On 7-4-2018 23rd joint biennial Assam circle conference of NAPE c, NUPE
Piv and NUGDS were held at Ashirbad Bhavan, Silchar under the
Chairmanship of Sri P. K Roy. Sri TN Rahate, SG FNPO, Sri Sivaji
Vasireddy, GS NAPE C, CHQ, Sri N.N.Mujawar,Dy.G
S CHQ.P IV., Sri kowshik Chakroborthy, CS NUGDS, NE Circle and SSPos
, Cachar Din were attended as guests and addressed the conference. Sri
Prasanth Kumar Roy, Sri Abdul Lais Chowdary and Sri Kishore Acharya
were elected as NAPE c, Assam Circle President,
Circle Secretary and Treasurer respectively and unanimously. Sri
Sandip Purkayastha and Sri Bittu paul were elected as Piv and NUGDS
Circle Secretaries respectively. The FNPO conveys warm wishes to all
the newly elected circle office bearers of three unions.
The reception committee held Circle conference in a grand manner and
historic one. FNPO conveys congratulations
to the all the activists who worked hard for conference. Smt
Dulanchapa Das Paul elected as divisional secretary of NAPEc, Chachar
Din. She is
the first women DS in Assam circle history. Special wishes to her from
FNPO.Beautiful cultural