No. D.G. Posts No.
No.04.20/2013-SPB.ll Dated 25 June, 2013.
I am
directed to refer to Directorate's letter No.'4-44t2012-SPB-ll dated 18.04,2013
requesting the Circles to fill up the posts in HSG-I in Post Offices and RM$
Offices by convening Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) Meeting for,
promoting HSG-ll officials in PO & RMS Offices as per the provisions of
existing Recruitment Rules.
2.References have been
received from some Circles seeking clarifications as to whether DPC meeting can
be convened for HSG.I posts in $BCO and CO/ RO cadre.
3. Earlier,
Directorate had never issued any instructions to the Circles that DPC meeting
should not be held for filling up HSG.I posts in SBCO and CO as per the
provisions of existing Recruitment Rules of these cadres. The onus, therefore,
lies on the Circles to hold DPC meetings regularly to fill up the posts in SBCO
and CO as per the provisions contained in the existing Recruitment Rules.