Tuesday, April 8, 2014

MACP benefits on the basis of Promotional Hierarchy..!

MACP benefits on the basis of Promotional Hierarchy..!

What is the Necessity for MACP to Emulate ACP’s Promotional Hierarchy? 

For a number of years, Federations have been demanding that employees who had not been given promotions for 10, 20 or 30 years be given promotions or upgradations by MACP (Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme) on the basis of their respective Promotional Hierarchy. The Government refused to oblige by stating very clearly in the 6th CPC that promotions will be given only on the basis of Grade Pay Hierarchy. 

There are no such recommendations in the ACP Scheme (Assured Career Progression Scheme), which was introduced by the 5th CPC. In fact, there was not even a Grade Pay format in its Pay Structure. There was also no usage of ‘Hierarchy’ in it. A lot of confusion was created after the introduction of the Grade Pay Structure by the 6th CPC. Two distinct hierarchies were created – Promotional Hierarchy and Grade Pay Hierarchy. 
Promotional Hierarchy is based on the pay structure depending upon the employee’s grade and department. Two employees with similar designations and ranks, but in different departments, will notice this difference. This is not applicable to everybody.

On the other hand, Grade Pay Structure is common for all. This is the reason why there are differences between an employee who gets promotions under the regular system and one who gets promotion under MACP. In order to rectify this discrepancy, a number of employees had approached the courts and had succeeded. 

This would become clearer with this example: 

Let us assume that an LDC employed with a Central Government office under a promotional hierarchy of 1900-2400-4200. Regular Promotion is given on this basis only. 

If the employee has not been given a promotion for 10 years, then, instead of the next Grade Pay of Rs. 2400, he will be given a grade pay hike of Rs. 2000. Instead of Rs. 4200 Grade Pay, he will be given Rs. 2800. This is the reason for all the confusion. 

But, the point to be observed here is that it was granted on the basis of Promotional Hierarchy, introduced by the ACP of the 5th CPC. 

Let us also look at the explanation given by the Government. 
Only those who haven’t received any promotion for 10 years are given promotions or upgradations under MACP.  Pay fixation is done based on 3% increment and the differences between Grade Pay. If the employee gets a regular promotion a month after getting pay fixation, then, the difference in the Grade Pay will be calculated on the basis of his entitlement and given immediately. The intention of the scheme was to remove the anguish of the employees who weren’t given any promotion for more than 10 years.

Read an another article on MACP Scheme...
5th CPC had ACP, 6th CPC had MACP; what does 7th CPC have?- Click to read...
MACP benefits on the basis of Promotional Hierarchy..!
Posted: 07 Apr 2014 10:39 PM PDT
MACP benefits on the basis of Promotional Hierarchy..!

What is the Necessity for MACP to Emulate ACP’s Promotional Hierarchy? 

For a number of years, Federations have been demanding that employees who had not been given promotions for 10, 20 or 30 years be given promotions or upgradations by MACP (Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme) on the basis of their respective Promotional Hierarchy. The Government refused to oblige by stating very clearly in the 6th CPC that promotions will be given only on the basis of Grade Pay Hierarchy. 

There are no such recommendations in the ACP Scheme (Assured Career Progression Scheme), which was introduced by the 5th CPC. In fact, there was not even a Grade Pay format in its Pay Structure. There was also no usage of ‘Hierarchy’ in it. A lot of confusion was created after the introduction of the Grade Pay Structure by the 6th CPC. Two distinct hierarchies were created – Promotional Hierarchy and Grade Pay Hierarchy. 
Promotional Hierarchy is based on the pay structure depending upon the employee’s grade and department. Two employees with similar designations and ranks, but in different departments, will notice this difference. This is not applicable to everybody.

On the other hand, Grade Pay Structure is common for all. This is the reason why there are differences between an employee who gets promotions under the regular system and one who gets promotion under MACP. In order to rectify this discrepancy, a number of employees had approached the courts and had succeeded. 

This would become clearer with this example: 

Let us assume that an LDC employed with a Central Government office under a promotional hierarchy of 1900-2400-4200. Regular Promotion is given on this basis only. 

