Guidelines for conducting Pension
1. Objective
The intention of conducting Pension
Adalats is to look into the grievances of Pensioners so as to redress the same
by taking on-the-spot decisions there by reducing the delays, if any, in the
settlement of their legitimate dues. This kind of interaction with the
Pensioners would instill in them a sense of being cared for and attended to,
thus, dispelling their feelings of isolation and neglect. It will also give an
idea of the kind of problems/difficulties that are being faced by the
pensioners and help in identifying the areas of concern in policy that require
our urgent attention for amendment, etc.
2. Frequency,
Date and Time
2.1 Pensioners’
Adalats may he held twice around January and July every year. Venue and date
will he fixed by the concerned organization in consultation with the
stakeholders and notified through advertisements inleading newspapers/other
media. For this purpose, the following time frame may be adopted:
(a) Issue of notice by respective
organisations through print and visual media and other means about holding of
Pension Adalats indicating date, venue, time of Adalat and the name of Officer
to whom the grievances have to be submitted.At least 4 months in advance of the
proposed date of Adalat.
(b) Last date for submission of
grievances by Pensioners, which should be indicated in the Notification
mentioned above.Within 90 days from the date of issue of notice.
2.2 About 4 to 6 weeks time is
considered adequate to investigate most of the complaints/representations
though some cases may take a little longer. However, keeping in view the fact
that the aim of the Adalat is to promote credibility and generate confidence
amongst the pensioners, the last date for receiving the
complaints/representations to be heard in the Adalat may be suitably fixed and
announced at the time of giving the publicity. Only one officer will be
nominated to receive the complaints/representations. The officer to whom the
complaints/representations should be sent will also he indicated in the
3. Publicity for the Adalat
3.1 Wide and adequate publicity through
print and visual media and other means like posters at prominent places, may be
given in advance to enable the pensioners to send their cases in time for
consideration in such Adalats. Doordarshan and A.I.R. can also be requested to
telecast/broadcast the same through appropriate programmes. This is considered
necessary, as reference to various records is very often essential before a
grievance can be considered/redressed.
3.2 The most important aspect of the
publicity campaign is to reach out to the individual pensioners. For this
purpose a set of hand outs, posters and press releases may be prepared and sent
to the following agencies three months in advance. Bank branches, Post Offices
and Treasury Offices for display at their respective premises. Respective
organizations at regional level for display at their premises and other crucial
Pensioner’s Associations & Leagues
of pensioners at the station of the Adalat and its adjoining states for
dissemination of information to the pensioners. Special efforts for publicity
in the interior villages may be made by the respective organizations located at
the station of the Adalat, which are also expected to liaise with the local
print and electronic media. For publicity of the Adalat for the information of
Pensioners, press releases be issued in various print and electronic media in
local/regional languages.
The above exercise may be repeated
through several rounds of press releases to above mentioned agencies.
4. Admissibility of cases in
Pension Adalats
4.1 Cases involving purely legal points
e.g. succession, etc., cannot he taken up in the Adalat. This aspect need to be
adequately publicized.
4.2 Grievances involving policy matters
need not he taken up in such Adalats.
4.3 In the cases of grievances not
being tenable, the Pensioners may be suitably advised in writing.
4.4 Normally, no case should be held up
for the sake of consideration/decision in the Adalat unless the delay is
absolutely inescapable.
5. Advance action
5.1 The representalions/grievances of
Pensioners may be acknowledged indicating the date, venue and time of Pension
5.2 The concerned Officers will examine
the grievances/representations admitted and submit necessary reports at least two
weeks before the Adalalt meets, to the members of the Adalat. The
grievances/representations may be examined in detail and prompt action to
finalize the cases be taken. Wherever necessary, liaison may be done with other
concerned agencies for prompt settlements of the grievances. The cases which do
not fall within the scope of the Adalat, will he required to be communicated to
complainants indicating the result of enquiry/investigation, ete. and the
decision taken thereon.
6. Representation in Pension
6.1 All Officers dealing with pension
viz. Senior Officers of Personnel/Administrative Branch and Accounts Department
and Managers of the pension-disbursing Banks from Zonal or Divisional
Headquarters should be present with all the relevant records so that decisions
are not postponed for the sake of referring to the records.
