fast.We want your response for the same, if the response for the aforesaid intimation comes to be positive, a notice will be issued to all the concerned members Please give your Suggestion and comments within a week Whether to go for the above proposal in an appropriate manner, Your Positive attitude will give a pillar of strength to our union for the enforcement of our rights and privileges.
Thank You