If the employee has not been given a promotion for 10 years, then, instead of the next Grade Pay of Rs. 2400, he will be given a grade pay hike of Rs. 2000. Instead of Rs. 4200 Grade Pay, he will be given Rs. 2800. This is the reason for all the confusion. 

But, the point to be observed here is that it was granted on the basis of Promotional Hierarchy, introduced by the ACP of the 5th CPC. 

Let us also look at the explanation given by the Government. 
Only those who haven’t received any promotion for 10 years are given promotions or upgradations under MACP.  Pay fixation is done based on 3% increment and the differences between Grade Pay. If the employee gets a regular promotion a month after getting pay fixation, then, the difference in the Grade Pay will be calculated on the basis of his entitlement and given immediately. The intention of the scheme was to remove the anguish of the employees who weren’t given any promotion for more than 10 years.

Read an another article on MACP Scheme...
5th CPC had ACP, 6th CPC had MACP; what does 7th CPC have?- Click to read...

INDWF publishes an order issued by the Department of Defence Production regarding the issue of upgradations under ACP and MACP in Ordnance Establishements for the posts of Unskilled (Labourers) and Semi Skilled Workers...

ACP / MACP to labourers - reg.

Ministry of Defence
Department of Defence Production

Sub: ACP / MACP to labourers - reg.
Reference OFB proposal No.800/ACP/MACP/A/I/551
dated : 23.08.2013

The issues involved on the above subject mentioned above had been examined in consultation with D(Civ), Defence(Finance) and DOP&T, DOP&T in the matter has advised in the following manner :

2. Consequent upon implementation of recommendations of 6th CPC, the posts of Unskilled (Labourers) and Semi Skilled Workers have been merged in PB-1 with GP Rs.1800/- (after imparting training) with designation as Tradesman Mate. In case of Tradesman Mate who had completed 30 years of service as on 01.09.2008, would be entitled for financial benefit under MACPS. Hence the following categories of employees are eligible for financial upgradation under ACP/MACPS :

(i) Employees completing 12 years of service upto 31.08.2008 - 1st ACP in GP Rs.1900/-

(ii) Employees completing 24 years of service upto 31.08.2008 - 2nd ACP in GP Rs.2400/-,

(iii) Employees completing 30 years of service as on 31.08.2008 - 3rd MACP in GP Rs.2800/-.

3. The posts of Unskilled (labourers) and Semi-skilled workers which are placed in the Grade Pay of Rs.1800/- have been merged to the post of Tradesman Mate. Para 5 of MACPS provides for ignoring of promotions earned/upgradations granted under ACP Scheme in the past to those grades which now carry the same grade pay due to merger of pay scales/upgradations of posts as a part of the 6th CPC recommendations, Guidelines with regard to grant of financial upgrdations under MACPS, Including that of para 5 of Annexure-1 of MACPS with regard to ignoring of past promotions ACPs granted in the pre-revised pay scales which are now merged in to the same GP, are effective from 01.09.2008 only. Accordingly, thre is no question of grant of 1st ACP to employees completing 12 years of service upto 31.08.2008 in the GP of Rs.1900/- and 2nd ACP on completion of 24 years of service upto 31.08.2008 in the GP Rs.2400/-.

4. So fare as the case of grant of 3rd MACPS benefits to the employees at category (iii) at para 2 above, it may be stated that ACP Scheme has been replaced by MACPS w.e.f.01.09.2008. Fulfillment of prescribed promotional norms including passing of Trade Test has been dispensed with for grant of financial upgradations under MACPS, In consultation with DOE, as MACPS upgradations are granted in the hierarchy of Grade Pay as prescribed in the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008, instead of promotional hierarchy. However, "Benchmark" as prescribed in para 17 of MACPs is mandatory.

5. Thus, para 4 above amply clarifies that for grant of MACPS upgradations which come into effect from 01.09.2008, passing of Trade Test is not mandatory.

6. OFB may take note that of the above clarification given by DOP&T in the matter to deal with all such cases relating to grant of ACP/MACP benefits to the eligible Labourers/Workers.

(Amaian Das)
Under Secretary.

Source: INDWF

More orders regarding MACP