Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Controller General of Accounts
Public Financial Management System
GIFMIS Vertical
File No. 1-15036/1/2022-CGA-Part(1)/e-11151)/ 707
Date: 23/02/2024
Sub:- Processing of GeM bills in eBill scenario-reg.
is with reference to the extension and implementation of e-Bill Module
in Bill processing through GeM-PFMS integration for end to end
digitization of GeM bill processing, wherein the following changes are
incorporated in the existing GeM bills processing in PFMS.
All bills pushed from GeM portal will be available under “eSanction
Menu” instead of “Sanction Menu” at DDO user for further processing in
ebill module in PFMS by DDO/BillDistributor/DH/AAO/PAO users.
For viewing and verifying, the documents uploaded and generated in GeM
portal (including eclaim in RPR-49 & esanction) will be available
under the hyperlink “View Documents” and the documents generated at PFMS
portal (bill etc) will be available under the hyperlink “eDocument”.
In this regard, it is intimated that pilot run of GeM bill processing
in ebill scenario has been done 4 PAOs of Selected
Now, this functionality is being extended in 25 PAOs stationed at Delhi
w.e.f. 26.02.2024, where eBill has been implemented as per list annexed
at “A”.
4. A user guide for processing the GeM bills in eBill scenario in PEMS is enclosed.
All Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs with independent charge are, requested to closely
monitor the implementation of the processing of GeM bills in ebill
Encl: As Above.
(Anupam Raj)
Dy. Controller General of Accounts
1. Chief Controller of Accounts, Ministry of Heavy Industry, Room No.172, 1st Floor, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-110011