The whole sale price index for the month of December has risen by 3.39% , which declined in past three months , this increase is due to manufacturing price increase (oil prices has increased), the food prices had in fact has come down in December 2016 .
Scenario I: If the CPI for the month of December 2016 is at 276
points(decrease on one point) , the expected DA from January 2017 is
likely at 2% (Total 4.97 % ).
Scenario II :Even if the CPI for the month of December 2016 is at 277
points, the expected DA from January 2017 is likely at 3% (Total 5% ).
Scenario III: If the CPI for the month of December 2016 is at 278
points, the expected DA from January 2017 is likely at 3% (Total 5.04 %