6.2 The Officers present in the Pension
Adalats should be able to take decisions on the spot to redress the grievances.
In this connection it is pertinent to note that such meetings are not to take
up policy matters but they should deal with specific grievances of the
individual pensioner, when represented by him personally or by a family member
of the Pensioner.
6.3 The authorized representatives of
the Standing Committee of Voluntary Agencies (SCOVA) and the recognized Trade
Unions/Pensioner Associations may also be invited to attend the Pension
Adalats. But they should not be permitted to present the grievances of the
6.4 However, in the case of illiterate
Pensioners, widows, minors etc. it may not be possible for them to effectively
prepare and present cases before the Adalat. In such cases, if the
pensioner/family pensioner seeks the assistance of the representatives of the
SCOVA / Pensioners Associations attending the Adalat, the SCOVA/Pensioners
Associations representatives may be permitted to present the grievances of such
pensioners/family pensioners. It may so happen that the Office bearers of the
SCOVA/Trade Union/Pensioners Associations may not be available when Pension
Adalats are held on different dates, at different places. In such cases even
the representatives of SCOVA / Trade Unions/Pensioners Association, as
authorized by the SCOVA/Trade Unions/Pensioners Associations and whose
credentials are sent in advance to the concerned Organization, may be allowed
to attend the Pension Adalats and to present the cases, if necessary.
6.5 It needs to be ensured that all the
cases which are tenable are settled at the time of Pension Adalat itself. But
in cases where it is not possible to settle the same on the spot, it should be
settled and finalized within a period of approx. three months from the date of
holding the Pension Adalat.
7. Composition and conduct
of Pension Adalat
7.1 The Adalat will comprise of
concerned stake holders al the Regional level, which may have minimum five
members chaired by the Head of the concerned Organization/Bank. The Head of the
Pension Adalat would be assisted by the concerned officer of the Region
concerned. The other three members will be one each from the Operational Wing
and Finance Wings and the Bank/Post office (pension disbursing authority), it
may also have a representative of DoP&PW. However, modifIcation in the
composition of the members can be made if the Head of the respective
Organization/ Pension Adalat feels so in the circumstances.
7.2 The business of the Adalat is
conducted through benches which comprise of experts in pension matters from
various authorities. The Pension Adalat would be more beneficial if the
representatives of DoP&W and all the concerned stakeholders are included in
7.3 The Pension Adalats should be
conducted at the level of very senior Officers including Officers of Personnel.
Accounts, Finance and other Departments concerned. The representatives of
Banks/other Pension Disbursing Authorities should also be co-opted in the
Pension Adalats. The officers comprising the Adalat should be those who have
been authorized to take decisions on the various aspects of pension.
8. Jurisdiction and Venue
The Adalats are generally held at
places where there is large concentration of Pensioners who draw their pensions
from Public Sector Banks, Post offices and Treasuries. There will be one Adalat
at least at regional level, which will cover a wide range of
organizations/stakeholders. The Adalats may be held at the Headquarters Station
of the Regional Officc of the respective organization.
9. Evaluation & Monitoring
9.1 A Summary of outstanding cases may
be compiled at the end of the Adalat and the unsettled cases referred to the
concerned agencies for appropriate action in a time bound manner. A periodical
review of outstanding cases is conducted and follow up action is taken with the
internal and external agencies.
9.2 A review of the performance of the
Adalat may be completed within 3 months of the ADALAT DAY. The items for
evaluation could be
(a) Total no. of grievances/cases.
(b) number of cases decided
(b) disposal of cases where decision
could not be given on-the- spot and another date has been given.
(c) Users satisfaction generated
through the Adalat.9.3 An evaluation report after the first Adalat meeting may
be prepared by the Head of the Pension Adalat assisted by the concerned officer
at regional level clearly indicating further steps. it any, required for
improvement, and the same submitted within a month from the date of Adalat to
senior officers of the respective organization.
9.4 Efforts should always be made to
make payment of settlement dues immediately on retirement as per normal
practice. No case should be held up for decision in Pension Adalats unless the
delay is absolutely inescapable.
9.5 As the conduct of Pension Adalat is
being monitored at the highest level of the respective organization including
stakeholders, the guidelines should be followed scrupulously to ensure that the
grievances of Pensioners / Family Pensioners are settled promptly without
giving any room for complaint whatsoever.
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