On 06/03/2018 myself along
with Shri R.H. Gupta, Asstt. Secretary General, FNPO and Shri Santosh Kadam,
Asstt. Circle Secretary, NAPEC, Maharashtra Circle visited Dak Bhawan
meet Shri Salim Haque Sir, Member (T), Ms Usha Chandrashekhar Madam, Member
(O), DDG of various section discussed following issues in detail:-
Member (O) :- Improvement
in delivery (Nodal) for separate parcel
system in Maharashtra and other Circle and requested to issue guidelines
for delivery of all types articles including all types of parcel through Delivery
Post office only. :- Member assured to
visit Maharashtra Circle this month and meet Union representatives along with
concerned officers of Maharashtra Circle and settle the issue.
Member (T) :- Difficulties
faced by staff after CSI rollout and issues related to finacle after CSI. :-
officer assured to look in to the matter and resolved issue as early as
DDG (P), DDG (Estate), and
other DDGs and Directors:
Absorption of surplus GDS
candidates who are declared successful in GDS to Postmen exam 2017 on vacant
posts of Postmen in Mumbai Region from Navi Mumbai region and other regions of
Maharashtra Circle.
Accommodation at Kolhapur
Head office for PSK and IPPB offices, we requested to acquire accommodation
given to CTO and not to disturb counter/ delivery areas in main building.
Modification of Divide
Beat/ holiday duty fixed monitory allowance multiplication after implementation
of 7 CPC.
Increase in rates of Dress
allowance up to Rs 10000/- yearly.
Officers assured to take
decision on all issues as early as possible.
Modifications in
recruitment Rules of Postmen, MTS, PA/SA cadres.
New recruitment rules will
be framed in this month and orders will be issued shortly.
On 07/03/2018 Department organized
workshop with representatives of Service Unions on
sensitization of India Post Payments Bank (IPPB)
FNPO side following members attended
IPPB workshop
1) Shri Theagarajan, SG, FNPO.
2) Shri T.N. Rahate, President, FNPO.
3) Shri Shivaji Vasireddy, Assistant General Secretary, NAPEC.
4) Shri R H Gupta, Assistant Secretary General, FNPO.
5) Shri Shiv Kumar, Assistant General Secretary, NAPEC
6) Shri P U Murlidharan, General Secretary, NUGDS.
7) Shri Santosh Kadam, Assistant circle secretary, NAPEC, Maharashtra circle Member RJCM.
1) Shri Theagarajan, SG, FNPO.
2) Shri T.N. Rahate, President, FNPO.
3) Shri Shivaji Vasireddy, Assistant General Secretary, NAPEC.
4) Shri R H Gupta, Assistant Secretary General, FNPO.
5) Shri Shiv Kumar, Assistant General Secretary, NAPEC
6) Shri P U Murlidharan, General Secretary, NUGDS.
7) Shri Santosh Kadam, Assistant circle secretary, NAPEC, Maharashtra circle Member RJCM.
FNPO representatives have given following
valid inputs in the workshop in question answer session. Along with remarks
passed by our SG in speech published on FNPO blog.
1) accommodation of IPPB branches may be done at places available easily without disturbing current post offices counter or delivery sections for example Kolhapur.
We also demanded to ask BSNL to surrender the accommodation given to them for CTO offices
2) we demanded 100% recruitment of GDS.
3) we asked software related questions and it is known that same finacle software will be used for IPPB.
4) Basic idea behind IPPB is to providing doorstep banking services to the rural customer who is not having smart phones or internet access.
5) For urban customers its new e-wallet introduced to buy Department of Post the most reliable banking services in India.
6) New technology like QR Debit card will be introduced by IPPB.
7) We hope it will open new doors for India Post and our future will be bright so FNPO will support IPPB initiative with the condition of non privatization and 100% stake of India Post in IPPB.
On 08/03/2018 myself along
with SG FNPO Sri Theagrajan and other union leaders visited Dak Bhawan
met Secretary, Department of Post and other designated officers mainly Member
(O), Member (T), Member (P), DDG Planning, DDG Personnel and discuss the
following issues.
1) Problems of Nodal delivery in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai Region.
2) MACP issues arising due to benchmark after implementation of recommendation of 7CPC.
3) Problem arising due to poor connectivity in Post offices after CSI rollout.
4) Problem related to RICT we requested to implement RICT as early as possible.
5) Shortage of accommodation at Kolhapur Head office due to PSK and IPPB offices we requested to acquire accommodation given to CTO.
6) Modification Divide Beat/ holiday duty fixed monitory allowance multiplication after implementation of 7 CPC.
1) Problems of Nodal delivery in Mumbai and Navi Mumbai Region.
2) MACP issues arising due to benchmark after implementation of recommendation of 7CPC.
3) Problem arising due to poor connectivity in Post offices after CSI rollout.
4) Problem related to RICT we requested to implement RICT as early as possible.
5) Shortage of accommodation at Kolhapur Head office due to PSK and IPPB offices we requested to acquire accommodation given to CTO.
6) Modification Divide Beat/ holiday duty fixed monitory allowance multiplication after implementation of 7 CPC.
7) Filling up vacant posts
in all cadre including GDS.
8) Speed up the process of
cadre restructuring in all circles specially in Maharashtra.
9) GDS pay committee
10) Absorption of surplus
GDS candidates who are declared successful in GDS to Postmen exam 2017 on
vacant posts of Postmen in Mumbai Region from Navi Mumbai region and other
regions of Maharashtra Circle.
Recognisation of Private Aster Aadhar Hospital, Kolhapur under CS (MA) rules.
For treatement of Cetral Government Employees.
12) Restirct
Outsourced Postal Agents Scheme for delivery of all kinds of articles in the
Department of Posts.
13) Request to
stop irregular memo of charges issued under rule 14 of CCS (CCA) rules 1965 to
Union Leaders showing revengeful
attitude of some officers by misusing powers.
FNPO delegation Sri D. Theagarajan, SG FNPO, Sri T.N.Rahate President FNPO, Sri
Sivaji Vasireddy, Vice President, Sri. B.Shivamumar, ASG and Sri P.U.
Muralidharan GS nugds met Honorable Minister for communications and IT, Sri
Manoj Sinha and requested him to take necessary steps for early implementation
of GDS pay committee report. He assured that, the issue will be discussed
with Honorable Prime Minister to get approval by the cabinet at the earliest.
We also discussed benchmark issue in MACP and one time absorption of PA to CO
in AP circle and minister responded positively.