Friday, May 5, 2017

The outcome of the standing committee held on 03/05/2017.

Meeting of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM) held on 03.05.2017. Only Action Taken Report (progress report) on old items discussed in the Standing Committee meeting held on 25.10.2016 was discussed from 3 to 7 PM. 
The protest of the staff side regarding the abnormal delay in implementation of revised allowances from 01.01.2016, increase in minimum pay and fitment formula, Option -1 parity of Pensioners, revision of pension and grant of dearness relief to autonomous body pensioners etc was conveyed to Secretary, Department of Personnel who chaired the meeting. The proposed move to close down DGS&D was also raised. 

To discuss the new items another meeting will be held shortly. 

The cabinet has approved the parity in pension recommended by the Pension Committee constituted by Govt w.e.f.01.01.2016. (Whether it is 5th CPC recommended parity can be confirmed only after seeing the orders). 

It is confirmed that Option -1 recommended by 7th CPC is rejected.